How much weight have you guys lost for month 2 of insanity?

Hi. I'm on month 2 of insanity and I'm on week 2. I've lost about 5 pounds ever since the beginning of insanity and I just wanna know about how many pounds would you typically lose a week during month 2. And maybe share some personal experience with month 2? Thank you


  • Anyone?
  • awomaame25
    awomaame25 Posts: 189 Member
  • poorlittlefish
    poorlittlefish Posts: 38 Member
    None. Did the whole thing and didn't lose. Got in good shape though.
  • jodiehong
    jodiehong Posts: 22 Member
    Lost about 12 lbs in the two months. Did a 3-day cleanse during recovery week and another 3-day cleanse right after the program. Weight wise, it wasn't a lot but the results were noticeable. You gain muscles from Insanity so you're losing inches even if the scale doesn't reflect it. PM me if you have other questions. :)
  • samhamm1
    samhamm1 Posts: 4 Member
    I started Insanity with 240 lbs and after 2 gruuuuuueling month went down to 224. Food, food and food, make sure u eat right and don't give up
  • Bump
  • Bump
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    You don't need to keep bumping it like that.
  • SlimReggieBack
    SlimReggieBack Posts: 121 Member
    I litterally did this program as hard as I can go and lost 50 together including with TurboFire now Im no longer obese nor overweight Im normal weight skinny-fat. So now Im bulking up to get my body some muscle because my body looked unbalanced because I did lose some muscle as well as fat. Afterwards, Im cutting so I can lose all the fat and still have some decent muscle left over then my body will be balanced. But in conclusion, I would say do what you think is best you can go ahead and do what Ive tried if you want.
  • heyyeahiknow
    heyyeahiknow Posts: 15 Member
    bumppppp. anyone else try this?
  • angel_minor18
    angel_minor18 Posts: 35 Member
    I did a few rounds of insanity. ..didn't really loose much weight...but I'm not sure my diet was on point. Either body changed and I became very, very strong with loads of stamina.
  • Yisrael1981
    Yisrael1981 Posts: 132 Member
    Lost weight and got in great shape , however your diet is more important than the exercise. Don't eat back your calories ... Most people overestimate how many calories they burn
  • Pinkylady80
    Pinkylady80 Posts: 445 Member
    I'm on my third round in the past year, lost maybe 4 or 5lb but lost inches of my legs, waist and chest. Toned up legs and abs a lot. I never followed the nutrition plan and try not to eat back my calories. There is an Insanity calorie burned calculator online if you google it and I use that. Best of luck to you :)
  • BalletAndBarbells
    BalletAndBarbells Posts: 334 Member
    Exercise is for fitness, not weight loss. You need to change your diet to lose weight. Use the insanity workouts to increase fitness and tone.