Am I Eating Enough??

Hi All,
I eat pretty well and end the day feeling pretty full, but I just want to make sure I'm staying healthy and nourished. I want to make sure I don't mess with my metabolism and keep my body happy and energized! Personally I feel fine, but I like to be sure. Here is some info, let me know if you need more information.

Female, 20 years old
5'9 132lbs
Total Calorie Intake averages 1200-1500
Usually burn between 150-400 calories per day (I always make sure I net at least 1000 calories)
My calories usually break down to about:
80 -100 grams carbohydrates
50-75 grams fat
75-100 grams protein

It always shows that I go far above my daily values on protein and fats, but way below on carbs. Any suggestions/ can you shed any light?


  • Redhead_23
    Looks great to me. 132 at 5'9 is awesome BTW. As long as you don't feel weak or tired all the time you should be fine.
  • fernmeister
    Calories may be a bit too low especially if you are working out everyday, but if you feel fine, then don't worry. Going over on protein and fat is ok, as long as your energized, don't worry about getting more carbs in.
  • patrickwx
    You could probably afford to be taking in more calories than that if your just maintaining, but you know your own body better than anyone else, if you begin losing weight that you don't want/need to lose, up the intake a little. Doesn't really matter about the carb/fat/protein balance in your case, probably even beneficial, we consume too much carbs in western cultures IMO. As long as your getting the right amount of calories.
  • ruthmfrey
    ruthmfrey Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks guys. I felt like I am eating plenty, and I'm more energized than ever before. I just tend to fill up on lower calories things like veggies and chicken, so my calories stay lower. I haven't noticed any big weight loss from it either, which is not necessarily my goal, but why I was worried I may be messing with my metabolism. I guess as long and I'm healthy and happy right? :)