Any good beginner exercise dvds?

Hello, well just a quick introduction. Basically over the past few years I've gained far to much weight and I have now decided that a new healthy approach to life would be better for me and my family. I've been reading a few success stories and they all mention a sort of workout dvd. I'm very unfit, I get breathless within a second, so I was wondering there is a dvd that is good for beginners?


  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    There are a bunch of yoga for beginners DVD's out (I know the brand Element has one). That might be a good place to start. I would suggest walking honestly if you are really out of shape. Just go farther and faster as your progress until you get tot he point where you can move on to a workout DVD.
  • I've had a little look at a few yoga work outs but I never know what ones to pick. I'm currently thinking of buying slim in 6 however the price is quite high unfortunately. Walking is a bit of an issue as the weather is so cold right now where I live, I can't really get out too much as I have a young daughter who catches colds in the summer let alone winter time, so I need a little work out that can be done in the home.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I would check out fitness blender on You Tube. They seem to have a huge variety of workouts. You can choose by what you want and it also gives you the duration of the workout.

    You can also check out blogilates - the girl who does those videos is super chipper without being annoying in my opinion. She also does things for beginners.

    Before you purchase, I would definitely make you of you tube!
  • Oh yes, I didn't even think of looking on youtube! (silly me haha)
    I will definitely take a look at those, so nervous to get started.

    Thank you
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Due to some positive posts on this site, I purchased some Leslie Sansome Walking off the Weight (totally correct title?) through eBay. I got a lot of 5 DVDs for under $15. If you see something in the store or online that you'd like to do, check out eBay to see if you can pick up for a fraction of the retail price. If you are totally out of shape, try walking in place and simple stretching exercises along with light weights until you feel you can do more--you don't want to injure yourself or get so sore that you get discouraged right off the bat. There are lots of places online where you can find really easy routines to do that are free.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I second Fitness Blender (I love their Red Light Green Light workout), and also BeFIT has tons of workouts.
  • Kari121869
    Kari121869 Posts: 180 Member
    I bought the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels - and had some good results. Recently I started doing the Leslie Sansone walking videos on Youtube... there's 1,2,3,4 and 5 mile ones, plus other that tone specific parts of your body (belly blasters I think one is called but don't quote me on it lol).
    Lately I've been doing the 4 mile one 4x a week as it has some jogging intervals in there and just tried the 5 mile one last night. Happy to report it's blasted the month long plateau I've been on!! Only started doing these a week ago and already down 0.6 lbs - which is a pretty good start I think.
    I'm going to stick with her for a while - and I'll throw in a day of added strength training I've made up through Sworkit (an app you can link to MFP).... I highly suggest Leslie...
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Oh yes, I didn't even think of looking on youtube! (silly me haha)
    I will definitely take a look at those, so nervous to get started.

    Thank you

    I have been working out hard for a few years and only recently thought about going on You Tube lol. I originally jsut started looking for Jillian Michaels and went from there. You can find everything from easy to intense.

    Don't be nervous :) The best part about not buying them right away is that you can find what you like, who you like etc.

    @Kari - I didn't realize that Leslie Sansone did intervals etc. I love running, but it's sooo cold here where I am so I'm not going to run outside and some days the only time I have for workouts is at home and I'm tied to the computer choices. I am definitely going to chekc her out for a different type of at home workout than what I'm used to!
  • Thank you all!
    I've done some of the 30 day shred before but gave up on day 6 (very pathetic of me)
    I've had a very quick browse at these youtubers and I already love them. I will definitely do some of the videos before buying any work outs :)
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I really recommend a DVD called "Dance with Me Ballet Workout" by Stephanie Herman. It's on oldie but goodie :) Here's the thing: at first, forget all the ballet parts (meh, except maybe the barre work. It's not hard if you don't try to do it too high, lol). Don't worry if you hate the dance she gives.

    What is gold about this workout is the mat section. It's not cardio at all, but it is Pilates-inspired 'flow routine' and it's just lovely. She uses physio exercises thrown in smoothly and it really does 'flow'. There are yoga moves, too. It's nicely stretchy, especially at first, but not all about stretching at all.

    If you are out of shape, it won't hit you like a ton of bricks like so many do. If someone is in shape, it's a wonderful, relaxing routine that just keeps everything flowing and feels great :) It's still one of my favorites to do.
  • BeckyLF05
    BeckyLF05 Posts: 115 Member
    Check out Walk Away The Pounds by Leslie Sansone. There's quite a few of them on you tube. The 1 mile Get Started is great for beginners.:flowerforyou:
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    I second Fitness Blender (I love their Red Light Green Light workout), and also BeFIT has tons of workouts.

    I second befit. I lost 25 lbs doing befit in 90 and Hasfit. I do fitness blender also but befit in 90 and Hasfit I keep coming back to. Anything I can't do in befit in 90, I modify.