Different categories for eating habits?

Hey guys, we are doing a study on fitness and eating habbits in relation to diet and fitness optimisation at our University, and we are looking into if we somehow can categorise people into different eating habbits that people can relate to and answer fast to whether they fall into one group or another? What we are looking for is for example to have a category for those who eat too much fast food and snack a bit too much, and those who eat a lot of protein rich food and so on. We ar enot really sure how to easily categorise it without being too scientific, anybody has some easy categories?


  • bcnewell27
    bcnewell27 Posts: 21 Member
    That can be a challenge but you could start with the basic 'type of eaters'. For example 'Emotional eaters' are people are eat to satisfy their feelings (sad, bored, anxious). Then there are people who eat by the clock. "it's 12 o'clock time for lunch!", and then there are also people who smell something good and they want it or maybe they see it on tv and start craving it. Here is also something similar on webmd that might get your noodle going. http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/what-kind-eater-are-you?page=2

    Fast Foodies can be the ones that eat a lot of fast foods or quick and easy foods.
    Carbo Loaders could be used to categorize people who eat a lot of high carb foods.
    Protein Pounders (that sounds a little silly to me but only thing i could come up with and you get the idea)

    That's the best I can do!
  • That is very helpful information, thanks a lot!