Quick Breakfast Ideas?

MelissaDawn1988 Posts: 7
edited September 22 in Recipes
It seems like I never give myself enough time to eat a good breakfast. I normally grab a pop tart or something as I'm running out the door. Does anyone have any quick breakfast ideas?


  • Dream protein shakes, it keeps me full til about 2pm
  • 1.How about canned Slim Fast, the chocolate is really good. 2. Take one slice of diet bread put in the toaster and put your favorite slice of cheese on top fold it in half and go out the door. 3. Low fat waffles, two of them are less than 200 calories. I love them hot the blue berry ones do not even need syrup. It is like eating hot cookies.
  • Laine
    Laine Posts: 82 Member
    On days when I'm short on time I nuke an egg in a ramekin (approx 30-40 sec), and toast a sandwich thin with 2 pieces of canadian bacon (one on each slice) and then put 1/2 slice of cheese in the middle. It keeps me full and doesn't taste horrible! approx 200 cals (depends on the type of canadian bacon)
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    -Make oatmeal ahead of time and keep a single serving size in a Tupperware container in the fridge. Zap it in the mircowave and it's ready to go! I like McCann's Irish Oatmeal.
    -Slice up a hard-boiled egg and eat it on a piece of whole wheat toast with salsa or smart balance.
    -Lately I've been eating a lot of Shredded Wheat with blueberries and raspberries. I'm on a "eat like my Grandpa" kick. The man knew from healthy!
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    maybe some yogurt and fruit, with a little granola on top.
    or even make something like a breakfast sandwich at night, and just heat it up in the morning.
  • I generally blend a smoothie with frozen berries, yoghurt and milk the night before and pop it in fridge until I leave for work in the morning.

    If you want to bulk it up I normally add 1-2 tbsp of oatbran in the morning, not the night before as it would it would just soak up all the moisture and turn to gloop!
  • I have been getting up early enough to have instant oatmeal or multigrain cheerios in the morning.

    I like the idea above where they suggest making something the night before that you can zap in the microwave in the morning.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member

    Regular oatmeal takes, literally, one minute in the microwave.
  • rstring
    rstring Posts: 35
    Cooked oatmeal (ahead of time or microwave), yogurt, fruit, Qivana Metaboliq shake (chocolate, vanilla ~ strawberry or pumpkin spice add-in to vanilla), Qivana protein stick, the possibilities are endless if you make it ahead of time. :)
  • I keep bags of cheerios (or whatever my cereal kick of the moment is) in my desk drawer as well as compostable paper bowls and utensils (so i don't feel so bad about not using reusable stuff) Then I only have to pour the milk i want in a thermos and grab a banana and run out the door. I do have a scale on my desk so i can weigh it out, but i have had it so often i can eyeball it within a gram or two.
  • adamtall
    adamtall Posts: 275 Member
    Ive had the same problem most of my life to busy doing other stuff to worry about breakfast, but what Ive been grabbing is one of those yoplait light yogurts with some almond slices mixed it.
  • Don't know if you have a desk job or anything like that, but I keep a box of instant oatmeal in my desk so i've got a back-up plan for the days I don't have time to do make something at home. I also keep a bag of almonds in there too. Grab a couple handfuls of almonds and you get a decent dose of "good" fat, carlories, carbs, fiber and protein to start off the day. I also keep a couple of the Dannon Fat Free Yogurt in my fridge at home (same kind that you get at Subway). If I want something different I just grab one of those on my way out the door and eat it at work. I also have a container of ground up flax seed in my desk to put in the yogurt.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    I keep several Tupperware containers with oats & a generous scoop of frozen mixed berries in my freezer. If I'm short on time in the morning (which is always - I have a 14 month old, hah) I just have to add the appropriate amount of water and pop it in the microwave.
  • Whats a dream protein shake?? May be a stupid question- sorry!
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I keep several Tupperware containers with oats & a generous scoop of frozen mixed berries in my freezer. If I'm short on time in the morning (which is always - I have a 14 month old, hah) I just have to add the appropriate amount of water and pop it in the microwave.

    That sounds like a great idea! What kind of oatmeal do you use?
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    I saw a recipe not too long ago for a wheat berry hot cereal for breakfast. It takes about an hour to cook the wheat berries, but they suggest freezing them for up to one month. That way, when you want to make the hot cereal, you just get some wheat berries from the freezer, cook them with a little milk and sugar, top with fruit and/or nuts and go! Oatmeal works great too, as many others suggested. I just tried this out because I needed something different.
  • Whats a dream protein shake?? May be a stupid question- sorry!

    I don't know if this is a "dream protein shake" but I'm pretty happy with this one. It also depends on what your goal is. Is it simply weight loss or are you trying to tone up and keep your metabolism running throughout the day. I usually eat this around 8 or 8:30 (assuming that I can eat my usual dinner at 5:30 or 6:00). It keeps me full and away from eating late at night and/or eating some kind of sugary desert.

    1 Cup of water
    1 serving of protein powder (I mostly use Muscle Milk Light, so 2 scoops).
    1 small to medium size banana
    1 packet of instant oatmeal (or 1/2 cup of old fashion oatmeal)
    2 tablespoons of flaxseed meal
    as much ice as I care to fit into the blender

    Sometimes I change it up and use unsweetened peanut butter instead of oatmeal and will substitute different kinds of fruits too.
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