New to the boards. Need motivation

Hi! Earlier this year I started tracking my diet and working out and lost about 25 lbs. after that I lost all motivation but managed to maintain the weight loss. Within the last 2 months I've started to get back on track but it has not been easy. I started at 263lbs and now am at about 236 lbs. I'd like to lose around 40-50 more pounds.

My main problem is food/eating and what to eat as far as meals. Feel free to add me as a friend! Could always use food/meal advice as well as just plain motivation!


  • SamanthaD1218
    SamanthaD1218 Posts: 304 Member
    Friend request sent!
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    I have the same problem. What to eat / make??? IT's a lot of effort to figure out! I have gone online and found recipes that are healthy and 5 ingredients or less. Try that. Just get some basics and then you can build on them. That's what I'm doing. I found a great recipe for chicken parmesan, but then I modified it for just basic baked chicken without the sauce and cheese, so it's two recipes in one.

    Friend request sent!
  • Dayala06
    Dayala06 Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you both. I feel like by the time it gets to Thursday or Friday I'm burned out of "dieting" and I just want the fattiest foods. That seems to be where my problem lies.
  • alhumphreys
    alhumphreys Posts: 53 Member
    I am also new to this. Just over 2 weeks of my exercise/clean eating. It will get easier with time trust me !! My husband and I do a "cheat night" every Friday after a hard day of work. We have whatever we want for supper, but it stops at that. I know that there are a lot of opinions on cheat nights, but I figure it is something to look forward to. I also find it a good way to stay on track. Once you do a full week of healthy eating - eating something not so great feels terrible !! You can do it !!!!!! And you will do great !!! Good luck to you !!
  • stacygerwin
    Hi my name is Stacy Gerwin. I am new to this. I have been trying to lose weight and I have lost almost 20 pounds since June. I have been doing some shakes and some exercising but I want to lose more weight and be more motivated. Before I lost almost 20lbs I weighed 192 pounds and now I weigh 177. I work a lot and go to school online. I hope to get good advice from whoever. Thanks
  • biddie1
    biddie1 Posts: 125 Member
    I need motivation! Please post fast and easy, low calories, low carb foods that are filling and satisfying!
  • pusheen12
    pusheen12 Posts: 192 Member
    I'm down 30 lbs. I like to think of it as a way of life, a way to good health and longevity. Looking better is not my only goal. The calorie counter and goals on MFP are super motivating to me. I'm also exercising and after working out for an hour or so to only burn app. 300 calories. I certainly don't want to have a few cookies and waste all that effort! What is motivating me the most is my success. I feel like I'm giving myself a gift and love, love, love looking better and finding my pants are all too big...repeatedly! Once I got used to eating less and differently it has actually become easy. I eat regularly and make sure to plan for what I'll have so I'm not starving or tempted to eat junk food. I think the beginning is the hardest. If you really want this you can do it. It's really just common sense. If you eat more than you burn you store fat. Eat less and you burn fat. I feel a little hungry now and then but have also learned it doesn't take much to curb that, an apple, a banana, half a Cliff bar etc. I have made losing weight a priority in my life. 30 lbs. ago I was sluggish, my feet hurt and I was experiencing a weird tingling sensation in my feet that was slightly uncomfortable. I had less energy and hated how I looked. Now I feel pretty good, all those symptoms are gone and I attribute this to weight loss. It takes time but is so worth it. I'm in it to win it, only I can do it for myself and I will. Its all mind over matter. I am so excited to reach my ultimate goal. I'm not even worried anymore that I can't, I can and so can you!!
  • Oricalcos1
    At the beginning of this year I was over 250 lbs...HORRIBLE! Now I'm under 220 :)) The first thing I did was get into a routine at the gym. I got to the point where I had to go everyday or else I'd feel like crap! But that was really frustrating! I would go everyday and cut back on my eating and still my gut wouldn't go away :( There was no fast food, alcohol, sweets, ect. I cooked everything and still no noticeable fat loss, but I put on a lot of muscle so my weight stayed between 225-230 for the longest time. So I looked at my diet in more depth. I did some research and found that in order for me to shed some fat but not lose muscle I need to have my calories come for 50% protein, 30% carbs, and 20% fat. It's pretty deep but it works. I started using this site to track my calories about to 2 weeks ago. I lost 5 lbs the first week and tomorrow is my second weight in.... I've already lost another five pounds... I also taped myself and lost 1.5 inches around my gut and 1 inch around my waist. My suggestion to those who are having trouble is really consider your diets. I love eating eggs and spinach. You can make a pretty bad *kitten* omelette that can keep you full for hours with just four eggs and 2 cups of spinach and what ever seasonings you like!