NO kids and 37



  • 86myHeadache
    86myHeadache Posts: 44 Member
    Friend me, I'm 38 no kids and never been married. Life is circling back to my old dreams for me.
  • Darkaller
    Darkaller Posts: 317 Member
    I'm 32 with no kids and single. Its a complete double whammy for me at times but sometimes it feels like a gift from god. I usually depends on the company I keep.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    So - not to veer off topic but I want to say that I'm 29, one daughter, trying for another, and recently married.

    I have no good friends with kids. Some of my friends are recently married. The others are single. I have the opposite problem of you. I am ALWAYS searching for mom friends and feel out of place sometimes with my others. Not as far as things to talk about but just on things that we can do with kids......

    Compeltely different end of the spectrum that I never took a moment to realize how people without kids feel about people who do in this context lol. BTW I do throw myself pity parties about not having good mom friends lol
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Though I have a daughter, feel free to add me since about 50% of my clients are either unmarried/married without children and we have great conversations that don't include children.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • wayback63
    I am married and have a son who's 12. Turned 50 this year, and want to get in better shape to keep up with him. Too many years spent travelling around the globe for work takes it's toll physically. I'm not travelling as much and as a result have an easier time keeping on track with healthy choices.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    wow!, lucky you, no kids!
  • QuincyChick
    QuincyChick Posts: 269 Member
    Feel free to add me (any of you!)

    33/f/. Single, never married, no kids.
  • slimmerchick
    slimmerchick Posts: 189 Member

    I am 42 married with no kids although have two adult step children who were 4 and 1 when I met their Dad. He didn't want any more and I knew that (we met 20 years ago). I've buckled a few times but at the end of the day he is who I wanted to be with, and still do. There was no way I was going to leave him because I wanted children - it was never a big dream of mine, I think occasionally my body clock overwhelmed me, together with a natural maternal desire that I think a lot of people experience. I do feel like I am not normal, because most women have them or are expected to and I hate it when celebrities (and others) hark on about how having kids is the best thing that ever happened to them,

    My husband and I are happily married and I know plenty of people who drift completely apart when they have kids. I have a great relationship with my step children and look forward to being a granny to their children when the time come (if it does). I do often wish they were really mine though. I did spend the best part of my 20's and 30's helping to raise them though so I should feel I had some involvement in how they turned out!

    I think facebook rubs it in a lot - years ago people just got on with parenting quietly, but now there are photos and stories shoved in your face all the time about how great their offspring are!! Drives me mad!

    Happy to have more friends if anyone would like to add me!
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    38 & no kids here/never married but want both! Anyone can add me as a friend: )
    I know that "third wheel" feeling well. Right now I'm not quite ready to start dating again & want to lose a little more before getting back out there; then again I'm bored and will reconsider over the weekend?! Hoping 2014 will be full of great men to date and hopefully finding the right guy once & for all!
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    I'm 38, in a relationship, and don't have (nor do I want) kids. My BF doesn't want them either, so my desire not to have children has never been a problem in our relationship. I am perfectly happy to be an amazing aunt to my gorgeous niece and mom to my fur kids (a cat and a dog)! Feel free to add me!!
  • Renovatingmyexistance
    33, no kids, no man. Brand new to MFP- I would love some kidless friends :) Feel free to add me.
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    39 not married or kids but would like to someday. Feel free to add me if you would like to.
  • LiftHeavyWeights
    LiftHeavyWeights Posts: 336 Member
    Married 30 years & no children by choice. I have 3 cats & 2 dogs all from rescue organizations. On here everyday, since November 2012. Look me up.
  • Miss_Kaz80
    Miss_Kaz80 Posts: 13 Member
    33 with no kids and I feel like I'm not missing out. Love lifting and eating and travelling.:tongue:
  • Goofy_gurl
    Goofy_gurl Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 39 and no kids, unless you count my students. Anyone feel free to add me.
  • olehcat
    olehcat Posts: 92 Member
    Feel free to add me -- I'm 43, divorced, have no children (just two silly cats). I have two nieces that I adore and I work with children for a living, but no need to have any of my own at this point (and that ship has probably sailed for me anyway, lol).
  • MarlaVSings
    MarlaVSings Posts: 66 Member
    First of not pathetic at all! You sound like you are just trying to connect with others :)

    I'm 32 (just joined tonight), single with no mini-me's. I'm on the fence as to whether or not I want kids. I like children, love my nephew, but I don't feel a very strong need to have children. There is a lot of pressure to have kids as you get older and I have had friends "move on" once they have had their children. It hurts a little when it happens, but I understand their life has changed and try not to judge. It's also tough being single when you are excluded because you don't fit in with the couples.

    Despite all this, I do feel grateful to be living in a time when being single/childless and over 30 is not so rare. Just look at the amount of responses in this thread - we are definitely not alone!

    I do not have any friends as I had just joined. Feel free to add me if you would like!
  • cccoursey
    cccoursey Posts: 116 Member
    38, no children. Was married for 7 years then divorced. Don't marry someone if you do not absolutely worship everything about each other. Marrying them because you care for them, want to be there for them, and help them, while all good reasons, are not the right ones.

    Maybe one day I will find that. Who knows. I do hope so.
  • toothfairy79
    toothfairy79 Posts: 70 Member
    Hello.. I am 34, no kids and not interest in having any.. I am happily married and have one lovely dog.. and would gladly be your friend (and any other child free ladies out there) if you would want to. It's interesting to read the stories here..
  • gampsm824
    gampsm824 Posts: 37 Member

    Feel free to add me.I'm 48 married and on kids. I have 9 nieces and nephews. I understand about finding friends who relate to being childless