Change in Body Composition?

Hi, everyone:

I'm getting very close to my goal weight, but have noticed a change in my body composition over the past few weeks. I'm 5' 8", started at 158 lbs, currently at 133 lbs, goal weight 125 lbs. For most of this weight loss process, I've felt leaner, more "sculpted," etc -- I've been doing lots of cardio in addition to basic weightlifting/strength exercises like bicep curls, tricep dips, planks, and so on -- but recently, my body just feels flabbier and looser than it normally does. It's hard to explain, but I just have this sense that while I'm continuing to lose weight, my body is no longer firming up in the way that it used to (though I haven't noticed a change in the way my clothes fit or anything like that). Am I starting to lose more fat than muscle at this stage of the weight loss process? Is this all in my head? I'm relatively new to the weight loss/firming up process, so would very much appreciate your thoughts and suggestions on this turn of events.


  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    It might be loose skin.
  • PuppyPuppy12
    PuppyPuppy12 Posts: 18 Member
    Would a loss of "only" 25 lbs bring on significantly looser skin, though? But if it is loose skin, what should/can I do about it?
  • donthesitate
    donthesitate Posts: 255 Member
    We are our biggest critics, so it could be that or have you increased the weight/intensity of your workouts at all? Your body will adjust to a workout over time as it gets stronger and such. Try that or mixing it up. When you get to your goal you could always change it to gain muscle or w.e. Good luck :)
  • dltp223
    dltp223 Posts: 28 Member

    "As folks get very lean, down to the last pounds of fat, the skin and fat cells that are left will often change appearance and texture. It will look dimply (as the fat cells which are supporting the skin shrink and the skin isn’t supported) and feel squishy to the touch. This is bad in that it looks really weird, but it’s good because it means that the fat is going away. I have nothing truly profound to say about this topic, just realizes that it happens and usually indicates good things are happening."
  • Then your a skinny fat person
    Your a smaller version of your fat self

    Hows your diet!? Your carbs controlled!?
    You might be losing musclce not fat if you still have flab
    Just keep training harder!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I'm a big fan of arm and ab exercises, but if curls, dips and planks constitute the majority of your resistance training, you need to rethink your routine. Where is the compound leg, back, and chest work?