Worst things said to you about your weight?



  • AllyCatXandi
    AllyCatXandi Posts: 329 Member
    Essentially how every family reunion goes:

    To my sisters - "Goodness, you've grown up to be so gorgeous!"
    ...aaaaand then feebly to me shortly following the classic 'once-over' - "Oh. Oh yes. You're pretty too".

    Sheesh. I'd prefer being ignored.
  • billymacintosh
    billymacintosh Posts: 71 Member
    whilst to my knowlege I haven't been abused for my weight it never ceases to amaze me how lacking in self awareness that people can be that these words actually fall out of their mouths. I cannot comprehend the idea that I would look at someone and openly give mt opinion on their size. It's your business and whilst I would always advocate a healthy weight and being active how dare people take those sorts of liberties.
    rant over ;) x
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    My dad's favourite line: "Should you really be eating that?" (Meanwhile, he's eating off everyone else's plate as well as his own.)
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    A doctor, when I was undergoing a pre cancer op lower abdominal check, said, "how am I to be expected to find anything through all that!!

    In the intervening years I have discovered Salicylate Sensitivity, and though it can be expressed in so many different ways in any one person and different people, the principal way it expressed itself in me has been my weight. I was bloated, oversized unhappy and uncomfortable.

    Years on the only explanation for my being substantially smaller at 14 st 7 lb earlier this year than I was three years ago at exactly the same weight in the same clothes, is the reduction in dietary salicylate, environmental salicylate will always be a problem.

    Weight loss has always been a struggle, weight loss was a way of life, debilitating when I did everything right and became more ill, fat, miserable
  • seed_of_wonder
    seed_of_wonder Posts: 202 Member
    the worst were the things i told myself :/
  • meltrigg
    My daughter at around the age of 6 asked me if I was wearing a thong because my bottom was too big for normal underwear!!! My husband was nice enough to leave the room before being consumed by fits of laughter.
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    People asking me if I was pregnant when I barely had a belly. My father telling me I'd be a really attractive woman if I would lose 30 lbs.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Well I've always been a skinny girl.. I was born tiny and I still am. Plus my parents never kept any sweets around the house and I'm kind of a lazy eater... In high school a "friend" spread rumors about me having eating disorders.

    She was so surprised when after high school I didn't want anything to do with her.
  • blueberrybelle21
    I was at the beach with two skinny friends last summer, we were having a great day until some boys showed up. They were absolutely horrible to me and one of my friends after we refused to tell them our bra sizes (throwing clumps of sand into our hair and food, yelling mean things etc) and flirted with the more outgoing friend of us three. To cut a long story short, when we weren't being completely ignored by our friend and the boys or having sand thrown at us, one of the boys called me fat. The friend who was flirting with them heard and told me to ignore them, but anyway. Super embarrassing and kind of ruined the day a bit.
  • itsfruitcake
    itsfruitcake Posts: 146 Member
    Not said to me directly (although there was a lot of bullying in my old school - and I was never overweight, just "unusually" shaped with a questionable sense of style), but what hurt me the most was random people shouting at me in the street, mostly about my big butt. Used to happen loads, including people yelling out of cars driving past fairly quickly. I thought I must be a monster if I looked fat enough to make complete strangers shout at me.

    It took me 28 years to realise that (despite being pale like a sheet of paper) my being 50% black probably contributes a few inches to my bum, and that big bums are actually A GOOD THING.

    I like big butts and I cannot lie... :happy:
  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    the worst were the things i told myself :/

    Unfortunately, this is the most telling of all. The dreaded inner dialogue afterwards.
  • nicenhealthy
    i am skinnyfat and when i started weight training... mum told me, if i got any bonier, she would send me away to a clinic. :grumble: :grumble: (i was gaining... not that she cared)
  • gina_nz_
    gina_nz_ Posts: 74 Member
    My mum telling me that my current bf (of over 5 years) would leave me if I didn't lose weight, because "he's in a band so other girls are interested in him too"

  • amcsouth
    amcsouth Posts: 283 Member
    Oh where to start....

    I was over weight since I was very young (that's about 15 years of bullying) so I have a lot of nasty stories to tell.

    Off the top of my head:
    Some guy to his friends "haha! I just bit the whale"
    "You would actually be pretty if you lost all the weight"
    "You are disgusting, go kill yourself"
    "You are awesome but you are too fat for me to date"
    Then the insults shouted from the car of course

    Its kind of made me very offish with people especially guys. But you really have to take this all, deal with it and make it into something positive. :flowerforyou:

    *My favorite thing is the guys that used to bring me down are now the guys trying their luck with me. Never happening sweetie :)
  • crispsandwich
    crispsandwich Posts: 177 Member
    my ex told me I was too fat to *kitten* - nice eh!

    saw him recently and he told me how ffantastic I was looking - yet I am the same size as when I was with him!
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    My younger sister and I weighed about the same amount, she may have actually weighed more by 10-20 pounds. When I told my mom that I should challenge her to lose weight with me, my mother's response "She's not fat like you". Now I go see my mom less and less, tired of being insulted.
  • balletpolegirl
    balletpolegirl Posts: 73 Member
    the worst were the things i told myself :/

    Oh yes I can definitely relate to that one.

    My ex boyfriend "I don't like fat people" (meaning me?)
    "Don't moan at me when you're fat" (whilst I ate a chocolate bar/crisps/ice cream/etc.)

    My mum "Yes, you've definitely got cuddlier" (on my birthday!!)
    "I think it's all the drink with you" (making me sound like an alcoholic as well!)
  • hazeljordan1974
    hazeljordan1974 Posts: 107 Member
    I had a really bad day and was sat on my bed crying and my then BF chose to tell me "I don't find you attractive any more, now that you're big" - he was the one who insisted on us eating junk (saying sometimes "it's this or nothing").

    Thing is when I first met him I was really skinny - I looked ill, when I gained a bit of weight and looked better he said to me "sometimes I look at your body and like it, but sometimes it doesn't make sense" - I mean WTF!!!
  • phoebejeeby
    phoebejeeby Posts: 62 Member
    I remember the first time I ever felt subconscious about how I looked. I was probably 11 and looking back I wasn't fat....just not skinny. I had a new pair of jean overalls that I thought were pretty cool (lol). My best friend wanted to try them on and after she did they were really loose on her cause she was quite skinny. She was laughing and saying how big they were. They were hanging off of her. I remember very clearly the rush of feelings that have never left me of feeling fat and uncomfortable in my body. Such a small thing but it really changed the way I felt about myself. I think I went from being a happy kid to a insecure teen in seconds, Weird. I've never told anyone that story before.
  • kellybellyjellyn
    I had a really bad day and was sat on my bed crying and my then BF chose to tell me "I don't find you attractive any more, now that you're big" - he was the one who insisted on us eating junk (saying sometimes "it's this or nothing").

    Thing is when I first met him I was really skinny - I looked ill, when I gained a bit of weight and looked better he said to me "sometimes I look at your body and like it, but sometimes it doesn't make sense" - I mean WTF!!!

    What an *kitten*. Thank God you're shot of him !