Needing a buddy!

I'm 18 and have around 30 pounds to lose. I'll eat great and work out daily for a week or so, then I'll have 3-5 days of overeating/binging. I just don't have the motivation to stay on track. I would love a texting buddy around my age that could keep me motivated and vise-versa :)


  • PolkaDot_Princess
    PolkaDot_Princess Posts: 314 Member
    Hey Lady,

    feel free to add me. I'd be happy to chat with you on here then we can text or PM back and forth to keep each other motivated. I'm 30 but can hang with you youngsters LOL

    What sort of workouts do you do? I have a combo of Jillian Michaels at home and the gym when i can make it.
  • KSHorne
    KSHorne Posts: 38 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • Feel free to add me :) I know how that can be. I go through the same issues. I'm 23 and am finally at a place where I feel I'm ready and able to commit to myself and do this for me. Supportive friends are SO helpful along the way.
  • Feel free to add me too! I'm 26, but definitely go through periods of fantastic eating and then binging... ugh! This has to stop!
  • I'm 18 as well! We can, like, totally motivate each other. You can add me if you want to
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    Motivation is a tricky thing. More and more I am seeing people around me who are like me, who have an idea, a reason why, a plan, a good calorie counter, and I go at my goals wicked hard for like 2 weeks.

    The problem is, motivation fades. the reasons why you are holding your own feet to the fire begin to fade in your mind, and become less pressing and less imminent. They are replaced with the underlying physiological hunger, which your body has many, many ways of battering down your defenses, chipping away at your will and your resolve. It starts with "I had 3 good days this week, one slice of pepperoni isn't going to derail my fitness goals."

    I find that not having a reason is actually more helpful for me. Why do I work out? Because I just do. The reasons are too numerous to list, and if I have to remember them all, I'll forget some of them, each day. Why do I cut calories? Do I really need a reason? We know why we want to look and feel good, we know why working out is best for us, we love when we wake up in the morning and just *feel* thin, like, the opposite of bloated.

    For me, my overall reason why, I suppose I'd say is because: "Not one more step backwards." which isn't to say I'll have slip ups, but if I feel that note of shame when I eat the greasy pizza, which is sometimes the only thing to eat, it's a psychological reinforcement that what is in your mouth at that moment isn't food.

    I hope that I gave some insight into a different way of looking at it. We just have to find what works for us.
  • Hi there! I know exactly how you feel because that is what I do! I'm 25 so if you ever want to text, private message me and I would love to try and keep each other on track, esp.with the holidays fast approaching!
  • laurenellenmarie
    laurenellenmarie Posts: 331 Member
    As so many above have mentioned, motivation is hard. It fades so quickly sometimes. I'm totally guilty of being great then binging I think we could help eachother! Feel free to add me, I'm 24!
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 674 Member
    I've been looking for a texting buddy too. But i'm 38
  • Feel free to add me as well. I also can use the motivation! I'm in my 30's... :bigsmile:
  • caitlin_hart
    caitlin_hart Posts: 2 Member
    I really like tae bo and pilates :)
  • You can add me as well. Early twenties and always looking to movitate towards a healthy lifestyle and be motivated as well!
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    this might help you too, it's a fun article to read, I reread it any time I need to refocus.

    It might help you to become more efficient in your workouts and help you get to your fitness goals faster, leaving more motivation in your life for other things
  • Feel free to add me! And anyone else, too. :)