Gained 5 pounds in a week! Help?!



  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member

    While this is often true for the average Joe, it's not always the case. Many who are here on MFP are quite meticulous at tracking and, thus, are either a) not estimating their appropriate activity level correctly, or b) not complying with their own plan, or c) experiencing water weight fluctuations and freaking out about them.

    In my experience (and I've been doing this a long time), the more restricted your calories i.e. the bigger your deficit, the larger the water weight swings when you have a shift in diet... even if only for 1 day.
  • I gain and loose the same 5 all the time, its sooooo frustrating. Sometimes I know its due to water so I try to stay off the salty stuff.
  • Haha I have a packet in my press ::) Thanks so much for the advicee! :)
  • I ate a large pizza 3 nights ago.. The next day I weighed 5lbs more than the previous day. I am not freaking out.

    It will come off don't worry. Keep doing what you're doing. Weight Fluctuates.. A lot.

    Losing weight can be a long process especially if you have a good bit to lose so once you are doing everything right you need to be ready for these fluctuations and not let them make you give up and throw in the towel.

  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Could be water retention. A 5lb fluctuation is a common thing, especially if you have eaten processed foods, things with a lot of salt/sodium in. You really shouldn't beat yourself up over it.

    Also, as someone else mentioned, make sure you know the actual weight/nutritional value of what you're eating, etc.

    Not sure how people can sustain on 1200 calories a day. I usually have between 1000-1200 calories for dinner!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. How often do you weigh?
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    very fast explanation of BMR and TDEE (which you said you're not sure about).

    BMR is your basal metabolic rate. Your body burns this no matter what you do. If you're in a coma, you still burn this.

    TDEE is what you burn in a normal day with exercise averaged out across your week. It's total daily energy expenditure.

    To lose weight, you need to eat less than your TDEE and more than your BMR. This means you're getting enough fuel, burning off the extra, and creating a deficit to also burn off excess fat.
  • I weigh in every Monday, but sometimes I have gone to the scales mid week.
  • Thank god! I have been on slimming world before and also weight watchers and when i slipped up and had a take away before I still managed to loose, so it frightened me quite a bit as I am under mostly 1200, and I was really taking in roughly 3000 id say! :S

    I have been told to up my calorie intake, but then someone posted a link here and said the whole 1200 cal starvation thing was bullcrap, just that i am eating too many calories but i really dont see where, and my portions and etc are perfect, i mean i eat so much more less now and healthy compared to two weeks ago, i would have maybe 3/4 crisps a day, a large pizza every day for dinner, wedges, just extremely grasy food, i never cooked, so the difference in my eating habits now are just so different that its making me frustrated at the weight gain, oh well hopefully next week it will have gone down :)

    Also i see ya lost 100 lbs, well done!! can i ask how long it took? and do you have any advice? im looking to loose 80lbs

    Could be water retention. A 5lb fluctuation is a common thing, especially if you have eaten processed foods, things with a lot of salt/sodium in. You really shouldn't beat yourself up over it.

    Also, as someone else mentioned, make sure you know the actual weight/nutritional value of what you're eating, etc.

    Not sure how people can sustain on 1200 calories a day. I usually have between 1000-1200 calories for dinner!
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Thank god! I have been on slimming world before and also weight watchers and when i slipped up and had a take away before I still managed to loose, so it frightened me quite a bit as I am under mostly 1200, and I was really taking in roughly 3000 id say! :S

    I have been told to up my calorie intake, but then someone posted a link here and said the whole 1200 cal starvation thing was bullcrap, just that i am eating too many calories but i really dont see where, and my portions and etc are perfect, i mean i eat so much more less now and healthy compared to two weeks ago, i would have maybe 3/4 crisps a day, a large pizza every day for dinner, wedges, just extremely grasy food, i never cooked, so the difference in my eating habits now are just so different that its making me frustrated at the weight gain, oh well hopefully next week it will have gone down :)

    Also i see ya lost 100 lbs, well done!! can i ask how long it took? and do you have any advice? im looking to loose 80lbs

    Could be water retention. A 5lb fluctuation is a common thing, especially if you have eaten processed foods, things with a lot of salt/sodium in. You really shouldn't beat yourself up over it.

    Also, as someone else mentioned, make sure you know the actual weight/nutritional value of what you're eating, etc.

    Not sure how people can sustain on 1200 calories a day. I usually have between 1000-1200 calories for dinner!

    Well my weight loss is down to tracking my calories and taking up swimming. I usually swim 5 times a week, Monday to Friday (if time is on my side) but I learnt early on about water weight and sodium. I used to get irritated when the scale magically notched up a few LBS overnight, so if I see an increase in weight on the scale that I know shouldn't be there, it's going to be water weight.

    As far as tips go, I say work out what your BMR and TDEE is (there is calculators to do this, I think MFP has a BMR calculator under "apps") and eat somewhere in between them. 1200 calories is an absolute bear minimum MFP recommends, it's only really a guideline, if you eat too little, you're more likely to binge later on. Take a steady approach to your diet/lifestyle change and don't deprive yourself of things you like!

    Starvation mode is something your body would do if you had less than 5% body fat, lol. It is real, but you don't enter "starvation mode" from missing a meal, or eating at "wrong" times, that part of it is a myth!

    Good luck!
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    No I am not due a period and I never gain any weight during my period for some reason.

    I think maybe I should up my cals to 1500 . Do people think that 1500 for a weight of 15st 7 is sufficient enough?

    I just dont understand the point ine xercising to loose weight if your going to eat back the calories you burned at the gym anyway :/ Sorry its just got me so confused.

    Beside all health benifit of exercise, exercising will allow you to eat more on your weight loss journy. The number MFP gives you has a deficit in it already, when you exercise you make that deficit larger, so MFP gives you back calories to eat so you can stay within a healthy deficit.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Your logging is really patchy. I would start weighing your food and logging as accurately as possible. Also, water weight can make the scale fluctuate a lot - you need to look at longer term trends.
