Bring my sexy back, please!

Please, please, please...

I have gained 7lbs back since my lowest weight. I had lost 70lbs and now i'm back to a 63lb loss. I dont understand where on Earth my motivation has gone. Wouldn't you think that once I got to the 70lb mark I would want to keep going? :frown:

Please, please, please help me. I need all of your advice and motivation to get back on track before the winter here in MI kills me!

Thanks friends, you are the best :flowerforyou:


  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Sexy is not a physical attribute; it is a state of mind.
  • carmenrichard
    Sexy is not a physical attribute; it is a state of mind.

  • ttdragonflytt
    First, congrats on the initial loss. Remember you have made a LIFESTYLE change. Not a diet. Your life will change as will your weight, within a limit hopefully. 7lbs can be water weight, eating too much salt, many things. You may want to try small goals but something different than before. With harsh, cold MI winters, perhaps try something inside like a new exercise DVD or bellydancing (could be real fun with your daughter) or something you have not done before and make THAT your goal rather then worry about the scale number. You have made a huge change already and should be very proud of that. Your 'sexy' is still there, just hiding under a little disappointment. :-)
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    Sometimes you take a few steps back before you can move forward. I just started my weightloss journey and would like to lose 85 lbs... If you have any advice I am all ears :) Good luck on the rest of your journey, I am sure you will do just fine! You made it this far, the rest is down hill!

    I am from MI too, not too far from Muskegon actually. Moved from Saugatuck area to Myrtle Beach South Carolina a few months ago so I am hoping with some warmer winters and no snow I can get outside and keep the workouts up.
  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    Better only 7 than 70. You can do this! You are in control, don't let the scales take over. Start logging and exercising and it will come off.
  • spunkysassylady23
    spunkysassylady23 Posts: 11 Member
    Put on some nice sexy clothes, stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself how great you look, how hard you have worked to look this way etc. Then go and exercise even if you don't want to everyday for 30 min. it will become a habit and make you feel more confident of your goals.
  • myrbg
    myrbg Posts: 93
    dance. seriously. whenever i'm down, i dance to silly music while cleaning or while making dinner and it cheers me up instantly and when i'm happy, i'm motivated! try it!!
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    dance. seriously. whenever i'm down, i dance to silly music while cleaning or while making dinner and it cheers me up instantly and when i'm happy, i'm motivated! try it!!

    I agree :) and it burns of more calories!
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    :wink: Funny you mention to dance while working,cleaning,cooking,etc....always a mood upper!!!
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Right on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wink:
  • sandyvanderstelt
    me too girl! i'm in the EXACT same boat. total loss of 70 and i've gained 7 back. lets have a competition?? see who can get the 7 back off first? dude i dont know i need help too lol. i'm very dissapointed in myself, but can't seem to get on track with food. call me! love you.