2 Liters BEFORE breakfast!

I watched FOOD MATTERS last night for the first time... wow! What they say makes so much sense. One of the things that they stressed was that they urged people to drink 2 liters of water BEFORE you even eat anything in the morning. It's supposed to help cleanse out your bowels. I am going to try to make it a goal of mine to drink the 2 liters first thing in the morning. I did it today, and it really wasn't too hard. I just sat sipping water for about a half hour as I checked my emails and read the news.


  • kkochend
    I loved that documentary! Really got me back into vitamins :)
  • jhandley
    jhandley Posts: 118
    I drink at least 1 liter in the morning before I eat, sometimes 1 1/2 so I'm almost there - I sit a 16.9 oz bed side and when i wake up i start drinking it.

    I don't like my water ice cold so it doesnt bother me, i actually prefer my water to be room tempature.