new to the forum

Hi im Kate,

Last year I lost 18lbs and got to my goal weight, now I have ballooned unto the heaviest I have ever been at
150lbs my goal weight is 125lbs, I keep losing motivation and at the moment have no idea how
to go about getting out of the rut I've got myself in :(

Any help would be appreciated! I look forward to joining you all with your weightless!



  • wimpywrx
    wimpywrx Posts: 103 Member
    Well the first step is complete so onwards and upwards.
  • jnt182
    Don't worry you're not alone ... i've been in the same situation for quite some time and just could not find the motivation...lately all my clothes were feeling very tight and now that we need to change back to winter clothes I just felt horrified that as soon as I try on one of those winter pants they will just not I knew I had to do something ... i've been trying to stick to a plan for around 3 weeks now...first two weeks it was quite a challenge, however now that I came across MFP a week ago, it's giving me self motivation and I even started walking 45 mins 5 days a week! Every item I eat i'm logging it in and that gives me a good picture where I am everyday.... I feel determined this time round ... I'll be happy if I just loose 0.5kg per week (I need to loose at least 20kg)...cause I know that if i loose it slowly it will be more effective in the long run! So I keep my fingers crossed that I'll keep it up!
    Good luck and don't give up .... remember there are a lot of us like you...I'm certainly one of them! :)
  • bama1momma
    bama1momma Posts: 21 Member
    I'd kill to be 150lbs lol I got to my smallest weight about 18 months ago and then got pregnant and reached my heaviest lol I'll send you a friend request. We can do this! :)