Moobs--The Unbreakable Enemy

Every other part of my body has slimmed down over the past two months except my moobs. I'm starting to think that they are genetic and not just fat-related and, as a guy, this is heart-breaking. I've increased my chest exercises so much that I, perpetually, feel like I've been donkey kicked in the chest every single day. But, alas, they do not budge.

I've done some research and some sites believe that moobs are the product of low testosterone levels which can be naturally elevated by Vitamin D and Zinc, both of which I'm taking daily and have been doing so for the better part of a month (since I read the study).

Perhaps I'm not giving it enough time, or am so upset by these two intruders that I don't see progress happening, because I'd like them gone overnight. I don't know.

What I'm afraid of, is that, eventually, I'm going to have to get surgery to get rid of them. No other guy in my family has these. I was the lucky contestant who hit the bottom of the barrel in the gene pool.

Please tell me that other guys have overcome these and, if so, please tell me how. They are a huge point of embarrassment for me.


  • tyleeloo30
    My brother had to have his removed. Even after losing a lot of weight, and becoming very slim (young teenage boys, eat everything under the sun and dont gain an ounce lol) he still had them. Eventually he went to the doctor to get them checked out and he required surgery. No shame in it though, it's easy enough to do and no one has to know unless you tell them :)
    Good luck!
  • Satiable
    Satiable Posts: 121
    I've done some research and some sites believe that moobs are the product of low testosterone levels which can be naturally elevated by Vitamin D and Zinc, both of which I'm taking daily and have been doing so for the better part of a month (since I read the study).

    Are you sure you have low testosterone? Your doctor can do a blood test to find out. Moobs can also be a product of high oestrogen levels, high body fat percentage, genetics, or a side-effect of some medications and illnesses. It's not always hormonal.

    It's important to know whether or not your hormone levels are the cause, because if you increase testosterone (either naturally, or through testosterone injections etc.) your body might not respond in the way you want it to. There's an enzyme in your body called aromatase that converts testosterone into oestradiol, a type of oestrogen. Basically, you could end up feeding more oestrogen to your moobs.

    The good news is that once you and your doctor know what causes them, you'll be able to do something about it! Good luck.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    You're building muscle under the fat, so while you might be slimming down overall, (and check to see if your moobs are firming up)... you're increasing the look because you're increasing the underlying muscle.

    Keep going at it, and in time you will lose the moob fat, and have manly pecs :)
  • Leaping_Lemur
    Leaping_Lemur Posts: 121 Member
    There is always going to be some part of your body that's the last to lose fat. For some it's the tummy, others the butt or thighs. Perhaps for you it's the chest. Spot training won't help -- you can do all the chest exercises you want, but you won't lose the moobs until you lose the body fat. And if you've been doing this only for two months, you probably still have some way to go. Certainly a big thick layer of chest fat isn't going to disappear overnight. Give it time! Meanwhile enjoy the progress you've made, and let it encourage you to further progress and gains.
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    Could be Gynocomecia which can be brought on during puberty or as a result of high estrogen. Do you have lumps? If not and they're never sore then its adipose fat which will remove over time. It may be the last place to go, everyone is different.
  • Alanhalil
    Alanhalil Posts: 62 Member
    I was in a similar position a couple of years ago. 6 months of daily push ups made a big impact. After a year it was sorted.
  • NightKeepr
    Could be Gynocomecia which can be brought on during puberty or as a result of high estrogen. Do you have lumps? If not and they're never sore then its adipose fat which will remove over time. It may be the last place to go, everyone is different.

    Dude! THANK YOU!! I do not have lumps and they never hurt. Oh, man, you just gave me the best news ever. A beer (or preferred alcohol) to you.

    Seriously, thank you.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I don't know much about moobs other than that I find them a totally normal and fine version of a guy's chest. Some of my favorite older actors are sporting quite the pairs and pull it off if you ask me, lol :) Maybe it's like cellulite for women that way. I hate mine, but I've heard guys care less about it than we do.

    Now, if something is possibly hormonal, I will say go get those levels checked. There are usually things you can do nowadays about hormonal imbalances. Doctors not only have options, but there are a lot of studies on traditional/herbal medicines related to very specific hormonal targets, because researchers are looking for new cancer drugs all the time. You might get ideas for what to cut or add to your diet, for instance, if you knew that you had an imbalance (so many of them are foods). Don't go guessing, though! Have a doc do your levels. Good luck!