Confusion! Cholesterol went up?

I'm sure someone on here can tell me what's going on, or at least feel my pain!

I went to a new Doctor yesterday for a general physical to establish myself as a patient. They did routine blood work, and I was excited bc I have lost almost 50 pounds in the last year.

My bloodwork was last done in 2010 and it was all in the normal range, I weighed almost 50lbs more.
NOW my cholesterol is borderline high, and so is my sugar! How is that even possible? How can I have worked this hard dieting, cardio, weight traiing and my body is less healthy than before?

I don't have a sweet tooth, but I do eat greek light and fit yogurt every single day, sometimes twice. I also drink skim milk (a few times per week) and I eat a lot of fruit. Maybe I need to look at my fruit & dairy intake? Now what?



  • Diet_Soda
    Diet_Soda Posts: 124 Member
    Sometimes cholesterol levels are genetic. What is your breakdown on HDL, LDL and triglycerides? I have phenomenal HDL and triglycerides, but my LDL is crap, leaving me with a total of 231. I will never be able to change this with diet and exercise. However, since my HDL and triglycerides are so good, there is no worry about my total number.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    A lot of that stuff is in the and exercise can help, but for many, it's just genetic. I've been fortunate to get my cholesterol and blood sugar under control with proper diet and exercise...but my blood pressure still requires meds and always will due to my genetics.
  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154
    Ditto on the genetics. I had high cholesterol and when I started walking and eating right, it came down. However, my good cholesterol dropped 2 points....this while walking 5 miles a day, 6 days a week. The Doc just said some things are just hereditary.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    What went up HDL I bet? I find there's a broad range of opinion on cholesterol from Dr's......
  • mommm65
    mommm65 Posts: 15 Member
    Ya know, I was in such shock I didn't ask about the break-down. Genetically I am gifted in the cholesterol and blood pressure dept. My blood pressure this visit was 96/72. That's part of why I was perplexed, no family history. My husband is a huge sweet eater, along with chips, and bad family history. If he'd gotten this report we would not be surprised! haha! But of course he is a skinny minny and eats trash.

    I have no idea! I give up!:laugh:
    Did you have a FASTING blood test ? For those who do not understand what FASTING is , at least 8 - 12hrs of nothing to eat or drink after dinner EXCEPT for plain water. No black tea or coffee and also some doctors DO NOT instruct their patients very well.
    If were you , I would ask doctor to have the test repeated because then you will be placed on medications for something you don't have. Give it a try.:heart:
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Instead of panicking and jumping to conclusions do more research on cholesterol and the types of tests to ask for. High total cholesterol is NOT an indicator of poor health, and even HDL and LDL do not give a complete picture. There are many different types of cholesterol, not just 2, and triglycerides are even more important. High triglycerides, which often do coincide with risk factors, are thought to be caused by high carb diets, not natural saturated fats. I'm about to read The Cholesterol Myth (written by real doctors that know the subject matter) and while i don't agree fully with their dietary recommendations, it's still an improvement on what most of us have been made to believe is a "healthy" diet.

    Seriously, do more research. Really give a shot at understanding cholesterol, read numerous publications, not just one. Ask for the tests that are far more specific. Sometimes high cholesterol is actually a sign of excellent health. The cholesterol myths abound and they are hard to kill.