Re-motivation for off & on MFP'ers?

Hi all,

I've been off and on MFP for a couple years. When I first started I was focused and lost 55 lbs. Unfortunately, I injured myself and I fell off the healthy wagon... hard. I've since gained 45 of those pounds back.

I keep trying to come back to this site but I find I lack the motivation I had the first time around. Has anyone else had this problem? I know this can work but I just don't seem to be able to get back into the groove. I'm just curious if anyone had any tricks they used to get back into weight loss.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I'm also looking for good friends to support. A lot of my friends from my first round don't seem to be around anymore.



  • Hi Rae, I am pretty much in the same boat I lost a shed of weight at the beginning of the year but fell in August and keep meaning to get back on the diet but keep finding excuses. I have now re started 30ds and am trying to track my food but with it being xmas soon and so many kids clubs and school stuff and work going on I keep finding excuses. I have sent you an invite so add me and we can give each other some motivation. Scarlett x:flowerforyou:
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Hey Rae,

    I have been on and off the site apparently for a couple years when I look at when I joined. I used it the first time around very effectively. After that it's been sporadic until now.

    This time around is different for me because I"m so sick of being unhappy wtih myself and not being the best version of me. And I gained 10 pounds in a short time frame (long after I stopped using this site though).

    Now that I'm back at it I read a TON of the message boards for motivation, support and I real a lot of success stories. It's nice to be a part of a community where other people have similar goals. I do rely on the website quite a bit now for different tips and motivation.

    Use the site the way it was intended. Pick what level being involved you want with the whole "community" and remember WHY you want to lose weight in the first place.

    We can't make you want to lose the weight but we can support you :)

    Try jsut counting calories for a few days - see where you are. But you won't get anywhere without knowign WHY you want to lose weight and being dedicated to that reason.

    You can add me if you want.
  • Rhozelyn
    Rhozelyn Posts: 201 Member
    I'm also a yo-yo dieter…more so in the last year. I have been at my heaviest in 10 yrs. I lost weight post Xmas then gained it all plus more in about 2-3 months! I have gotten back into tracking because I'm desperate to lose weight but still can't motivate myself to go to the gym as I used to. I can't begin to tell you how much I hate looking in the mirror. There's a whole lotta new me which I cannot believe! My mind accepts that weight is going to be a constant battle. I cannot afford to keep gaining weight as I am older and it's so hard to lose.

    My first goal was to eat normally….meaning not exceeding 2000 calories for a woman and to stop gaining! I actually started losing weigh just by eating normally. The first challenge is really to stop the cycle of overeating by taking control. Tell yourself that you will not deny yourself ANYTHING but that you will try and keep to a normal allowance to stop gaining weight .
    Forget about eating clean and just cut the calories to normal.

    Once you start tracking then you get back into the swing of it. My second goal was to eat the best food that I could afford. No cheap rubbish but just putting better food in your body….you end up eating fruit and vegetables and the better the quality the better they taste and the more likely you are to enjoy them.

    My current goal is to eat enough to allow a 1lb weight loss per week. I know I have plenty of calories to work with so it's not a huge struggle. If I go over I just need to keep it less than 2000 calories to avoid gaining too much weight! So that's me and where I am.

    I am still to start exercising….that's a whole big struggle on its own.

    Good luck
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Is your problem with using the site, or eating right and exercising in general?

    MFP is certainly not required for success, but good diet and exercise habits are. If you don't want to use MFP, don't. But ultimately your motivation to be successful has to come from within. Cheerleading only goes so far... at the end of the day you have to want to be healthy, strong, attractive, whatever more than you want to be lazy and gluttonous.
  • Rae123456
    Rae123456 Posts: 23 Member
    When I first started using this site I found a great group of people and a couple challenges that really kept me on track during the first few months. They kept me coming back to the site and since I was already on the site, I ended up recording things more often, better, etc. Lately I find myself recording a day or two and then I'll not be on for a week. I've tried not recording my food and just eating 'healthier' but I've found my 'healthier' isn't healthy enough! Lol

    The site has changed a lot since I first started and maybe that's my problem. I'm finding it hard to get the same level of community.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    When I first started using this site I found a great group of people and a couple challenges that really kept me on track during the first few months. They kept me coming back to the site and since I was already on the site, I ended up recording things more often, better, etc. Lately I find myself recording a day or two and then I'll not be on for a week. I've tried not recording my food and just eating 'healthier' but I've found my 'healthier' isn't healthy enough! Lol

    The site has changed a lot since I first started and maybe that's my problem. I'm finding it hard to get the same level of community.

    Yeah, the main forums are pretty hit or miss. Have you tried the groups? They are a little cumbersome to get into, but once you find a few good ones you're good to go.
  • Rae123456
    Rae123456 Posts: 23 Member
    I'll look into the groups a bit more, thanks!

    And thanks for your suggestions about getting back into things. I do understand that it is a personal thing but I was hoping that someone had an idea that I haven't tried yet and you guys did! :smile:
  • pillowcaseguy
    pillowcaseguy Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm an over the road truck driver last year was told I had to lose weight I joined a gym started eating right. I had a fridge in the truck and was on a dedicated run wasn't making enough money I had find different company. I don't have enough time and I eat out more now because of the time constants I gained back all the 34 lbs I lost plus having more health issues now
  • Tohealth828
    Tohealth828 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Rae Rae :) I am in the same boat. What has helped me *this week* is looking at pictures of when I had lost all the weight. I keep telling myself that I did it then and I can do it now! We can do it!
  • When I first started using this site I found a great group of people and a couple challenges that really kept me on track during the first few months. They kept me coming back to the site and since I was already on the site, I ended up recording things more often, better, etc. Lately I find myself recording a day or two and then I'll not be on for a week. I've tried not recording my food and just eating 'healthier' but I've found my 'healthier' isn't healthy enough! Lol

    The site has changed a lot since I first started and maybe that's my problem. I'm finding it hard to get the same level of community.

    Same here! I used to have a group I stayed motivated with but they all slowly quit MFP while I was pregnant. Now I'm back and starting fresh
  • Rae123456
    Rae123456 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Rae Rae :) I am in the same boat. What has helped me *this week* is looking at pictures of when I had lost all the weight. I keep telling myself that I did it then and I can do it now! We can do it!

    Good idea! I should take a look at mine. I know I saw such a big change back then that maybe it'll help me get motivated to get back there (and beyond).