Am I doing/reading this right???



  • Aljoneshop
    Aljoneshop Posts: 17 Member
    1200 makes me hungry just thinking about it

    I AM hungry right now. haha I thought it was low too but that's what it gave me so I'm trying. 1400 is closer to what I'm actually doing most days though.
  • Aljoneshop
    Aljoneshop Posts: 17 Member
    Do you use your body bug for workouts only, or leave it on all day? The MFP target includes regular daily activities like housework and walking around, so if you leave your bug on you will double count it. Unless you are very large, 800-100 calories of exercise would be several hours of working out or a 10 mile run.

    I wear it all day but my understanding from reading the MFP calculation is it takes what they think my "norm is" then what my norm is or will be based on what I'm actually doing that day. The difference like I had said is usually around 400 which seemed right as I may be sedentary all day but am pretty active after work. We own a farm so the 1000 was doing major manual labor for like 8 hours. My norm on a Saturday and Sunday but not during the week or I probably would only be needing to maintain weight :happy:

    This is what MFP shows for my body bug adjustment so far today. As I increase over my norm it gives me a bigger adjustment and vice versa if I'm lazy.

    This is how we calculate your calorie adjustment:

    BodyMedia Calories Burned Full Day Projection
    (Based on 1400 calories burned as of 1:10 pm) 2550

    MyFitnessPal Calories Burned 2189

    BodyMedia Calorie Adjustment 361 ** this is showing in my exercise right now
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    Exactly why it is working for you. You do either MFP OR TDEE.
    i don't understand why people do the normal MFP one, but that's just me :)

    MFP method works better for me as my daily (& weekly) exercise calories vary a lot.
    Lowest exercise burn in a day zero, highest 3942!

    wow, 3942? That's nuts!

    I use TDEE because of varied burn rates. I'm hypothyroid though and don't like to confuse my metabolism with ranges of food to cope with.
  • drshona
    drshona Posts: 52 Member
    odd because in 11 months on MFP i've always targetted calorie intake rather than net. mind you I'm doing TDEE so that might be why it's still working?

    Exactly why it is working for you. You do either MFP OR TDEE.

    i don't understand why people do the normal MFP one, but that's just me :)

    I've been doing MFP (only for 3 weeks) because I don't do the same amount of exercise every week. It depends a lot on my work schedule (and my husband's as that affects whether I need to pick up the kids etc). So I'd never be able to work out a regular amount of calories per day/week. I don't really understand why people do TDEE - seems to be unnecessarily complicating things to me. But then, like you, that's just me...
  • drshona
    drshona Posts: 52 Member
    I've been logging for a little over a week but for some reason I'm still confused on my net calories. Hoping I've been using this right the last week. Any thoughts/help??? My calorie goal is 1200 and on a slow day I have about 400 exercise calories burned on a good day 800-1000 (reading from my body bug). Should I be aiming for a net of 1200 meaning eating more like 1600 calories on a slow day? My net has been like 500 most days as I I'm gaining the exercise calories from my body bug but not eating them except a few hundred maybe. I just hear so much talk about 1200 calories being too low but if I'm not active that's my goal MFP gave me due to having a sedentary job Thanks for any advice you can give! I'm 32 5'7 and 223lbs if that makes any difference. Also always looking for friends as I'm hoping the more involved I am the more insented I am to login every day!

    I'm not sure if I'm understanding this body bug correctly, but I think you're meant to eat your MFP calories plus your exercise calories. Bt the exercise ones are only for actual exercise sessions in addition to your normal activities. Your normal activities are accounted for in the sedentary/ active bit. So I think if you ate ALL the calories the bug said you burned in a day, that would be too many as some of them as part of your basic allowance anyway.