Binge eating

Hey, so I was able to stop binge eating since about summer now and I've just been focusing on eating healthy foods and stuff I want in moderation, but lately I think I might have gotten a bit more strict with my eating and keeping my calories below 1500. I ended up binging Friday and Saturday last weekend. And then I binged last night and I wasn't feeling emotionally or anything. I tried eating that artic zero icecream instead of the ben & jerry's one I did want and then didn't like the artic zero so it was like I was craving something good, but didn't have anything so I went to the vending machine and got a bunch of snacks, which I never do. It doesn't feel like an emotional thing, but I was wondering if this could be from depriving myself too much and not allowing myself to have what I really want in moderation? I feel like I can't allow myself to have bad foods during the week, so this binging tends to happen on the weekend. And then I just feel guilty and beat myself up about it. Feels like I failed at eating healthy and staying in control. Any advice or input would help so much. Especially on not beating yourself up or how to prevent binging. Thanks!


  • Dreaminggg
    i weigh myself every tuesday ( i do it throughout the week too, but tuesday weigh-ins are the number i go by for the week). so i'm very strict on weekends because tuesday is fast approaching. but then after my big weigh in. i find myself starting to have cravings.
    so tuesdays and wednesdays are what weekends are for you to me.

    so i understand it. this past week i binged and gave in on both days eating very very poorly. and i'm disappointed with myself for that. but hey, it happens. what i suggest doing though, and this works for me most of the time ( it didn't work this past week but it usually does)

    is allow things in moderation, treat yourself.

    moderation is key, with your daily calorie intake allow a small treat, make up for it in the gym. This will curve your craving. a taste of something every now and again allows me to stay in control.

    and number two is find alternatives. i know it didnt work for you with the artic zero but there are some really good healthier versions of the treats we love to eat. you just have to find what works for you. but believe me it's all happened to me.