cold weather have a negative effect on diet?



  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    Cold weather=gumbo, chicken and dumplings, chili, stew, hot cocoa, pot pies.

    Holiday season=pecan pralines, cherry nut bread, pmpkin cream cheese loaf, banana nut bread, fudge, divinity, peppermint bark, and pie -all homemade.

    I embrace the weight i gain this time of year, bevause it means my family is full of some damn fine cooks!
  • hels4397
    hels4397 Posts: 100 Member
    Im right there with you - mac and cheese, lasagna, stews and soups - all comfort food! I find I'm a lot more active and in shape during the spring/summer. I can't wait for it to be lighter later so I can go out and run after work. Until then, it's layers and lights to go out in the dark for me!
  • missashleigh92
    missashleigh92 Posts: 37 Member
    glad im not the only one it seems. My biggest problem this time of year is i usually go to the gym afterwork; since i dont drive i normally have to get 2 buses there which take long enough as it is. In winter the roads seem to be more packed and the buses are either extremely late (meaning i'd have no time in the gym before closing time) or they just dont turn up at all. Finding alternative work outs in this cold and dark weather is hard sometimes, and home workouts arent much of an option due to space. im trying to keep an eye on my eating habits, but knowing that on days like this when i feel ive binged a little and then i cant get to the gym really does knock it out of you. but i suppose this is going into a whole other topic about exercises in winter now.
  • sophiecreton21
    sophiecreton21 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm seriously falling off the wagon - I stick to my meal plans during the work day, but as soona s I get home I can't face exercising and end up snacking LOADS! If anyone had any tips I woudl really appreciate them :-)
  • berwick13
    berwick13 Posts: 18 Member
    I love veg. soups....comforting hot food.
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    A bit of the opposite for me. I don't heat the whole house so I have to be very hungry to actually spend the time in my pseudo-kitchen getting food.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    does not have this problem....
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    Winter makes me seriously hungry, like, the kind of hunger I feel is completely different from the one I feel during summer or spring. I'm pretty sure that the low temperature requires you to eat more carbs and fatty foods. Last year I started off with my diet in May, and I gained a couple of kgs during November and December because I just ate whatever I wanted to. I went to the university everyday all day long, so I carried my lunch with me (usually a salad) but when I came back home I always used to have a big snack and we cooked huge soups with bread for dinner. This year I haven't had to go to the university so I can just stay at home and keep on track. I've been behaving great during November... to me the best thing to avoid this hunger is having hot plates (soups, pasta, cooked vegs), hot beverages once-twice a day, and trying to keep myself at least distracted by studying or doing something. It's even harder to workout often but at least I keep my diet effective.
  • SilviCor
    SilviCor Posts: 110 Member
    I find that the lack of daylight in winter affects me the most. I find it really hard to crawl outta bed at 5:30 am to workout when it is as dark as midnight. And I'm less likely to go out for a walk at 6 pm because it is so dark, it feels like night. I need sunlight!!!