Not wanting to do this on my own....looking for support....

im a single mommy... been trying to loose weight as long as i can imagine. Managed to loose weight after i gave birth to my daught but then it stopped cause i had major breakup issues and im just ready to put myself first (well after my daughter) and get some more pounds off... i know i would help my selfesteem cause right now there is if there is more people out there who need support or wanting to give support u are more than welcome here...


  • BokBagok
    BokBagok Posts: 345
    Feel free to friend me if you'd like, I'm on here and post pretty frequently during the week. I also have a little girl, and she keeps me going every day.
  • kristikacey
    Feel free to add me as well! Always like adding more people to give/receive support and encouragement :).
  • ryanmommy79
    I'm a new mommy and would love to help! I sent you a request!
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    You can add me if u like.mummy 2 to 2 boys and iv recently started my weight loss journey.
    Im an active member so will b on hand often 2 give u any suupport u need!
  • TommysGirl34
    TommysGirl34 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a single mom too. My daughter is 13. I've been trying to loose weight as long as I can remember too. I've tried lots of different diets from Medifast to Weight Watchers. They work for a little while, but if I stop then it all comes back. I'm ready for a real change this time. I post often, but I'm new to this site and I'm still learning how things work.
  • kldnkids
    kldnkids Posts: 2 Member

    I am new to this site - and with the winter upon us it will be difficult to maintain a healthy regime. Moreso for me, as I am used to the more temperate climate of Australia.

    This, however, does seem like a very good website, I love the calorie counting data base - so hopefully some indoor training and renewed vigour towards my diet will see me reach my dietary goals.

    Wish you all well in your health and fitness future.

  • PinkPistol86
    Add me if you want as well! I love seeing other peoples healthy ideas!
  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
    Feel free to add me :)