:brokenheart: Bingeing has completely taken over my life. In just the past 3 months, I've gained 15 pounds and none of my clothes fit anymore. I've lost much of my self confidence an I basically only wear sweatshirts now. I feel fat around all my friends and hate going to parties because I know I'll eat the most. I am a cross country runner, and I used to be really great(that was when I ate too little). Now it's the opposite: I binge every weekend and am running slowly. I'm starting to feel depressed about my weight and am so mad at myself for all the weight I've gained. In all honesty I prefer to eat healthy, and I hate the food I binge on. But for some reason I just can't stop eating anything that is bad for me once I start eating it. Even having one cookie will spark a huge sugar binge. I eat really healthy all week and by the weekend I crack. My typical binge is probably about 3000 calories. It consists of lots of things: cake, cookies, ice cream, cookie dough, cereal, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, candy, little Debbie pastries, donuts, pancakes, French toast sticks, syrup, chocolate, granola bars, peanut butter, pie, poptarts, etc. usually if I binge on Saturday I'll end up bingeing on Sunday too. All of this is done in secret. I often wait until everyone in my family has gone to bed and then sneak downstairs. I'll also eat when I'm home alone or drive to the store to buy a candy bar. There's even been times when I've been at a sleepover at a friends house and i sneak upstairs to steal food from their pantry. It's so ridiculous and I want it to stop. I just can't stop thinking about food. Please please please does anyone have any advice or can anybody relate? I'm really desperate.


  • FitBlackChick
    FitBlackChick Posts: 215 Member
    I can relate... I've been struggling too lately as well. It started several weeks ago when I started restricting my calories to 1200 and not letting myself have any of the things I like. Its backfired and now I feel hungry all the time and I've been binging on junk I never even used to eat. What I'm trying to do is slowly get back on track. Like this week, I went over by a lot. So next week, I'll try and go over by less, and the week after I'll improve again until I have it back under control. It'll all be okay! My advice is just take it a day at a time :smile:

    I forgot to add, maybe something has happened that has triggered this. If so, you may need to take time to address the issue. I hope you're okay <3
  • pittbullgirl
    pittbullgirl Posts: 341 Member
    OP, I know its hard to hear but it sounds like you need real help. You need to figure out if your insurance carries Mental Help and talk to a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. Your sudden desire for food is an underlying issue- your using food to mask something else.

    Please get help. Good luck and know you are NOT alone.
  • It's all will power!
    If you have a higher motivation to get in shape than your desire to satisfy your cravings then you can succeed!
    Remember you control your body!
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    Go see a counselor, OP. Talk to you doctor too. You are definitely off balance and need help to get on track. It may not be possible without help. good luck!
  • I have struggled with binge eating as well. I would binge anytime I was stressed or depressed. Food gave me comfort. It made me feel so much better but that feeling never lasted. I always felt disgusting afterwards. I had to completely change my relationship with food. I started making little changes in my life that helped me. I would suggest seeing a therapist or finding someone to talk to . Talking helped me tremendously. When thoughts of food enter my mind, I simply find something to occupy my thoughts. Go for a drive, go for a walk, listen to some music and start dancing. I do anything to get my mind off of eating. It's a comstant battle but it is something that you can overcome. Don't give up hope sweetie! I'm praying for you and wishing you the best of luck :-)
  • SnackHips
    SnackHips Posts: 90 Member
    I know exactly how you feel!
  • SnackHips
    SnackHips Posts: 90 Member
    It's all will power!
    If you have a higher motivation to get in shape than your desire to satisfy your cravings then you can succeed!
    Remember you control your body!

    I find it interesting that people don't typically say this when someone has a severe alcohol or heroine addiction. I think that these food problems really can compare to drug problems and should be addressed that way in some cases. There is a lot of psychological and physiological factors going on. The suggestion that some people are just "weak willed" is debatable.
  • knp972
    knp972 Posts: 20
    Thanks for the support everyone. I really want to tell someone but I just don't know how. I'm really embarrassed by this. Does anyone have any tips for opening up?
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I was the same way & one day, I was just tired of seeing that person in the mirror & started walking & eating a little less, then started jogging a little & got motivated to eat a little better & so forth. Now I do HIIT, Tabata, Yoga, & somewhat watch what I eat. It's a great feeling, much better than any feeling I've gotten from food. I have a great set of friends on here to motivated & support me. I suggest finding group(s) on here with similar situations & goals, For instance, I'm in a SAHM group, a Mom on a Mission group, 2013 Christmas Countdown group, etc etc. Having people with similar goals as you helps you stay on track. Good luck!

    BTW I am a Community Counseling major & no professional will judge you. Problems with food is VERY common & mental health professionals see this A LOT, so you are not the only one. Also, a nutritionist could be of some help if your insurance covers one. Talk to your PCP & see what your insurance will cover. You can do this!
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    It's all will power!
    If you have a higher motivation to get in shape than your desire to satisfy your cravings then you can succeed!
    Remember you control your body!

    I find it interesting that people don't typically say this when someone has a severe alcohol or heroine addiction. I think that these food problems really can compare to drug problems and should be addressed that way in some cases. There is a lot of psychological and physiological factors going on. The suggestion that some people are just "weak willed" is debatable.


    OP, I get how you feel. I used to be so consumed by binging that when I stayed at a friend's place I waited for her to go to bed then went downstairs to look for processed junk food in her kitchen to binge, knowing that it's a terrible thing to do but just couldn't stop myself. I don't have answers for you but I do hope you will get out of this soon.
  • Sharon5913
    Sharon5913 Posts: 134 Member
    I have had this issue for some time. I was sooo good last year, I managed to lose 28#, and then the bingeing took over. I have gained almost half of it back, which really pees me off. It is not about the willpower, I am seeing a counselor for this and I'm working on it. It is a constant struggle right now, and I do work out, but that only goes so far. If it was as easy as having willpower then we would all be thin.

    Take care,
