The "I Need to lose 200+ lbs" Group

StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I've been a member of the "Need to lose 100 lbs. or more" group and don't know if there is a group for those of us who need to lose 200 or more pounds, but I haven't seen one so I thought I'd start one.

I started out at 385 lbs and when all is said and done I'm going to be shedding 245 lbs to get down to my goal weight of 140 lbs.

If, given your starting weight and your goal weight, you have 200 or more pounds to lose (total) please say hi and join the group! If you've already lost 150 lbs and still have 50 more to lose, that counts too!

So, basically I want to create a group for those of us with a high starting weight. We struggle with things that others who have less to lose often don't. It's also great to be in contact with people who are more likely to know your personal struggles and issues when it comes to getting fit and eating healthier.

Please post your starting weight and your goal weight. I'd also love to hear what your reasons for deciding to lose weight are. :)


  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    I'm in..thanks for thinking of us.

    I started recently and weighed 355 (now at 349)
    I have stated that my goal is 250 but that's just a number that seemed more realistic to start with.
    It is my hope that I will get down to 175 which is supposed to be the ideal weight for my height. It's such a long way to go that I try not to think about it! First I just want to get below 300 and then take another deep breath and push on.

    I'd be happy to "friend" anyone who needs this kind of support too.

  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I'm in..thanks for thinking of us.

    I started recently and weighed 355 (now at 349)
    I have stated that my goal is 250 but that's just a number that seemed more realistic to start with.
    It is my hope that I will get down to 175 which is supposed to be the ideal weight for my height. It's such a long way to go that I try not to think about it! First I just want to get below 300 and then take another deep breath and push on.

    I'd be happy to "friend" anyone who needs this kind of support too.


    "First I just want to get below 300 and then take another deep breath and push on." Sarah, I know exactly how you feel! I was 300 lbs by the time I was in high school so I've never even been below 300 in my adult life. Let me tell you, I CAN'T WAIT until I'm out of 300s forever!

    It's crazy, I hear so many people say stuff like "OMG, I'm over 200 lbs! How did I let myself get here!?" and It makes me want to laugh. 200 lbs sounds pretty darn good from where I am at. lol I can't wait to be in TWO-ville! :D
  • 200 sounds pretty darn good to ME too!!

    When you ask for starting weight, do you mean this time, or the first time? Five years ago ... well really, almost 6 now... I was teetering at the 400 mark. I don't actually know if I ever went over, because once I got past 390, I refused to weigh anymore. It didn't help that there wasn't anywhere for me to weigh, because even the doctors' office scale only went UP to 400... not over. So, I would say right about there... 400ish.

    I was still reeling in depression, trying to get myself out of it... I can't remember if that was the first year, or the second year of Biggest Loser, but it was right around the beginning anyway. I started thinking surely if they can lose x amount of pounds I can at least get where my biggest clothes aren't so tight!.... (It was getting to be a problem to find anything that FIT... it was the dead of winter, and all I could wear were tent dresses. :frown: )

    Then one Sunday, close to the end of the year, our preacher gave quite an inspiring message about taking care of ourselves, and I started thinking... 'yea I can do this' ... I happened across a site that was for support... course they also wanted you to buy their products, but they made me sick! LOL... I was able to get permission to stay active on the site without buying their stuff. :bigsmile:

    I lost 100 pounds that year... 2005. All the way to 300... never managed to break under though. Over the last 5 years it's been steadily working its way backup. This year, in May, I hit 370 and I panicked... and thought NO ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Did not want to get any closer to 400 again!!

    That helped me start choosing better foods.... even though I was still eating too many of them. Lost a few pounds, then hovered between 360 and 367... Went for my yearly blood work up. My doc told me this was the second year in a row my triglycerides were sky high and I had to do something about it or face the possibility of developing diabetes. That did it!

    Since August 3, I have been totally committed to counting my calories to lose weight. I still haven't been able to add much exercise because of my knee problems, but hey 44 pounds are gone, so I'm satisfied. As long as it keeps going down!! :smile:
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Tracy, I'm so proud of you for finding the strength to change your life. I'm so glad you're here and I hope that we can help to motivate and inspire each other! 44 pounds is awesome work! Well done!

    And once you start adding exercise into your day you will see the pounds drop even faster. Since your knee is hurt, have you tried chair exercises? Exercises while sitting? Anything you can do to get your body moving will help those pounds melt off. :)

    When I first started I could barely make it up a small flight of stairs. We all start somewhere. You're going to do wonderfully!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Hey girls! Just dropping in to say Happy Halloween! Have fun tonight! *hugs*
  • thelima
    thelima Posts: 234
    Nice idea, Stacy!!

    I started at 365, a number that floored me.

    Still taking it one day at a time...

    -- Maria (aka TheLima)
  • Wow Maria.... you're down to the last 74 pounds ??? how long has it taken you? I'm impressed, and inspired!! :bigsmile:
  • thelima
    thelima Posts: 234
    Tracy, not really! I'm just starting.

    My ticker is for the 1st 100 only. :) Then we'll see. The idea of putting the ENTIRE amount on there made me want to quit before I started. :)

    -- Maria (aka TheLima)
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Tracy, not really! I'm just starting.

    My ticker is for the 1st 100 only. :) Then we'll see. The idea of putting the ENTIRE amount on there made me want to quit before I started. :)

    -- Maria (aka TheLima)

    HAHAH I know right? That's why I used "lbs LOST" ticker instead of the "lbs TO GO" because honestly if I had to look at "200+ lbs to go" when I first started it would have been enough to make me want to cry (or just darn right quit all together lol). It's scary looking at such a big number and it can be overwhelming. But one day at a time, and it all comes off. I figure I didn't get this big over night, so I can't expect to lose it all over night either. lol

    Welcome to the group, Maria! I'm glad you're here! :D
  • Hello ladies! I just wanted to say congrats on all of your progress thus far!!! You are all doing great!!!

    And for a note of encouragement; my mother was about 400 lbs about a year and a half ago and she is now under 300. She has been doing weight watchers so basically what we are all doing...keeping track of food intake, exercising and enjoying a support group. She is in her 50's now and I think that is a major accomplishment for someone is her 50's to lose over 100 lbs.

    Take care and may you all have continued success! :drinker:
  • Yes Dre, it IS... and I'm counting on it, cuz come saturday I'll be two years away from 50... *sigh*.

    Although I love birthdays no matter what age I'm getting to, I think the fact that I am pushing 50 is part of what helped snap me out of whatever fat-land I was in where I wasn't caring anymore what I ate. I want to LIVE and see my son graduate high school... see him be a success in college... I'd love to see my daughter figure out what she wants to do with her life now that she's finished college ... I'd like my hubby and I to be able to DO things together, not sit and watch other people do them.

    My son graduates in 2012... I would LOVE to be at the LEAST down to 200.. maybe lower than that!? by then.

    After the weekend I had though... just for this week, I hope I have done enough to balance it and keep my weight the same this week! LOL (oooh I was eating chocolate like it was going out of style! lol)
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Hello ladies! I just wanted to say congrats on all of your progress thus far!!! You are all doing great!!!

    And for a note of encouragement; my mother was about 400 lbs about a year and a half ago and she is now under 300. She has been doing weight watchers so basically what we are all doing...keeping track of food intake, exercising and enjoying a support group. She is in her 50's now and I think that is a major accomplishment for someone is her 50's to lose over 100 lbs.

    Take care and may you all have continued success! :drinker:

    Thanks so much for the words of encouragement and support, Dre! I appreciate it!

    I think it's wonderful that your mom is taking such good steps to get healthy! I wish her great success! By the way, if she's online send her our way. I'd love to say hi to her and perhaps we could help motivate each other. :)

  • Lizard863
    Lizard863 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm in!!

    I would love to have friends and be a friend. :)

    Currently 385. Ouch, I hate writing that.

  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I'm in!!

    I would love to have friends and be a friend. :)

    Currently 385. Ouch, I hate writing that.


    That was my starting weight, so I know where you're coming from, hun. :D Hopefully we can help motivate and inspire each other! *hugs*
  • dragoneyes98
    dragoneyes98 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks Stacy for making this group, I know those of us that have to lose 200+ lbs its quite daunting and sometimes feels impossible. I first started losing weight several years ago and have been yo-yo'ing ever since. High time I started over.

    Start weight: 351
    1st goal: 298
    2nd goal: 250
    3rd goal: 200
    final goal: 175
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Thanks Stacy for making this group, I know those of us that have to lose 200+ lbs its quite daunting and sometimes feels impossible. I first started losing weight several years ago and have been yo-yo'ing ever since. High time I started over.

    Start weight: 351
    1st goal: 298
    2nd goal: 250
    3rd goal: 200
    final goal: 175

    Yep, time to get off the yo-yo and get on with some real changes. You can do this, sister! I have faith in you!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    My sweetie bought me a Polar heart rate monitor today - it's got one of those strap things that goes around your chest and gives great calorie burn readings and helps you stay in your target heart rate while working out. If anyone is thinking of getting one I highly recommend it! :D

    On a fun note - we walked for 4 miles today on the hiking and biking trails around Lake Natoma! It is so beautiful there! I'm really glad that he and I have Mon and Tues off, it's nice to be out and about while everyone is working - we get to avoid the weekend crowds! hahah :D
  • dcaswell10
    dcaswell10 Posts: 37 Member
    If the group is still going I'd like to join in. I have well over 200 ponds to lose and need the extra motivation.
  • i would love to join the group I started out at 331 and im currently at 317 i really need lots of support and help and id love to give my support and help to all of yall
  • dcaswell10
    dcaswell10 Posts: 37 Member
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