
Hello, my name is Erika, as you see im new here. I have been putting my food and exercise in for almost a week now, its been quite eye opening on things that i thought i was doing right by eating just arent that good for me! now just to figure out how to get a few more cal in and not as many carbs when you dislike meat, haha!
I was looking at some of the peoples blogs and i see people put goals how do you do that when i go under goals it just gives me how many cal, carbs, fat etc for daily. i want to be able to put my goal today is to be xx lbs by x-date and by x-date i would like to weigh x amount.
anyway, glad to be here and hope to continue on this long journey with everyone else here!
have a great Halloweeeeeeen!


  • thekook
    Not sure if you found this already but go to the top of the page and click home, then under that click goals. Hope this helps.
  • poodlepaws
    poodlepaws Posts: 269 Member
    Welcome to the BOTH of you!
    It's amazing at what this site can do for a person's eating habits and what we do BEFORE eating something (I check the calories to see if I REALLY want it).

    Good luck with your weight loss goals and with the support here, I'm sure you'll reach them:heart:
  • Damage483
    Hello and welcome to MFP! Best wishes to you on your journey and know alot of folks are on your side and pulling for you. Take care! :D
  • LuvnAG10
    Hey Erika! I'm sort of new too...started earlier this year, quit, and started again this week. :) Feel free to add me as a friend for extra support!
  • Anna1
    Anna1 Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome Erika,
    Just take it day by day and you will be surprised at the weight you will lose when you least exspect it..Good luck!
