Why am I not losing weight??



  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Turning on or off your metabolism does this require sexy lingerie?

    Sometimes I bring a whip, too. Puts my metabolism into hyper drive.
    See this is the kind of behavior I can endorse and it makes more sense than a majority of advice or threads on here.
  • Sapphire1812
    Sapphire1812 Posts: 104 Member
    Has your doc tested your thyroid levels? I too have a slow metabolism... but turned out it's because I have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)... so need medication to help it speed up a bit!

    But most definitely eat more. How many cals does MFP advise you to eat? Maybe use that as a base-line. If you exercise you will get more calories for the day. Try eat them... or some of them at least. Our bodies need fuel to burn calories - starve it and it just goes into starvation mode... so you stop losing.

    There's a calorie calculator here that you might find helpful:

    Also don't eat the same amount of calories everyday... there's something called zig-zagging where you change the number of calories that you eat per day, over the course of a week. The calculator posted above can also work out a 7 day calorie cycle (zig-zag).

    Good luck and hope that helps.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I find it hard to believe you do that much exercise EVERY day and eat that little EVERY day as otherwise yes the weight would be falling off you. Also you'd be completely and utterly exhausted. Are you sure you don't do it like 3 days in a row and then absolutely crack and eat like a loaf of bread without even realising it?
    Maybe the smart thing would be to keep eating the low calorie but stop exercise altogether for a week or two, just to give your body a rest and reevaluate the situation after youv'e done that. Hell, you're not losing weight anyway so why bother doing all that work? take a break!
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I find it hard to believe you do that much exercise EVERY day and eat that little EVERY day as otherwise yes the weight would be falling off you. Also you'd be completely and utterly exhausted. Are you sure you don't do it like 3 days in a row and then absolutely crack and eat like a loaf of bread without even realising it?
    Maybe the smart thing would be to keep eating the low calorie but stop exercise altogether for a week or two, just to give your body a rest and reevaluate the situation after youv'e done that. Hell, you're not losing weight anyway so why bother doing all that work? take a break!
    Well some more terrible advice, basically tell OP to keep eating almost no food or should I say not food and to also stop exercising.

    How about eat a reasonable deficit and exercise reasonably.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Has your doc tested your thyroid levels? I too have a slow metabolism... but turned out it's because I have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)... so need medication to help it speed up a bit!

    But most definitely eat more. How many cals does MFP advise you to eat? Maybe use that as a base-line. If you exercise you will get more calories for the day. Try eat them... or some of them at least. Our bodies need fuel to burn calories - starve it and it just goes into starvation mode... so you stop losing.

    There's a calorie calculator here that you might find helpful:

    Also don't eat the same amount of calories everyday... there's something called zig-zagging where you change the number of calories that you eat per day, over the course of a week. The calculator posted above can also work out a 7 day calorie cycle (zig-zag).

    Good luck and hope that helps.
    Testing thyroid levels good advice, over complicating calories in vs calories out when OP obviously has an unhealthy relationship with food, not so good!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Wait...how much do you weigh? Why do you need to be on a VLCD? That is way less than a normal person needs and from what I can see you are not morbidly obese.

    These kinds of diet are dangerous without supervision from a professional. Talk with your doctor as everyone else is suggesting.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I'm out...

  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advice. I'm actually on lighter life diet, so it's just food packs no actual food to weigh or measure. This was my kind of last attempt at getting results as my previous attempts were not working. I've been to see my GP, waste of time. Basically he said I have a very slow metabolism and I should just accept the way I am and I would be ok in the old times when food was scarce!! Like that helps me and makes me feel better! Maybe I should go see a specialist of some sort or nutritionist...

    Thanks guys, just can't give up!

    Better question after reading this... "Food packs" what is that exactly? And also, this doesn't seem like a long-term solution or a very sustainable option...do you see yourself doing this forever? If not, what happens if you go back to eating normally and gain it all back?
    What are your stats? Weight, height, activity, etc? How much weight do you have to lose?
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I'd say you need to eat more. My weight loss stalled out for a long while when I was only consuming 800 cals a day. I very slowly increased up to 1400 a day and continued to lose weight as my body needed more fuel to function. I also stopped falling asleep all the time and being quite so grouchy lol.
    Eating that little calories everyday isn't a diet, its an eating disorder and it likely won't end well. Your goal should be to get fit and healthy not just to get thin and your organs could start to fail if you don't fuel your body.
  • nerskine
    nerskine Posts: 5 Member
    Hey all

    Lost 43lbs but it's taken 2 years and now it's so hard to lose anything no matter what I do. Which is why I'm trying Lighter Life, 4 food packs a day, no thinking. I admit I do use sweeteners, probably 4-5 a day but diet allows it, wether that gives me cals I'm not sure.

    My weight now puts me in the obese bracket according to medical charts and even tho I don't look like I need VLCD I want some results. I still want to lose 30lbs to get where I want to be and even then I wouldn't be skinny. I'm very active and quite fit, I'm just fat too and hate it.

    Don't know what nutrisystem is, food packs are shakes, cereal bars, porridge, some meals like spat Bol and chilli. They're all dry in packets and contain all the vitamins and minerals you need tho I take extra, you're allowed. Defo not doing this forever, just till I reach the target, after that you go into maintenance program, basically eat healthy. If I ever get there!

    I will go and see a nutritionist anyway and I've had my thyroid tested and it's fine so can't blame it on that.

    Pale green sorry to hear about your gallbladder, that sucks. I did HCG for a short time and lost weight but got a bit worried about side effects so I stopped it. Hope you're ok now.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    I find it hard to believe you do that much exercise EVERY day and eat that little EVERY day as otherwise yes the weight would be falling off you. Also you'd be completely and utterly exhausted. Are you sure you don't do it like 3 days in a row and then absolutely crack and eat like a loaf of bread without even realising it?
    Maybe the smart thing would be to keep eating the low calorie but stop exercise altogether for a week or two, just to give your body a rest and reevaluate the situation after youv'e done that. Hell, you're not losing weight anyway so why bother doing all that work? take a break!

    Maybe the smart thing would be for you to stop enterpreting things and giving advices without actually knowing what you are talking about?
    She is not eating enough - purposely and unconsciously hurting herself and all she needs (amongst others on this post) is to learn and possibly see a doctor or 2!
  • CharisSunny
    CharisSunny Posts: 276 Member
    OH jeez

    Its all been said but all in all: you arent taking in enough.

    Re-evaluate and try again!

    Good luck!
  • nerskine
    nerskine Posts: 5 Member
    How do you get your metabolism tested?? I asked my doc about it he said there's no way of doing it so he's talking sh*te then.. I really want to do it so I know how to carry on. Shame you're not closer geebusuk!
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    another thing is if you are doing classes you've done a lot of is if your body is used to the workouts you;re doing definitely you won't be burning as much as you might were you new to the class.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Also-have you had someone check your fat %...? Muscle mass?

    Growing up I had a friend who was a gymnast and she had a high BMI, but that meant nothing because she was solid as a rock.

    I mean...I'm looking at your picture now and you look very fit...BMI is not the be-all and end-all of fitness...seriously.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    First off, universities will likely have kit for research and general teaching.
    However, you'll probably have to find some running an appropriate experiment that you can be involved in.

    Otherwise, I have a newleaf machine and ... I just checked and their locator thing isn't working.
    This is the website, which directs to a UK website - www.newleaffitness.com
    You could try contacting the new company and asking if they have details of people in your area.
  • u need to cheat ur body increase ur calories for a week and come back to 1200...eat healthy ..but never go below 1200 calories..u need to keep ur muscles healthy to burn fat...
    avoid anything in white rice,bread,pasta..go brown...but avoid whole wheat bread too..have brown rice,oats,apple.quinoa,cucumbers,cauliflower,lots of vegies,watermelon,papaya..boiled eggs
  • nerskine
    nerskine Posts: 5 Member
    I'll try find somewhere I can do the metabolism test tho I'm not holding my breath for the area I live in..
    I'm fit just fat too MSeel so even tho I have some muscle I also have the fat to get rid of.

    Think I'll start with seeing a nutritionist/dietician, keep exercising and stay healthy. Thanks all for taking the time to reply and give me some good advice, much appreciated!
  • rgugs13
    rgugs13 Posts: 197 Member
    Do a google search for BMR, RMR, or metabolic testing and your state/area. I think they run around $100 a test. Not cheap by any means, but you are probably spending quite a bit on your food packs. It could me more cost effective to get tested and talk to a nutritionist about setting up a meal plan using regular food in the long run.
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    I am not an expert but i started my fat loss 70lbs ago and hit a few plateaus along the way. What i think is that you are eating too little and what you are eating is probably so far from natural foods that your body may not have clue 1 how to use what your feeding it.

    What has worked for me in the past is use a bmr calculator to see just how many calories your body needs to survive in a comatose state. Then eat at or slightly above that for a few days or even a couple weeks and watch the pounds melt away. Probably not as fast as you want but they will go away. Starving yourself causes your body to go into a canibalistic state eating the same muscle tissue that you are trying to build into a fat burning machine. i have read that the body will eat itself and turn the food you do eat into fat stores for when there is absolutely nothing else left to take.

    It seems counterproductive to eat more food to loose more weight but it legitimately works. In my opinion a good nutritionist would be a much better use of your hard earned money than a metabolism check.