Hi =)

A little over two weeks ago my doctor put me on a 1,200 calorie diet. I had this application on my IPhone and knew this would be the only way I could track and keep up with the calories consumed. I went to my doctor to try and figure out my unexplainable weight gain and constant fatigue. Im 23/F and over the past two years I have gained 40lbs- WOW! Initially, I blamed myself for bad eating and not working out enough, but the truth is my eating and exercise patterns hadn't really changed. However, I am getting married( 10.9.11 ) and cannot live with this disgusting layer of fat that covers my body! Fortunately, my fiance is wonderful and loves me for ME and is very supportive of my efforts to cut back on calories. He is also doing the workout program insanity and after a month he has dropped 10 lbs! I wish it came that easy to me!! In the past two weeks I have lost 2 lbs!!! yay!!! Blood tests are still being done to check my thyroid, insulin levels etc. Hopefully, with the help of my doctor we will be able to get this under control. Anyways, Im looking for some online friends, supporters, people with advice, people who need advice.. etc! I am more determined now than ever to lose the weight. My blood showed I have high cholesterol, which runs in my family along with heart problems, diabetes and thyroid issues. I want a healthy future and as disease free as possible so Im taking responsibility for my actions which effect my heath.


  • brieski24
    Hey there- Sounds like you may have PCOS- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and had similar symptoms- weight gain of almost 40lb in less than a year, as well as other symptoms. Let me know how you make out with your blood tests, and friend me if you would like- I was diagnosed end of July and since then I have lost an avg of 13 pounds, been plateauing and fluctuating recently though... getting myself back on track... Goal is to lose 15 pounds before xmas!
  • lkp24
    lkp24 Posts: 12
    Hi there and welcome!!!

    I'm sure that you will find the support that you are looking for. Jounaling is one of the best ways too, to keep your self on track. :)

  • lovelylinz
    Thanks, I feel like I will be successful this time around because my main motivation behind this is my health, whereas, in the past I would want to lose weight for more superficial reasons i suppose!
  • aggielauren
    aggielauren Posts: 16 Member
    Hey! Definitely keep up with the doctor! I don't do that great keeping up with my logs (but I"m fixing that TODAY!)...but feel free to friend me! I need some support too, and we're pretty close in age. We can support each other!