How does this diet plan sound?

Hi everyone!

I have decided to try using My Fitness Pal. I'm hopeful that it will help me progress in my weight loss and I will start to see results.

What I have done today is use the calculator to make a base for my diet plan, I have not gone ahead and started this diet - I'm planning first. I'm still falling behind or going over some of my daily requirements! And I'm still 62 calories under my daily limit also.

Would someone mind taking a look at my diet plan and suggest how I can fix it up so that I'm getting enough of everything that I need a day? I should mention: I like to snack often, I'm not really a meat person but I will eat beef and chicken, I absolutely love stir fry for dinner and could eat it every day!

Thank you!

The diet plan:">


  • it didn't work cant see anything
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    Doesn't work. Says invalid username
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    An easier way to share would be to pick a day in your diary- any day, past or future. Fill out your diary for that day with your plan. Set your diary to public. Tell us which day to look at.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I see your diary is open, and I'm going to guess since you're short 62 cals on it today that this is what you want us to look at.

    It looks fine. You don't need to hit every single target right on the nose- that would be impossible, and ignores the estimation and approximation that's inherent in measuring and recording.
  • AlishaBaxmann
    AlishaBaxmann Posts: 29 Member
    Sorry guys! I changed it to public. Didn't know it was private!

    This was just a diet I made up that I think I may attempt but I wanted to run it past you guys first and see what you thought of it. If I'm 62 cals short can I still eat those 62 cals even if it goes above my other targets? Apparently I'm going way past my protein target.. can I still eat that much protein or?
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    The protein should be a bare minimum. The sugar... meh... up to you. I don't worry about going over since my pancreas works just fine. It looks okay except you don't get a lot of fruits or vegetables. But it looks fine. You're not going to eat the same thing every single day. Just worry about things in this order:

    1) Hitting your calorie target as a whole
    2) Getting that protein in
    3) Getting all macros right

    If you only do #1 you'll still be okay in general. If you do 1 & 2 you'll spare muscle mass as you diet. If you do all 3 you'll probably have the best health outcome. Some people like to lose weight with 30% protein and 50% fat and only 20% carbs, so what looks "good" to one person looks awful to the next.

    Can I ask about your height and weight though? What's your goal? 1200 is the lowest target MFP will give... maybe it's not actually appropriate for you.
  • AlishaBaxmann
    AlishaBaxmann Posts: 29 Member
    I'm about 5 feet, eighteen years old, and my weight fluctuates from 123-125 lbs

    bare minimum meaning the more the better or stick to exactly how much i need?
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    You can change your individual macros if you like to eat more fats or proteins and less carbs. MFP's default protein value is really low.

    You are pretty small, so maybe you could swing 1200 and get everything you need. If you start feeling hungry or tired a lot, though, consider upping to 1300 or 1400.

    And yes, if you are 62 calories short one day you can absolutely eat those calories even if you're already done with your daily planned meals. If you're not hungry, you can even "save them up" for a treat later - 62 unused calories every day is 434 unused calories at the end of the week. That's a pretty generous amount.
  • blackcows15
    blackcows15 Posts: 26 Member
    Since August I have lost 36 goal is 40. In that time I have logged every single day and never looked at any number besides calories and that has worked well for me.
  • AlishaBaxmann
    AlishaBaxmann Posts: 29 Member
    I used an online calorie counter and a macro nutrient calculator (from same website) and if I did it correctly then it came up with 1,588 calories per day to lose weight. Then I calculated my macros and got:

    carbs: 50% - 199g a day
    protein: 30% - 119g a day
    fat: 20% - 35g a day

    Not sure what to do with this new info :P