If you need support...


I'm Michelle and I have around 70lbs to lose. I started my journey two weeks ago, and although I haven't yet stepped on the scales (my personal trainer has banned me for the first month), I can already feel a change; not just in the fact my clothes feel a little loose, but I have so much more energy already and I feel I'm in a far happier place.

I log onto MFP several times a day and would love to be able to help as many people as possible along the way, with support and motivation. To help share the positive effects I'm already feeling.

Believe me peeps when I say, if I can do it - absolutely anyone can! I used to be so tired all the time, it was all I could do to drag myself out of bed at a weekend, and even then it was only ever to plop myself down in front of the TV - which is where I'd stay the entire day. I use to suffer anxiety before ever leaving my house for fear of people looking at me and judging me for being obese; especially after having received verbal abuse from a car full of guys who shouted some really awful things about my weight one night as I walked down my street.

Well not anymore! I feel a lot more positive about things and now walk everywhere with my head held up, not staring at the pavement beneath my feet, desperate to avoid eye contact and hoping I'm invisible to everyone - and that's only after two weeks!

Good luck to you all on reaching your goals - we really can do this!

Please feel free to add me as a friend!


  • amcsouth
    amcsouth Posts: 283 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • WhoMe93
    My name is Michelle too! Feel free to add me. I was in your shoes a year and a half ago. I just spent the day hunting and I never dreamed I'd ever do that!
  • anniev1223
    I am new to this site....I just typed in "I am fat and I hate myself." I just finished trying on all my clothes for the winter to see what fit. Depressing. So I guess I need support. You are very motivated to lose weight. I feel like I am, but nothing works. I've never been this heavy. It shows in my face and that really bothers me. I want to be free from the hate and able to lose weight. Thank you for sharing your story.
  • Lorelai23
    Lorelai23 Posts: 31 Member
    I always need support and encouragement. Please add me.
  • Jaxamour
    I am new to this site....I just typed in "I am fat and I hate myself." I just finished trying on all my clothes for the winter to see what fit. Depressing. So I guess I need support. You are very motivated to lose weight. I feel like I am, but nothing works. I've never been this heavy. It shows in my face and that really bothers me. I want to be free from the hate and able to lose weight. Thank you for sharing your story.

    Im really sorry that you are struggling at the moment - please, please don't think it's forever. We are always able to make changes in our lives, and losing weight is one of them.

    I've tried absolutely every fad diet under the sun and have probably owned most of the 'quick-fix' home gym equipment at some or another - they don't work. It took for my partner to join a gym, and for me to see the change in him, to realise I would have to face my fear of gyms and join one. I'd always pictured these places to be full of posers wearing spandex and staring at themselves in the full length mirrors that would cover every inch of wall space - boy was I wrong!

    I've been going to the gym for two weeks and although it will take a little longer to see results in my measurements, I felt a change in me after my very first workout. I have a lot more energy and because I'm doing something to lose the weight, I feel proud of myself and that is one of the best feelings ever - I've never really had it before now.

    I know you can do this - we all can! You don't have to join a gym, just change your day to incorporate exercise - be it a power walk, home work out DVD, going for a bike ride... So long as it gets your heart rate up. I go to the gym at a set time as I know it will ensure I stick to it, maybe that could work for you with your exercise.

    With food, I've just made wiser choices and am not eating the processed foods I used to. I've also found eating more at lunch and less at dinner a great help as our bodies require the fuel during the day.

    I wish you every success - and use your friends on here as we are all on here for similar reasons and the support you find in this site really keeps you going.

    You know where I am if ever you need me... :0). I know you can do this!