34, F, San Diego, 218--->165 goal, Looking for friends :-)


I decided to join this site because one of my coworkers really likes it. I previously signed up but never actually used it. I like how comprehensive this site is, as well as the mutual support aspect.

I lost weight about two years ago (203--->160) but have gained it all back plus some more because I have major issues with maintenance. I lost the weight in a healthy way, but then unfortunately started the "oh one bad day of eating/drinking and no exercise won't hurt me" day after day, only to find myself even heavier, at 218lbs! So now I'd like to lose 53 lbs. and once and for all stay at 165! I've lost about 8lbs so far and feel pretty positive I can reach my goal. I do worry that all my yo-yo-ing has messed up my metabolism, and also that some days I'm not getting the right combo of macros or eating enough. I find when you eat healthy, sometimes it's hard to meet the calories. Now if I had a burger and beer (my favorite combo) it would be no problem, haha.

I'm currently aiming for about 1300 calories, mostly clean eating, lower carb but I'm not too strict since I love my veggies (just trying to avoid simple carbs) and I do think some healthier oatmeal is a great breakfast option when eggs get boring. I'm also a big believer in not worrying about good fats like avocados, coconut butter, nuts - I think these things actually help me lose weight. I have cut alcohol completely out of the picture, which is challenging because I'm single and unfortunately lots of fun single life revolves around happy hours, dinners, lounges, occasional club or Vegas, wine tasting, breweries, pool parties/BBQs, etc... But I know that's the main cause of why I gain back my weight, so it's good to start replacing bad habits with healthier "entertainment" like hiking, tennis, yoga, etc... I'm hoping maybe I can meet some local San Diegans wanting to participate in fun activities that can help us also torch some calories! I've been going to the gym a couple times a week, which I enjoy but sometimes talk myself out of going. I'd like to up it to 4 times a week and then do some sort of other activity once or twice a week.

Ok, enough rambling about me, tell me something about yourself! Feel free to add me, I'm very responsive and would love to add to my small circle on MFP.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

:-) Bianca


  • Hi Bianca! I know exactly what you mean. My hubbs and I have a bunch of single friends and we spend a lot of time with them where there are invariably lots of drinks to be had.

    San Diego is such an awesome place. I've only been once but while I was there, I was struck by how many people were out walking and running!

    I can't meet up with you to be active, but I sure can support you. Adding you as a friend now!
  • Hi! Thanks so much for adding me BennettV72 :-) Yes, San Diego is very active and with the weather it makes it easier to do fun things outside. All the more reason I need to get off the couch and participate.

    So it sounds like you know how single life and alcohol seem to coexist! I actually went on a date the other night and drank an entire bottle of sparkling water, instead of automatically ordering wine or beer like I used to. Poor guy, I think that bottle of water was twice as much as any drink, haha.

    Have a nice Sunday!
  • Hi, im Shania. nice to meet u
  • Hi Shania! Nice to meet you too :-) I'm Bianca
  • Misspropa
    Misspropa Posts: 24 Member
    Hi there! I'm somewhat new as well. Similar story to yours - lost weight and slowly let it come back :( Ugh. My husband and I (and our circle of friends) are very into craft beers, and weekends of drinking just don't mesh well w/dieting.

    Good luck!! :)

  • Mchl496
    Mchl496 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Bianca,
    My name is Michael and I am also from San Diego. Do you stay physically active? 1300 seems a bit low. You should want to rev your metabolism by eating more frequently to teach your body not to save anything.
  • Good Morning!!

    My name is jenn and I am definitely looking for a workout pal around San Diego who is available weekdays after 5 and weekends! I love hiking, tennis, yoga etc. Im looking to lose a healthy 60 pounds eventually, but more importantly fit into my wedding dress come next november!!

    Lets get Motivated!!!

  • Hi
    I have been on this site for over 400 days, I consume between 800 to 1300 calories a day, but will burn at least 1300 to 1700 calories a day. This site is awesome. My diary is always open :smile:
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    Also from San Diego and always looking for motivated buddies. I've lost 60+ lbs from my highest weight, most of that I lost in this last year with daily logging on MFP. This site has really helped me stay focused, I'm sure it will help you as well.

  • Hey, I'm 15 Female trying to lose 30 pounds of fat and gain 5-10 pounds of muscle. Let's be buddies and motivate each other to lose weight! What do you say?