Coca cola addiction?

Hello just wondring whether anyone else loves coca cola and drinks quite a lot of it. I drink roughly 2 litres of coke a day (First day today without any). I don't even like the taste of coca cola but its the only drink that makes me feel as though my thirst is quenched. I also get headaches when I don't drink coke and I feel exhausted constantly. Has anyone else overcome this?


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    It's loaded with caffeine (addictive) and sugar hence the headaches and feeling tired.

    Perhaps switching to the diet version or coke zero as an interim step might make the transition easier and then just gradually cut back on the amount and drink water or something else that you enjoy.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    It's the caffeine that is giving you headaches when you don't drink it. If you MUST drink coke by the truckload at least switch to coke zero so you're not drinking all of your calories. As for the caffeine withdrawals, if you want to stop drinking it you will just have t suck it up and feel like crap for about a week or 2
  • FitMolly182
    FitMolly182 Posts: 303 Member
    I used to be heavily addicted to coca cola. It was all I drank. I haven't had any now for over five years.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You're experiencing caffeine withdrawal. You either just tough it out for up to a week, wean off slowly or switch to a diet brand to avoid the calories.

    Just as an added incentive, there is now evidence that the phosphoric acid in colas can cause bone loss.
  • I'm quitting cold turkey. i'll just stick it out for a week or two, and keep myself hydrated on water. Thank you all :)
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    I hope you have a good dental plan........I used to years ago, love to drink coke, about one litre a day until my Dentist told me the damage I was doing to my kidneys and destroying the enamel on my teeth.......maybe taper off, again, good luck
  • I had to go cold turkey. But what was also important was getting rid of the other sugar in my diet as that just kept my cravings up for it. You will have headaches and be tired for a bit, but it's worth it. Drink lots of water and good luck to you!
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 845 Member
    If you want the caffeine try coffee or even tea! I drink pop but only once a week, and that would be the diet stuff. Just one 8 oz glass thats it. The rest of the week I drink just water, and milk with my protein shakes.

    Its hard to ween yourself off of it at first, but trust me, it'll get easier with time!
  • juanita0991963
    juanita0991963 Posts: 9 Member
    (: I understand exactly what you are experiencing. I stopped three months ago after heavy drinking of coke. I came home from work my husband shared about some tv show he had watched about how bad it was .. I stopped for one day to show him i had been listening to his concern . Then i realized how much I enjoyed water!!! To my surprise and all of my family I don't drink any soda. I still keep in my fridge. It will get better, you don't have to give it up completely . Best of luck!
  • Semt3x
    Semt3x Posts: 23
    Had a full blown addiction as a kid, was all I would drink, not touched the stuff in years now though so it's doable to get away from it,
    Caffiene is a drug at the end of the day
  • crevices
    crevices Posts: 226 Member
    i kind of have this problem but with diet drinks. i've started to restrict myself because it seems too excessive, i probably still have 0.5-1L a day but whatever
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