December 1st start date - who's with me?

Hi all!

I am looking to get back in the swing of things with a healthier lifestyle. Of course, I'm wanting to wait until after Thanksgiving, and my upcoming trip to New York with my mom! Lord knows I won't be counting calories when I visit the Big Apple! Looking at a start date of December 1st. I'd love to find some online support from other people like me who just want to get fit and healthy! I'm 26 and from Iowa - I'd love to chat and help support your journey as well!


  • athenadelta
    Hey :)

    add me
    First of all congrats for having the motivation to make a positive change! :) I'm 17 and trying to lose 2 kgs in 14 days before a holiday (where im destined to gain weight :( )

    So i recommend having a head start on days other than thanksgiving and your trip to NY! just sensible, healthy diet and exercise will do the trick. You might even want to have a 1 day detox on your plane trip. I don't know about you but when i'm on a plane my stomach just bloats up and I feel not hungry at all. (maybe because I have to sit there the whole day)

    Anyway.. good luck! :) I'm with you! I want to lose 2 kgs and continue throughout the summer

    Add me! :)
  • Jason3589

    I am in the final week of Shortcut to Size and about to start on Jamie Easons Livefit programme in December. Loss of weight isn't the issue its about changing the readings on the tape measure!!

    Feel free to add me
  • Jaxamour
    I've sent you a friend request.

    I started my plan this week and have had a couple of intro sessions at the gym - my real work outs start on 2 Dec.

    Good luck
  • njungers
    njungers Posts: 34 Member
    Ok, I'm new to this. When you say you sent me a request, where do I find that at? I've looked all over this site and don't see anything about a friend request pending. Thx!!
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Ok, I'm new to this. When you say you sent me a request, where do I find that at? I've looked all over this site and don't see anything about a friend request pending. Thx!!

    Look in the top, where it says "hi, (your name)". It's next to the big myfitnesspal logo. Next to that you'll see an envelope and a shadow of a head. Next to the head shadow will be a number in red, those are your friend requests. Just click the link and respond.
  • Bride2B1103
    Bride2B1103 Posts: 37 Member
    Feel free to add me! Looking for encouraging friends as I have finally gotten serious and am very supportive and active on here! :)
  • numejak
    numejak Posts: 43 Member
    I have learned to never have a "start date" for changing your lifestyle, diet, exercise, health, etc. This is why the whole "New Year's Resolution" concept, although a great idea with noble intentions, most always fails. Things with "start dates" psychologically imbed themselves into your mind with that "start date" encoded permanently to them. Your brain only understands the finite. So it subconsciously believes that anything with a definite and planned "start date" must have an equally definite "end date." Therefore at the subconscious level you are always trying to quit this new habit to bring closure to it. You feel like you are failing if you aren't finishing it. When you decide to do something START NOW and act as if you have always done it that way. No beginning = no end.
  • Emilie04444
    Emilie04444 Posts: 151 Member
    I have learned to never have a "start date" for changing your lifestyle, diet, exercise, health, etc. This is why the whole "New Year's Resolution" concept, although a great idea with noble intentions, most always fails. Things with "start dates" psychologically imbed themselves into your mind with that "start date" encoded permanently to them. Your brain only understands the finite. So it subconsciously believes that anything with a definite and planned "start date" must have an equally definite "end date." Therefore at the subconscious level you are always trying to quit this new habit to bring closure to it. You feel like you are failing if you aren't finishing it. When you decide to do something START NOW and act as if you have always done it that way. No beginning = no end.

    Hmm I was thinking the same thing. There is no end date for a healthy lifestyle. I would just start now and take Tgiving off and just be healthy on your trip. Start dates just puts pressure when in reality, life, holidays, events will always happen so it's best to get used to it now. I hope I don't sound negative, but I have started over too many times in my life, where now I tell ppl to start in mid bite if you have the motivation to change. Don't wait
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Start today.

    I started today, just like every day leading up to today. There's no reason why thanksgiving and traveling should hold you back!
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    Welcome to MFP! It is so fantastic that you've made the commitment to get healthier!

    Be sure to view this as a lifestyle change, and not a temporary diet. Even when you hit your goal, you'll want to keep eating well and moving! Setting a start date to start living more consciously can be fine, but try not to also give yourself an end date. Make changes you can live with, so that you never have to say "alright, I'm done getting healthy!"

    Have fun!
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I have learned to never have a "start date" for changing your lifestyle, diet, exercise, health, etc. This is why the whole "New Year's Resolution" concept, although a great idea with noble intentions, most always fails. Things with "start dates" psychologically imbed themselves into your mind with that "start date" encoded permanently to them. Your brain only understands the finite. So it subconsciously believes that anything with a definite and planned "start date" must have an equally definite "end date." Therefore at the subconscious level you are always trying to quit this new habit to bring closure to it. You feel like you are failing if you aren't finishing it. When you decide to do something START NOW and act as if you have always done it that way. No beginning = no end.

    Hmm I was thinking the same thing. There is no end date for a healthy lifestyle. I would just start now and take Tgiving off and just be healthy on your trip. Start dates just puts pressure when in reality, life, holidays, events will always happen so it's best to get used to it now. I hope I don't sound negative, but I have started over too many times in my life, where now I tell ppl to start in mid bite if you have the motivation to change. Don't wait

    I agree with these. I also think that you have to remember that there will always be an upcoming holiday, trip, special event that you'll have to fit into your life and figure out how to be healthy through it. Might as well start now.
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Hey! I've just got back into the swing of things myself -- I've been an MFP'er for years but have fallen off the wagon and am trying to get back on!

    I would start today, if I were you! Even if it's just a matter of logging calories are trying to get your water in. That way you are jumping in head first December 1. You can still make healthy decisions while going on through Holidays!

    I will send you a friend request as well. If you look up on the top of the page, to the right of your username where it says "Hi, _______" you will see an envelope for any messages, and then a little gray person -- those are where your friend requests are.
  • njungers
    njungers Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks, everyone, for the tips and feedback! I definitely don't have an "end date" in mind; know this is a lifestyle change. The start date is just something I guess that fits into my lifestyle right now as far as eating, drinking, and working out goes. I'll be taking what you all said to heart and try to start making small changes now. I am looking forward to really hitting it hard following the trip. Good point by saying that I can't always dodge holidays and trips. Guess we'll see how this week goes and am excited to get started.

    On a side note - anyone have any good at home workout ideas/tips? I don't have a gym anywhere near me, so majority of my working out is at home. I like the Insanity program (did really well on it a few years ago), but was wondering if there's anything else you guys like. Thanks!
  • nellajane24
    nellajane24 Posts: 108 Member
    YouTube has a lot of great videos you can do. I personally get tired of doing the same old DVD. And I hate jogging outside if it's cold out. Most of Jillian Michaels Workouts are on there, she's got some pretty tough, but worth it, workouts. Also, one of my favorite DVDs when I use them are the Leslie Sansone walk at home DVDs. I have the 4 mile walk, am thinking of getting the 5 mile. I like these because you get a great burn, yet you aren't killing your joints like you do with Insanity. Really, it doesn't matter WHAT workout you do, just as long as you MOVE and you like it.

    And starting today is the best thing you can do. Taking a day off here and there won't kill you. Here we go! :) you got this!
  • Seabrook22
    Seabrook22 Posts: 11 Member
    Today is the first day of my new way of life which includes exercising regularly and eating healthy. I have survived breast cancer and endometrial cancer so this is non-negotiable. Looking for anyone else who is just getting started so we can support one another. Weight loss and regular exercise have been a life long struggle for me. I know I can do it! Thanks.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I have learned to never have a "start date" for changing your lifestyle, diet, exercise, health, etc. This is why the whole "New Year's Resolution" concept, although a great idea with noble intentions, most always fails. Things with "start dates" psychologically imbed themselves into your mind with that "start date" encoded permanently to them. Your brain only understands the finite. So it subconsciously believes that anything with a definite and planned "start date" must have an equally definite "end date." Therefore at the subconscious level you are always trying to quit this new habit to bring closure to it. You feel like you are failing if you aren't finishing it. When you decide to do something START NOW and act as if you have always done it that way. No beginning = no end.

    agree with this. there's always going to be something that can potentially get you off-track. someone recently asked me about this because at the end of the year i'll be eating and drinking my way through New Orleans. She was asking if I planned to just fall off the wagon and say eff it while I'm there. I was like no, I'm still going into my vacation with the same mentality. i'll be active by doing a lot of walking and continue to make smart eating choices. for instance if i go crazy at lunch then i'll have a more moderate dinner.
  • njungers
    njungers Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for the recommendations!!!
  • njungers
    njungers Posts: 34 Member
    Woot!!! December 1st is here and I'm ready for a new outlook on life and being healthier! NYC was amazing and it was great to get in all the walking while site seeing. Ready to kick off my daily workouts and bought groceries tonight, so thinking I'm ready to roll. Started with better food choices today and will kick it in gear tomorrow! Who else is pumped about their new journey?!
  • Nimblewhite
    Congrats on getting started! I need to lose 60lbs in time for my college reunion - or else my friends won't recognize me:) good luck

    Sending you a friend request.
  • hlp15
    hlp15 Posts: 3
    Im on board!

    I'm 49 and approaching menopause. I refuse to get the "middle age spread"!! I have never had issues with weight but now
    I can see some changes.

    I just want to stay healthy and active!