I lost 50 pounds in a week!

Well, actually, 49 and change, but 50 sounds better....

I have an atrial fib (that I did not know of), hadn't gone to the doctor for a checkup in a while, and caught pneumonia. I had been trying to be a bit more healthy and had lost 20 or so pounds before this, but had started to gain some weight and feel sluggish even before the pneumonia. With the pneumonia and on steroids, I gained more weight, and then all of a sudden, in one week gained 22 pounds--hospital time, finding out about the atrial fib and dealing with possible CHF. In 5 nights in the hospital and on lasix (I now understand the term "pee like a race horse"), I lost over 40 pounds and then almost 10 more in the next two days home.

So now I'm back to about 250 and need to be under 200. I'm using a bodymedia armband and a Withings scale (I'm a tech and gadget geek) to aid in the process, and look forward to chatting with many of you as I try to get my body back in some semblance of decent shape after abusing it for many years.

I'll take all the help I can get!


  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Glad you're feeling better. Drink a lot of water and watch for gallstones... people who get sick and lose a lot can sometimes get them. Hope you see better days ahead.
  • KerrieJane86
    KerrieJane86 Posts: 75 Member
    Did the doctors tell you that you need to be on a "heart healthy diet"?

    CHF or left sided heart failure?
    I'm happy that you came to a realization that you need to become healthier :) A lot of people don't.

    Start slow - park further away from the doors at work and stores, try to take the stairs instead of elevators and escalators. All the little things add up :) go for a walk a couple times a day (they don't have to be long)

    Change is difficult but worth it in the end :)
  • BokBagok
    BokBagok Posts: 345
    Dude, tech geek here too. But I promised my wife that that I would keep my hardware purchases down, so I haven't gotten any of that stuff yet. I'm all about maximizing the usefulness of my phone though. Anyway, friend me if you'd like, I'm on here and post pretty frequently during the week.
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    CBedz, that's the hard way to lose that much weight. I am glad that you are improving and on your way to becoming a lighter, healthier guy. Heart problems aren't something to ignore, and I hope that you will be able to stick to your new lifestyle. I have found that it's best to take it all one day at a time, change one thing at a time, and don't sweat it too hard if you slip up here and there. We ALL do that sometimes! The important thing is to just keep at it.