Losing about 50 lbs seems insurmountable

Hi, I'm new. After baby boy #4 (who was hot on the heels of #3), I'm now the largest I've ever been and am having troubles with high blood pressure and joint pain. Need need need help to get down to a reasonable weight for my height - probably around 155 - and this seems impossible. I can't believe how quickly the pounds packed on with my last baby, when I started that pregnancy out before having lost the baby weight yet from the one before him, and getting put on bed rest for preterm labor and preeclampsia.

So, needing friends, support, encouragement, and anyone who might be able to identify some. Thanks and good luck to everyone!


  • GoJones140
    GoJones140 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I am new here as well. And I also have four kids (the last three being about 17 months apart respectively). I don't have any sage advice, but I am battling about 20 pounds myself. I have lost and gained 10 pounds of it at least 3 times. I know it can be done, but actually getting there and then maintaining it does seem insurmountable at times.