I'm backkkkk!!! Friends needed!!

Hello, Hello, Hello!!!!

Stay at home mom of 1, small business owner (from my home with unlimted kitchen access) and obese woman needing friends!!

I've rejoined the site today so I can lose some much needed to be lost weight!
I've been here a million times before. I've been successful but I've always gained back the weight that I have lost due to my fast food addictions and lack of self control! But really, I'm in it for the long run. I really, really want it. i've wanted it all of the other times too, but this time I feel like this is the last chance I will get. I am 28 and have been experiencing chest pains, suffer from undiagnosed sleep apnea (smh) and my doctor says I have high cholesterol. I love to eat! I love food. I dine out or grab fast food sometimes for each meal of the day. I know it's not heatlhy but I'm here to change.

I will not delete this account!

Even if I have a bad day or a bad month, I will continue logging. I have promised myself that I need to take care of myself b/c no one will take care of me. I have a 4 yr old son who I need to be an example for so I'm in it to win it!

I'm welcoming any friends! Best of luck to everyone on their journey!!


  • Welcome back! :bigsmile:
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm on everyday. Not always social but if you ask I will answer. Just make sure you want the honest answer when you ask.
  • Feel free to add me. I'm on everyday. Not always social but if you ask I will answer. Just make sure you want the honest answer when you ask.

    thanks for the offer! I'll take it and I will keep that in mind!!
  • slimintraining
    slimintraining Posts: 80 Member
    Hello, I know what you mean about being a stay at home mum with 24/7 kitchen access! Feel free to add me.
  • BokBagok
    BokBagok Posts: 345
    I'm pretty new, but as long as you constantly log and check in, I got your back. I'm pretty supportive and love commenting to my friends. The more friends with similar goals to share the journey, the better. Message sent.
  • I'm pretty new, but as long as you constantly log and check in, I got your back. I'm pretty supportive and love commenting to my friends. The more friends with similar goals to share the journey, the better. Message sent.

    Aww thanks! agreed. Thanks for the support!
  • Hi!

    I keep deleting accounts on here too... :(

    I'm in it for the long haul this time as well. Hypertension at 20 is no fun.

    I'll be adding you. :)
  • I totally understand your frustration. I've been up and down since 2005. My husband is a firefighter - so he works out regularly for his job and the man is gorgeous. We just had our first baby and I've got 80-100 lbs to lose. I hate going somewhere with my husband, meeting new people, and wondering if they're wondering how I snagged someone so gorgeous (in addition to his awesome personality). I want to go somewhere and look like I match him! And feel comfortable wearing lingerie, etc. In short, I waited a long time to find Mr. Right and marry him and I want to enjoy it - not feel uncomfortable in my own skin. So, maybe we can encourage each other. I'll send you the friend request. Maybe let me know what one thing you want to work on this week and I'll encourage you?
  • I totally understand your frustration. I've been up and down since 2005. My husband is a firefighter - so he works out regularly for his job and the man is gorgeous. We just had our first baby and I've got 80-100 lbs to lose. I hate going somewhere with my husband, meeting new people, and wondering if they're wondering how I snagged someone so gorgeous (in addition to his awesome personality). I want to go somewhere and look like I match him! And feel comfortable wearing lingerie, etc. In short, I waited a long time to find Mr. Right and marry him and I want to enjoy it - not feel uncomfortable in my own skin. So, maybe we can encourage each other. I'll send you the friend request. Maybe let me know what one thing you want to work on this week and I'll encourage you?

    yes, please friend me! lets support each other. we have the same amount of weight to lose so it will be nice having you on my team! as well as everyone else! thank u for your replies, adds, and support!!
  • welcome back! i'm still pretty new here and would love some support and to help support others. i've got 70lbs to lose on my journey. feel free to add me!
  • welcome back! i'm still pretty new here and would love some support and to help support others. i've got 70lbs to lose on my journey. feel free to add me!

    hello and thanks! Request coming soon!
  • I totally understand what you are saying! I feel the same way when out with my hubby too! feel free to add me as a friend. I could use the support and the practice helping others (I am pretty shy about commenting on people's posts) I could loos 80-100 lbs too.
  • Welcome back!

    Not a shm, but I work from home... and so the kitchen is allllwaays there for me, too.

    One thing I've found to help is lots (and lots) of tea: green tea after breakfast when I'd like to keep eating but shouldn't, yerba mate and ginsing oolong tea when I want something substantial but don't need the calories, assorted noncaffeinated herbal teas throughout the day when I want something to keep my mouth busy.

    Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend!