Interesting article...

I found this today. Not sure what to with everything else, but it's worth a read.


  • heyzoos
    I pretty much agree with everything in that article.
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    I agree with some points but not all.

    One thing I think people should keep in mind....this author does NOT have any medical, nutritional or health related training. So don't take her thoughts are just that - thoughts not facts.
  • kristenskinner
    Very interesting... Thanks!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Myth: Losing weight is about calories in versus calories out
    ‘If only it were that simple,’ says ­Harcombe. ‘People think that if they cut out 500 calories a day, they will lose 1lb a week.
    ‘They might at first, but then the body will recognise that it is in a state of ­starvation and turn down its systems to conserve energy.
    ‘So you may be putting fewer calories in, but at the same time you will be using up fewer calories to get through the day.
    ‘Losing weight is more a question of fat storage and fat utilisation. You need the body to move into a fat-burning mode and, to do that, you need to cut down your consumption not of calories, but of carbohydrates.’
  • electromg
    electromg Posts: 70 Member
    Agree with some, but not all.
    How can you say that fruit should be avoided on a diet? Maybe eaten in moderation... As for the calories in and out, when they say "It's not that simple" it makes me wonder if they would rather us spend money on all the more complex dieting systems that also make you believe its so complicated. If anything, fluctuate your calories one day to the next and you will be back to losing.
  • jahnlaw
    jahnlaw Posts: 95 Member
    The general rule may be simply burning more calories than we take in, but the types of food we eat determines wheter we will be fuller and be able to continue our weight loss diet. Always choose foods that take longer to digest to keep blood sugars from changing too quickly. Regarding fruits it would be better to eat an apple than an orange.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    I read that article last week, and just threw it in the pile with every other article out there. We can all eat the same thing every day, and still get different results.

    I know what works for me is eating REAL food, limiting the presence of sugar (from all sources and that includes fruit - although I don't eliminate it all together), limiting adult beverages and getting regular exercise.

    That being said, I do think there is a bit more to it than just "calories;" 2000 calories out of a box (fast food/processed/whatever) is not nearly as nutritionally dense as 2000 calories from a whole foods based diet.
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    I don't know what to think about it. I'm not going by it. I know what works for me.....well, kind of.

    I use to have an eating plan. with fruit as a mid morning snack and dairy as afternoon snack. Portion of carbs in the morning, 2 carbs and 1 protein for lunch and same for dinner. Could eat all the veg I could. Together with exercise everyday, I lost about 10 kg (22 pounds) in about 10 weeks (ok, it helped that 1 weekend I was so ill, that even drinking water made me throw up, lol).

    But that was just losing weight solution......I could never stick to it.

    Now I signed up here, I'm not looking at it as a diet thing. I'm looking at it as lifestyle change. Diets come and go, never last and just the word diet is very off putting. So this is my last chance (figure of speech, lol). If this fails (which it will not!!!), there would be no hope for me, lol