So sick of it!!!



  • ange290981
    I know i should pay less attention to what people do and say, but honestly.
    Im frigging surrounded by people like that all day long.

    Even my mom, for example.
    My son would be wresteling with her, and she would say " go wrestle with mommy, cause she has more meat on her"

    Even my son, he is almost 4. We were playing a game with my family about big and small.
    So my nice went: i am .... and he said Small, and she went MOMMY IS...... and he said BIG:sad:
    I wanted to die.

    And yes i agree, i should just eat less, cause i dont think im doing it the right way.
    Thats what hurts, when youre convinced after reading and reading everything about weightloss and trying so hard,
    changing so much, JUST TO DISCOVER that youre still doing it wrong :sad:

    And i know, last year eating alot less helped me more, instead of trying to eat to meet my calorie max.
    What the hell am i doing :grumble:
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    First of all quite looking at the scale everyday.

    First you need to get on a good meal plan before you start cutting.
    Protein 1 to 1.5grams per 1lb of bodyweight
    Carbs 1gram per 1lb of bodyweight
    Fat .5grams per 1lb of bodyweight

    After a couple of weeks when you weight platos then keep protein and fats same but drop carbs to .5 grams for 2 to 4 weeks with a high carb day on rest days to jump start your motbalism.

    OP, don't listen to this advice (above). it's not correct for you.

    protein should be 1.0g/lb of LBM (lean body mass), not bodyweight.
    fats should be 0.35g/lb of bodyweight.
    carbs are irrelevant.

    however, that's info about macronutrients.

    your problem right now is weight loss and that's solely about calories in and calories out.
  • LKuderna
    LKuderna Posts: 31 Member
    I hope I can encourage you!! I am 59, so that brings its own set of issues, but I just wanted to say, I don't think I've lost any weight either but I think MFP is really helping me. I started exercising a lot more at the same time I started MFP, and my calories were way too low at first. Now I eat more and still try to stay within my goal. I learned from reading the blogs and listening to knowledgeable people that when you really start to get fit, you can add muscle and retain water (normal for this). So I have kept my calories the same, kept on logging my food and exercise, and I still think it helps, I actually appear to be more trim. My boss (who is a PA) even told me I might gain some weight and not to stress about it. If you would like to friend me on this site, feel free! :smile:
  • ange290981
    Thank you all for reading, and your great advise :flowerforyou:
    I will give this another try, but different.
  • ange290981
    I Agree, there are amazing people here at MFP.
    The reason im still not giving up although im on the edge somtimes, are the succes stories.
    Everytime i read a post, i look at the persons ticker, that gives me hope.
  • debralekicsummers
    debralekicsummers Posts: 56 Member
    I know how you are feeling , i suffer from Pcos and Insulin resistance. I have lost weight and still have a way to go , i have been stuck at the same weight for a few months, i have stepped up my workouts , tried eating really carefully , i think i am doing great and then get onto the scale and it is the same or it goes up 1kg then next week i am down 1kg again and so it goes. This sometimes leads me to binges and feeling horrible but every time i get back up, dust myself off and know that if i keep trying i will succeed and every time i fail i become more determined to beat this. I came across an amazing book and it really is enlightening, read it , i will post the link for a pdf format . i including a few bits out the book. Put the scale away, make other goals for yourself, fitness wise, like to run a race or try something new. etc don't just concentrate on the weight part of it but how you feel when you are working out and eating right. Also take a look into calorie and carb cycling, it is pretty effective . It wouldn't be a bad idea to go for some blood tests and make sure you don't have any hormone or thyroid problems. But most of all don't give up!!!!!!!!! and when you fall down get back up, because everyone falls down and it is not easy. But believe in yourself !
    So here are some snippets from the book, enjoy! The full version is Slight Edge.pdf

    The most powerful force for change is time.

    That most valuable gift of all is a gift that you
    always have. You always have a choice.

    The important point is to start on the path and to
    remember that no matter what has gone on before,
    you can begin fresh and new and at any time you can
    choose to start with a clean slate.

    Greatness is always in the moment of
    the decision.

    No success is immediate. Nor is any failure

    The secret is to change the way you
    think. Once you do, then you will take the steps you need to take, to lead you to
    the how-to’s you need. If you don’t change your thinking, no amount of how-to’s
    will offer a real solution. It’s not the “hows,” it’s how you do the “hows.”
    This isn’t about self-hypnosis, or about conjuring up the impossible through
    sheer positive thinking, or any other kind of hocus-pocus. And I’m not talking
    about some complex, elaborate or heady system of ideas. And—although I’ll
    completely understand if you find the last part of this sentence truly difficult to
    believe—what I’m talking about is not difficult to do.
    It simply means changing your thinking. Your philosophy.
    The reason diets and other how-to’s don’t work for most people is the same
    reason most how-to books and courses don’t work for most people. It isn’t
    that the actions are wrong. It’s that people don’t keep
    doing them.
    A positive philosophy turns into a positive attitude, which turns into
    positive actions, which turn into positive results, which turn into a positive

    Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you
    just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will
    come. You wait and watch and work: you don’t give up.
    — Anne Lamott
    There is one quality which one must possess to win,
    and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of
    what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.
    — Napoleon Hill

    want a miracle? Be the miracle.”
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    I feel your pain, and I totally understand. At first, I was up and down the same three pounds, for like two weeks. Then, I lost a little, then one week, I was up and down with one pound, then I lost a little. Now, I've lost a solid 10 lbs, but I'm at the gym every day and always a little under my calories and measuring everything. It's damn hard work, but if you give up or go to this unhealthy meal-skipping thing, you'll be in the same miserable boat you are now. You have to find what works for you. Maybe more calories. Maybe less. Also, is it your time of the month? That could affect the scale, of course. I would take some time to experiment with different foods and exercise amounts and types before giving up.

    And also, please lean on your people on MFP. I find mine really help and encourage me. Good luck to you!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    You might tell other adults they are hurting your feelings and you would appreciate their support or to keep their comments to themselves.

    People lose weight by how many calories they eat versus how much they burn. You're probably eating more than you think or overestimating how much you're burning through exercise, or you might have a medical problem.

    Some suggestions:

    Drink water. It fills you up and curbs your hunger.

    Protein curbs hunger. Drink a protein shake if you aren't sure what to eat.

    I try to eat simple nutritious foods that I know I will be eating long term -- not foods I am punishing myself with until my weight is where I want. I also look for foods with fiber like steamed kale, collards and spinach, and steel cut oats with sliced apple.

    I try to stay away from processed food. It isn't necessary to stay away from processed food for weight loss -- lots of successful people have lost 100 pounds or more eating ice cream and potato chips every single day -- but I can't eat that stuff very often. Once I start, I can't stop eating it and crave it for days.

    I don't eat my exercise calories back unless I'm hungry, or I eat some of them back but not all. I don't own any devices and am not sure what I'm really burning or eating. I have been told by MFP friends with heart rate monitors that the exercise numbers in the MFP database are often too high.

    Be patient. There's a saying that you didn't gain the weight in a day so it isn't going to come off in a day. Figure out what you're going to eat, ask your loved ones for support, be positive, and work in exercise where you can - walk instead of using the car, that kind of thing.

    You can do this just like thousands of other people! Better to get the weight off now rather than years from now when you've gained even more.
  • jerbsod
    I started exercising like in august was 85 Kg after a 20 years OF INACTIVITY I am now 72Kg and exercise 700 to 1000Kcal a day. needless to say I feel so much better.

    Started rowing just to restart cardio then cycling 8kms a day then 15 and now 20. I don't really look at what I am eating i just joined this site today to get some idea at my food intake and comprehend the process on my journey to fitness.
    I got myself a Suunto watch with gps pod +Hr monitor and track exercise through Movescount.

    Things I noticed:
    -Weight loss has an inertia at the start
    -Exercise is important so you preserve muscle and shed more fat
    -There will be times where you binge a little and you loose a week of results, so what ?:frown:
    -Don't snack or just eat a fruit (they good for you )
    -Exercise has 0 influence on appetite
    -Don't have losing weight as a goal but rather fitness and better health, weight loss will be a consequence of that
    -take up a sport you can do everyday go easy at start till fitness is reasonable
    -increase length, and intensity as u get fitter
    -stick to your exercise routine no excuses for not doing it

    That's about it can't fail
  • rb16fitness
    rb16fitness Posts: 236 Member
    Stop beating yourself up. It's self defeating and resolves nothing.

    Start afresh and take one day, or one meal if necessary at, a time. Stop focusing on the total amount you need to lose. You didn't gain this weight overnight it will take consistent diligent changes to achieve your goals.

    If you give up, you're choosing to stay as you are.
    If you choose to starve yourself in an attempt to get thin you're setting yourself up for failure.

    Sensible daily deficit is the key and your body will use up its fat reserves.
    Good luck.
  • ange290981
    Thank you soo much, i feel better knowing im not alone.
    And all the great advice, instead of beating me up more then i do to myself.

    I have saved this post, just so i can read it everytime i get in this stage.

    And thank you debralekicsum for the book, love reading. This will do me good.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    If fasting until dinner worked for you in the past, there's probably no danger in it.

    I understand the frustration. Some of it you sound like you feel like you've been singled out with this affliction not everyone in your family has? I would try to address that thinking because it will never help you succeed. Nearly all of us have weight management issues eventually in life, your niece probably will, too. It's not the worst 'affliction'. It's very normal and at least there are ways we can deal with it effectively. It's just finding the ones that you can do for the long term.

    Good luck!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    If the exercise is new, make sure to give several pounds leeway for your muscles storing water.

    I can never see the scale move until well on into a diet (3 months, maybe?). Then it does. Slowly, but it does. My deficits are never really big, because I hate that, lol.

    Patience and consistency, grasshopper :) Patience alone won't do it, because if your measurements are off or you binge sometimes, etc, everything might even out. Consistency is necessary. But you don't have to have an extreme deficit to lose! Just a consistent deficit and enough patience to match it.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    I know, its the only the thing everyday on my mind.
    Eating, food, losing weight, counting and then food again.

    OMG im driving myself crazy, im soo frigging obsessed with this.

    And what bothers me the most, is when im eating somethin at work, the thin people always go:
    Can i have one slice please or half of it :sick: , and then here i am wanting two slices
    :angry: .

    YESSSSS as all of you are saying the only thing causes this, is that im still eating too much.
    Im probably underestamating my food intake. Which is hard when youre really trying to watch everything you eat.

    Sometimes i look at my food after i logged, and i would think, jeesz i eat too much, but when counting the calories its all between the 1200-1500 cal a day. THEN I JUST GET REALLY CONFUSED.

    Im sorry, im sooooo pissed of today, at MYSELF and everyone and everything.
    WHY IN GODS NAME, AM I BORN THIS WAY??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRAGAGHAGAHG!!!!!!!!

    Why could i not have the nice shape that my family has. WHy WHy WHy?
    And then my skninny Nieces go, OMG MY SIDES ARE SOOO FAT :sick:
    I just wanna puke right there and then.

    Can you read their minds? How do you know that they don't WANT 2 slices? I regularly eat a slice or a slice and a half of pizza. But, that doesn't mean that I don't want 2 slices. I love my mochas more than pizza, and often times that's what I've chosen to spend my surplus calories on that day.

    Consistently log. Weigh and measure your food for accuracy. Really do this for at least a month and see what happens. You say that you've "tried everything" but, from your description this is the thing that you haven't actually tried.
  • shafa4321
    shafa4321 Posts: 132 Member
    Just to get start DO ATKINS You will lose .NO doubt
  • saree2013
    OMG! You are so pretty, don't get upset! I had a friend that went from a size 22 to a 6, she said it took FOREVER to go down 3 sizes but when the weight starting coming off it was crazy how FAST it started dropping!
  • lauriebeakley1
    I've been where you are. One certain "plan" that worked for one person may not work for you. Atkins didn't work for me, being vegan didn't work for me, I even GAINED weight on Weight Watchers! What did work for me was going to my doctor, talking things over with him and finding out why those other plans didn't work for me. Using the tools and support of other people here actually does work for me. I've learned, for me at least, it's all about portion control and exercise. It really was that simple for me. A little encouragement from others doesn't hurt either. :)
  • darkestdayz
    darkestdayz Posts: 117 Member
    Invest in a digital food scale. Weigh and log EVERYTHING that you eat. Simple.
  • tottie06
    tottie06 Posts: 259 Member
    Wow, your really beautiful!! But you should not be so negative or hard on yourself. And never compare yourself to someone else!! When you say things like "why was I born this way", I hope you are joking. Look at how many people are on MFP. I would say that most of us are here to lose weight the old fashioned way via eating healthy and regular exercise, cause other diets we went on prior did not work long term. It gets harder as we get older (at 39 I can attest to this lol). But hey, most of us are in the same boat. Just have to kick it up a notch with cardio and weights! Maybe you should get some tests done to make sure it's not something else. But whatever you do, don't jump off the deep end and give up!! Stay balanced and stay positive.