Pregnant and don't want to gain all my weight back!!

So I'm almost 5 months pregnant and I've been doing well so far on not gaining any weight. I've been trying to lose a good bit pre-pregnancy and lost 18 pounds. Technically with me being overweight and pregnant I'm only supposed to gain 10-15 pounds. I have always had issues with my back and hips hurting and I'm trying to think of ways to workout and keep me motivated because I'm so darn sleepy!! I barely get the house chores done plus I've got a two year old. SO...anyone have any ideas on things I can do to help keep my weight down? I've been eating quite terrible, not meaning to, but these cravings have been rough. I would say I need a ton of motivation however my husband has just lost 30 pounds by riding a bike and it kind of makes me sick just knowing he's out losing weight/burning calories and I'm sitting here stuffing my face. Are there any mothers out there that have felt this way? What did you do? Help...


  • hotmomma0612
    hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
    I am pregnant as well and feeling this way.

    Bumping to see other people's advice.

    Congrats, btw!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,618 Member
    My sister is pregnant now, and she does the elliptical at the gym. I don't see any reason why you can't put your two year old in the stroller and go for a walk or jog, or go play at the park. Getting up and moving can actually help you feel more energized. Of course, being pregnant can make you feel more tired than usual, so try to catch a nap when toddler is napping:)

    There are a lot of other exercises that you can do while pregnant, I'm just not sure what you like.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    So I'm almost 5 months pregnant and I've been doing well so far on not gaining any weight. I've been trying to lose a good bit pre-pregnancy and lost 18 pounds. Technically with me being overweight and pregnant I'm only supposed to gain 10-15 pounds. I have always had issues with my back and hips hurting and I'm trying to think of ways to workout and keep me motivated because I'm so darn sleepy!! I barely get the house chores done plus I've got a two year old. SO...anyone have any ideas on things I can do to help keep my weight down? I've been eating quite terrible, not meaning to, but these cravings have been rough. I would say I need a ton of motivation however my husband has just lost 30 pounds by riding a bike and it kind of makes me sick just knowing he's out losing weight/burning calories and I'm sitting here stuffing my face. Are there any mothers out there that have felt this way? What did you do? Help...

    Walking is an easy way to get in some activity. If you can work in 20 minutes a day, that's at least a start.

    I hope you're discussing your diet and weight issues with your doctor.
  • Ke11er
    Ke11er Posts: 147 Member
    Congrats! Sounds like you have a good grip on how much weight your doctor wants you to gain so that's good. And I agree with the above good advice to go ahead and enjoy a walk for exercise and energy. Beyond that, remember while you husband may indeed be doing great things with exercise and weight loss right now (kudos to him).... YOU are growing a tiny human! How amazing is that!! Save the one cell your husband donated you are providing the fuel to create every single cell in your precious baby's body. Take good care of yourself--eat healthy nutritious foods, take your prenatal vitamins, rest with your toddler, stay away from alcohol, tobacco etc. and give your new baby a great start in a long and healthy life.
  • Appalachia7
    Appalachia7 Posts: 28 Member
    When I was pregnant with my second child, I also had a two-year old, plus worked a full-time job outside the home. My advice to you is to prioritize your health (meaning fit in the exercise), your 2-year old, your husband, and then everything else comes later, if you feel up to it. Even if you feel sooo tired, just go for a walk with your two year old. You'll tire out your toddler, plus get some exercise in for yourself, which will help both of you. Don't worry if your house gets messy! Accept that you probably won't have time for television or other hobbies...just make sure you fit in time for your health (plus baby) and toddler. You will have plenty of time to have an immaculate house once your kids get a bit older.
  • saracantthink
    saracantthink Posts: 49 Member
    Congrats! I can understand the hardships you are going through. I am overweight, have a 19 month old, and am seven weeks pregnant, plus I go to school part time. It is a good step keeping your account on here so you can monitor your nutrition and calorie intake. It is hard to have energy, sometimes I get so tired I can't move. Add that with the nausea I get every time I eat, and sometimes it is hard to work out. However, I have noticed that I feel better when I am walking. It is a cold time of year, so I usually walk around my living room and dining room for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. Also, drink a lot of water, it really helps with holding salt and bloating. Cravings do suck, I have to give into them sometimes too. I practically start drooling at every fast food or restaurant commercial I see!
  • WickedZoey
    WickedZoey Posts: 401 Member
    Hey ladies - I'm 37 weeks and I completely understand you guys. I was fairly fit before I got pregnant.... But that wasn't something that came easily to me. I was working out extensively and keeping track of everything that I put in my body.

    That being said, being pregnant (esp since this is my first) has been a challenge. I continue to eat healthy but have put on quite a bit of weight with this pregnancy - which my doctor encouraged anyway (he wanted me to gain 25-35). I've stopped focusing on the weight number and focus primarily on eating well and getting some light exercise in daily. I can switch into beast mode once the baby is here and right now, me being healthy is crucial for our baby's development. There is no easy answer... And sometimes I need to remind myself of this but in the end it'll all be worth it.

    Not sure if this helps - just know that I've felt the same way.
  • liz3marie
    liz3marie Posts: 211 Member
    Hey hun, im with you on this! Im 15 weeks pregnant, also overweight, so far ive only gained 3lbs.
    became pregnant at 177lbs after losing a few. What I have done is just watched why ive ate and NOT BINGED. I have had one bad day, which happened to be yesterday lol. I try and make sure that even when I eat junk that I add in some fruits or veggies. So far ive done great, my goals not to hit 200lbs, got almost 20 left to gain til may :tongue:
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    I can totally relate! I lost over 100 lbs before I got pregnant so when I did (and I currently still am, I'm at 31 weeks) I was SUPER nervous that I'd gain too much. Thankfully because of the healthy habits I gained while losing I'm EXACTLY where I need to be for this part of my pregnancy (just over 20 lbs gained).

    Remember that exercise will ENERGIZE you so even if you can get out for a walk or do low impact workouts at home that's going to help you from the fatigue and it will be healthy for you, for baby and help you during labour. Same with your eating. I know the cravings SUCK, I've had more than my fair share of sugar in the last several months but why not try making some healthier sweet snacks so that when the cravings DO strike, you've got healthier options at hand instead of diving into the candy bars?

    By all means, add me as a friend! You can TOTALLY do this!