When is it socially acceptable for shirtless banking?

Personally, I feel that if you don't have at least five 0s after your balance then you should keep your damn shirt on! But maybe I'm off base here...


  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    NO shirt, NO shoes, NO service. Well, unless you're my boyfriend. *wink, wink*
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Was said shirt perhaps lost in the stock market? Playing the ponies?
  • boroko
    boroko Posts: 358 Member
    Online or telephone banking - wear what you want. Going into a branch, I don't care if you're handing out cash to onlookers, keep your clothes on.
  • robinsondel
    Personally, I feel that if you don't have at least five 0s after your balance then you should keep your damn shirt on! But maybe I'm off base here...

    Does that "five 0s" count the ones after the decimal? LOL. But seriously, I get what you're saying, it's bad enough when some *kitten* decides to walk into the gas station shirtless, but it really catches me off guard when it's somewhere like the bank, or even worse, and happens quite often around here, the small mom and pop grocery store. And I'm not talking a 3 aisle small grocery store, I'm talking a full grocery store, just not huge like a Publix. And to make it worse, it's not even dudes that look fit and in shape, it's usually these scrawny, methhead looking rednecks with armpit hair hanging out. I've actually made a smartass comment to one before. I was like, "dude, if you're gonna trash up the place by walking around without a shirt, at least back away from my buggy so you don't drop a pitpube on my chicken"