How do you stay motivated?

Hiya, I'm a 17 year old girl and I'm seriously trying to lose weight and be fit. Every time I try to lose weight I can never stay motivated. So I was wondering what keeps you motivated?!

Ps, I'd like to make some friends on here to help keep me motivated. I'm new to this, so add me please :) thanks!


  • samanthaecarroll
    Hi i am 19 and i am in the same boat, I have tried so many diets and can't seem to stick to them. I am trying to have my second baby, and i want to be healthy. I am scared if i get pregnant again i will reach over 300 lbs. And i don't want that. This is my new motivation. Also i was told if i didn't lose weight i would end up getting diabetes in a few years.
  • Jacson53
    Jacson53 Posts: 62 Member
    Hehe, I am a 60 old man who never paid much attention weight, diet, exercise until I retired this year.

    My motivation is strictly internal based on the actions of another person. I resolved that action would not happen again. So whenever my motivation flags I say to myself, "I may have been fat, but I will become healthy and fit, but she will always be a #+}€¥".

    I look to the world around me ( including other people) for inspiration. This place, MFP, is full of inspiring people. :)

    Glad you found your way here.
    Enjoy the journey to your goals.
  • raccchelle
    Hi i am 19 and i am in the same boat, I have tried so many diets and can't seem to stick to them. I am trying to have my second baby, and i want to be healthy. I am scared if i get pregnant again i will reach over 300 lbs. And i don't want that. This is my new motivation. Also i was told if i didn't lose weight i would end up getting diabetes in a few years.

    Hi there! I find its pretty motivational to look at before and after pictures. And I like to imagine my self happy and at my goal weight. I think it helps. Ps thanks for adding me. I hope we can motivate each other!
  • raccchelle
    Hehe, I am a 60 old man who never paid much attention weight, diet, exercise until I retired this year.

    My motivation is strictly internal based on the actions of another person. I resolved that action would not happen again. So whenever my motivation flags I say to myself, "I may have been fat, but I will become healthy and fit, but she will always be a #+}€¥".

    I look to the world around me ( including other people) for inspiration. This place, MFP, is full of inspiring people. :)

    Glad you found your way here.
    Enjoy the journey to your goals.

    I love that quote you tell yourself haha! I'm hoping this website can inspire me because it seems like there are a lot of inspirational people here! And also, congrats on all of your weight loss!
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I took a before picture back at the end of June. I update weekly a side by side comparison of how far I've come. I remember that the promise I made to myself is reflected in the mirror, every time I pass it. I will be who I want to be and no one else. It took me 6 years to see that the only person holding me back was me. I've fallen in love with weight lifting, too. I look forward to progression and that feeling of strength. I've always idolized women who can stand on their own and I finally have an outlet to be who I've dreamt of. When the road seems too long remember it will always be if you don't make thay first step.
  • turtleball
    turtleball Posts: 217 Member

    I looked at this page to help me see how I would be. and I put before & after as my background.
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    My motivation is currently fueled by participating in games on Dietbet. I've won two games so far and I'm in two more that will end around Thanksgiving and then Dec. 2nd. In addition, I also joined one that starts on Dec. 10th and lasts 6 months.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I try to stand aside from my feelings and do things whether I feel like it or not -- sometimes I enjoy exercise and sometimes I don't, but I do it anyway -- and once I'm doing it the enjoyment comes back. I walk a lot and have lost most of my weight with that exercise (although I'm adding other things now). The thing about walking instead of using the car is once I walk somewhere I'm stuck and have to walk back (not like a treadmill where you can just get off). The same thing works with running and riding a bike.

    New stuff! I bought a great pair of sneakers (Nike Freerun 3) that made me want to exercise. I also bought a beautiful water bottle that I carry around, plus a pair of "motivation jeans" in a smaller size that I left out where I could see them and eventually could wear (and now they're too big). Have fun, go to a thrift store, and find jeans for $5 or less.

    Videos can motivate you -- there are a million on youtube. Write out some motivational words and tape them to your mirror.

    Join challenges here on MFP (use the search feature). Sign up for a 5K walk/run in your town and then you'll have to train for it.
  • CharChary
    CharChary Posts: 220 Member
    Progress photos have helped me. I have a picture on my phone of my before picture RIGHT next to one of me currently. I look at it often and it keeps me going. Just keep in mind why you decided to lose weight to begin with.

    I also have a rule where I workout for 6 days a week NO EXCUSES. It keeps me going. Also, I keep in mind how wonderful I feel at the end of the day when I have worked out/ate healthy.

    keep going. It's the best decision you can make again and again.
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    My inspiration was my children ...after my last child I weighed in at 254 pounds ...sitting around feeding babies , cuddling babies and resting from babies lol....they are now 5,3,2 , and I saw myself unmotivated to play with my babies , and that is just stealing their childhood I started ( NOT A DIET ) ...I counted calories , figured out my numbers ...working out and losing weight in a healthy way ...key is to do this right not deprive yourself of anything ! And not be ridiculous ! Eat what your body needs is fuel not comfort , but allow yourself to enjoy life's tasty foods form time to time ! My motivation will always be for my children and. Find it easier as I become more fit especially when. Ask them to come play outdoors TWICE A DAY instead of the we will see answer I USED to give out ! The ENEGRY I have now tells me I'm going in the right direction ! Find your motivator ...what makes you happy maybe something you weren't good at work toward that and once you see you can do a little better than you can motivate yourself to push more ;)
  • OneStepLighter
    OneStepLighter Posts: 78 Member
    My motivation is the progress I've made since being on here. :) Everyday, I see changes in my body that I used to have when I was in middle school which was a couple of years ago. I used to be around 150 in the beginning of 6th grade and then around 180 when I was in 8th grade. Still average to me but most definitely overweight *Because of my height, I'm 5ft*. Now, I'm in my 20's, still 5ft and was almost nearing 250LBS. I decided I needed to make a change because I'm still young and when the time ever comes to find a guy and have kids, I want to be a weight where I feel comfortable in but NEVER wanting to be near 200 again. I'm now out of the 200's but not away from it where I want to be but everyday, I push myself to work harder and I do what I can do get away from it! Besides, it's great being active since I used to lounge around most of my days and having that extra energy is a boost! I'm still working out an hour a day and eating enough to where I feel great! I'm about to get back, headed for college and do what I have do but at the same time, keep myself and body occupied to get down to my goal *180 is my first goal and 140 is my next!* I've never felt so accomplished of how much I've changed since then so that's what helps me keep going! You're more than welcome to add me, my diary is always available and it's great to have support of others around you! GOOD LUCK TO YOU! :)
  • ellojenn
    ellojenn Posts: 14 Member
    Mine is honestly a constant battle to eat the right foods and maintain exercising. I'm not one to be set & go. I struggle all the time.
  • hannahpistolas
    hannahpistolas Posts: 290 Member
    My wardrobe. And I promise to give myself new things as I lose more weight.

    I'm a clothes-minded person. I love clothing. I love new outfits. A new outfit really does make me feel like a new woman.

    I purposefully keep things in my closet that are a little too small for me-- I.E., I'm currently a size 9 in junior's jeans, but I bought a pair of size 8 shorts and I try them on every now and then to see how close I am to wearing them.