Advocare Question

Hi All!
I have an Advocare question. So, I have a history of up and down weight loss/gain. I recently lost 30 lbs and then put on 10ish over the summer. A friend recommended Advocare. I am on Day 8 with success thus far. I was skeptical....and although the results are great so far, I am seeking an opinion.....and guess I am still skeptical!

For those of you who have used the product you feel you lost the weight because of the product or because of the clean eating? It clearly states to not stray from the clean eating...and you are truly limited to a low amount of carbs/sugar. I am curious for opinions. I almost wish I could use a "placebo" supplement and see if the results are the same. I can't help but feel that I could achieve similar results without the supplements. With that being said, it has given me the kick to stick with this....AGAIN!

Just curious on your thoughts!


  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    You've not said what product in particular.

    I used a meal replacement when I was a teen, and that started my own yo yo cycle, so I'd be skeptical too.
  • kkat631
    kkat631 Posts: 20 Member
    Oops....I am on the 24 day challenge!
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    What you need is a Graze code...
    NO, no you don't. You don't need anything except a calorie deficit and probably some exercise.
    Every other tack is probably just someone taking your money for nothing. This includes Advocare.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    No need for any weight loss scams.
    Most programs that promise rapid weight loss are actually just expelling water and risk leaving you severely dehydrated.
    It has taken me two years to lose 100 pounds. I don't want is often fast. I want it off sustainably.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    It's probably more that you are watching what you are eating. However, I do like some of the Advocare products. Their vitamins are the only ones that I actually notice a difference in how I feel while I take them.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Oops....I am on the 24 day challenge!

    Yeah, you've been ripped off. Did you buy these through your 'friend'?

    Anyway. It's likely that YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT due to the caloric deficit. However, you will still need to learn all about starting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle afterwards, or you will just put all of the weight (and likely even more due to the approach of the diet) back on again and be back to square one (or -1, plus the time and money lost).

    Edit: That sounds really negative, and I'm sorry. Here's a smiley face :smile: and a good luck in your future endeavours and keeping the weight off :flowerforyou:
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I did the Advocare challenge as well. I tracked my calories and did Advocare. Yes, you are definitely in a calorie deficit. You can continue eating that same way and still lose weight. I probably stuck with it because I spent so much money on it, I didn't want to throw it down the drain. I'm used to eating low carb so it wasn't a huge entire change for me, I just needed to focus and remotivate myself. (I only purchased the cleanse box, and the MNS MRS shakes, no omega plex, no spark, nothing else)

    May be TMI: I will say though, since I first got pregnant I haven't been "regular" and my son is 14 months old. I think the probiotics and the fiber drink helped regulate me in some way. The only other thing that was different in my diet (because on low carb you eat a lot of protein and veggies anyways) was the no dairy and I have since introduced back dairy and am still regular. I don't know if it so happened to be that my body got regular on its own at the same time as I was doing the "clease" portion or what.

    Take a look at what is in the MNS packets, its really just vitamins and then two "thermo" pills (what supposedly help with weight loss):
    Edited to add: Once you're done with the challenge, continue eating like you have been and you'll still lose weight. If you like the cycle of "burn" and "refuel" days you could continue that pattern. I don't even want to start the whole carb cycling thing but if that approach works for you then you could try it. Not saying you'll have INCREASED weight loss compared to just aiming for a calorie deficit but if thats the approach for weight loss in general that you like then go for it.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    No need for any weight loss scams.
    Most programs that promise rapid weight loss are actually just expelling water and risk leaving you severely dehydrated.
    It has taken me two years to lose 100 pounds. I don't want is often fast. I want it off sustainably.
    On the Adovocare challenge you are supposed to drink a gallon of water a day.
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    Hi All!
    I have an Advocare question. So, I have a history of up and down weight loss/gain. I recently lost 30 lbs and then put on 10ish over the summer. A friend recommended Advocare. I am on Day 8 with success thus far. I was skeptical....and although the results are great so far, I am seeking an opinion.....and guess I am still skeptical!

    For those of you who have used the product you feel you lost the weight because of the product or because of the clean eating? It clearly states to not stray from the clean eating...and you are truly limited to a low amount of carbs/sugar. I am curious for opinions. I almost wish I could use a "placebo" supplement and see if the results are the same. I can't help but feel that I could achieve similar results without the supplements. With that being said, it has given me the kick to stick with this....AGAIN!

    Just curious on your thoughts!

    You lose weight when you eat fewer calories than you burn. No one sells a magical product that can change that. If you really are a skeptical thinker ask them for their actual peer-reviewed evidence of efficacy--not testamonials and anecdotes.
  • nicolemarie045
    nicolemarie045 Posts: 131 Member
    I had stalled for over a year eating 1200-1300 cals, upping cals to TDEE -20%, and others and had gotten nowhere. I did the challenged, dropped 4 lbs, and continued to lose using some of the products. I get that some people dont' believe in supplementation, and i KNOW there is no magic weight loss pill. But, it helped me to break a plateau and feel better, and that was just my opinion.
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 368 Member
    Personally, I love the Advocare products I have tried so far. I have not done the challenge yet, but I plan to... and yes, I signed up as a distributor because I wanted the discount on Spark and the Mass Builder protien that my son uses.

    This is what I have learned so far... the 24 day challenge is not a fad diet. It is a way to jump start a healthier routine for some people.... maybe not everyone.

    People on these boards are really negative about Advocare, and that is too bad. They are about more than just the 24 day challenge. And, yeah, it is a direct sales company... but so is Mary Kay and Pampered Chef. So is Beach Body.

    Anyway.... as for results of the challenge. I have a friend (the one who introduced me to Advocare) go from a size 12 to a size 6 over the course of the year. She did two challenges. She also had some major medical issues, and she is much healthier now because she quit drinking liters of diet coke a day and cleaned up her eating. Could she have done it without Advocare? Sure... but sometimes it is easier to navigate the road to heath in a vessel....rather than swim in the open water.

    Just my .02
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Personally, I love the Advocare products I have tried so far. I have not done the challenge yet, but I plan to... and yes, I signed up as a distributor because I wanted the discount on Spark and the Mass Builder protien that my son uses.

    This is what I have learned so far... the 24 day challenge is not a fad diet. It is a way to jump start a healthier routine for some people.... maybe not everyone.

    People on these boards are really negative about Advocare, and that is too bad. They are about more than just the 24 day challenge. And, yeah, it is a direct sales company... but so is Mary Kay and Pampered Chef. So is Beach Body.

    Anyway.... as for results of the challenge. I have a friend (the one who introduced me to Advocare) go from a size 12 to a size 6 over the course of the year. She did two challenges. She also had some major medical issues, and she is much healthier now because she quit drinking liters of diet coke a day and cleaned up her eating. Could she have done it without Advocare? Sure... but sometimes it is easier to navigate the road to heath in a vessel....rather than swim in the open water.

    Just my .02

    My personal issue is the fact that this program offers nothing that someone can't do for themselves without spending $100+. There is no point of a cleanse when you are just going to reintroduce those products to the body in 24 days. You can get the same results with a calorie deficiency and you learn to actually eat normally rather than rely on supplements, shakes, etc.
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 368 Member
    I agree... But there is more than the challenge. My son is trying to gain mass....they have a great performance elite line that has been helpful.

    The vitamins are great as well....

    Personally I love meal replacement shakes because it saves time. The Advocare one tastes great.... There are others, I know. Its personal preference.

    Some people need help when starting.... And Advocare can help. If you don't....great!
  • kkat631
    kkat631 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback. I think I knew that I could achieve the same results with a cut-back, but at the same time, needed a good kick to get started. I will say though that the weight seems to come off quicker with the products, but I have no doubt I could lose without them too. Will keep you posted, I am only on Day 9.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Personally, I love the Advocare products I have tried so far. I have not done the challenge yet, but I plan to... and yes, I signed up as a distributor because I wanted the discount on Spark and the Mass Builder protien that my son uses.

    This is what I have learned so far... the 24 day challenge is not a fad diet. It is a way to jump start a healthier routine for some people.... maybe not everyone.

    People on these boards are really negative about Advocare, and that is too bad. They are about more than just the 24 day challenge. And, yeah, it is a direct sales company... but so is Mary Kay and Pampered Chef. So is Beach Body.

    Anyway.... as for results of the challenge. I have a friend (the one who introduced me to Advocare) go from a size 12 to a size 6 over the course of the year. She did two challenges. She also had some major medical issues, and she is much healthier now because she quit drinking liters of diet coke a day and cleaned up her eating. Could she have done it without Advocare? Sure... but sometimes it is easier to navigate the road to heath in a vessel....rather than swim in the open water.

    Just my .02

    Very well said and couldn't agree more.
  • tinkerbell2011luv
    It is definitely not just the calorie deficit. I lost more on advocare than a juice detox. It is the supplements. They have fat burners, energy boosters, and an insane amount of nutrients. I hsve been a distributer for awhile just for the discount!
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 368 Member
    Really, I think people should form their own opinions.

    Yes... I am a distributor. I actually didn't know much about the challenge before I started. I started because of the performance line, and how it has helped my son with his goals as a hockey player and trying to gain weight/muscle.

    Now that I have tried some of the supplements, I really believe in them. I lost a majority of my weight without AdvoCare.... but using the products has gotten me through a plateau. Take it for what it is worth...
  • theiener
    I was wondering if there is a store bought meal replacement bar I can also take on the 24 day challenge :wink:
  • nicolemarie045
    nicolemarie045 Posts: 131 Member
    I haven't found a meal replacement bar that would fit into the suggestions, but for breakfast sometimes I used Larabars (the flavors without chocolate in them) as they are just usually nuts, dates, and other fruits. That was my quick grab option!