Traditional Cardio vs High Intensity Intervals

Hi, I'm curious if anyone could shed some light on substituting high intensity interval training for my traditional cardio sessions. I currently ride my stationary for an hour 5-6 times a week. When I ride I keep my heart between 140 and 150. According to all the online calculators (and the MFP app) that puts me at a calorie expenditure in the high 600's.

I'm just wondering if there's a HIIT routine for my stationary that'll give me similar results and how would I even log it on my MFP app.



  • AZ_Gato
    AZ_Gato Posts: 1,270 Member
    You'd have to monitor your hear rate in order to know what the adequate HIIT routine would be. I can burn just as many calories jumping rope and shooting hoops (given a little bit more time) than I would doing a crossfit or HIIT workout.

    In the end, what are your goals? Lose weight? Then just track your calories and stay at a deficit. Want to be fit? Then train to a hear rate zone that you desire and over time you will improve your cardio health.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    depends on you goals. for instance, even though i love HIIT and sprint style workouts, i also want to run 5 and 10Ks which means i have to add in more traditional style steady state cardio to meet my endurance goals
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You'd have to monitor your hear rate in order to know what the adequate HIIT routine would be. I can burn just as many calories jumping rope and shooting hoops (given a little bit more time) than I would doing a crossfit or HIIT workout.

    In the end, what are your goals? Lose weight? Then just track your calories and stay at a deficit. Want to be fit? Then train to a hear rate zone that you desire and over time you will improve your cardio health.

    HRMs are not set up to properly estimate HIIT calorie burns
  • At the moment I want to continue to lose weight. I've been doing well but, I'd like to save some time on days when time is at a premium.
  • BlindHog25
    BlindHog25 Posts: 14 Member
    I introduced HIT a couple of weeks ago to substitute for regular sustained level cardio and it has kicked my butt! The one I am following is basically:

    4-5 minutes warmup at 20%
    1 minute at 80%
    1 min at 20%
    1 min at 80%
    1 min at 20%
    1 min at 100%
    1 min at 30%
    1 min at 100%
    1 min at 30%
    1 min at 80%
    1 min at 20%
    next ten minutes could be a repeat of the above after warm up pedaling backwards
    3-5 min cool down.

    The first morning I did this work out I felt it all day and slept VERY good that night. I do this 2x's per week.

    I know this is a little deviation from your question, but I basically record the lessor of the two calorie numbers between the machine and the MFP app. I'd rather undershoot calories burned and overshoot calories consumed.