What was YOUR worst binge story???



  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I can relate to the binging.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    @Elenora, OMG I do the SAME thing! That ben and jerry's and del taco binge was right after a horrible exam. I almost had planned it! What's worse is that I pretended like I was ordering for someone else and once on the last stop ate a ridiculous amount of food at the restaurant by myself. There were a couple of policemen at the next table that kept staring at me (they looked scared lol)

    That was exactly my mindset either... I knew when I was going to "allow" myself to binge. When I got into that shops I thought that everyone was judging me for buying all the food. I thought they could knew it all. And the cashier kept asking me if I wanted something else and I was like "damn are you trying to be helpful or what because this is not helping" but I kept buying and in the end I had something like 20 euros of grocery down my stomach (I could have lived at least 5 days with 20 euros of food).
    Thankfully most of my worst binges have only happened in my mind...
  • Nicola1944
    Nicola1944 Posts: 290 Member
    Binge free for 6 days, hoping to keep this up! It's my birthday and thanksgiving so allowing myself a couple extra cals, but not going to binge. Also not going to eat anything I don't like just to eat it, so probably will just mainly eat the turkey, sweet potatoes, and the raw vegan birthday cake, and whatever else looks good.

    I'm just curious, what are YOUR worst binge stories?

    1. When I was in high school, I made a birthday cake for my best friend who ended up not showing up because she was sick. It was a carrot cake with chocolate frosting (2 layers). Instead of taking it home or dropping it off at her house, I went into the teachers lounge and ate 90% of the ENTIRE cake by myself. I just kept going at it one slice at a time and felt sooo sick by the end. My government teacher even walked in twice, and I think he knew what I was upto because he saw the almost empty cake plate afterwards, but he held the door open for me when I brought it in. That was so ridiculous, still cannot believe I did that.

    2. I tend to binge before special events/parties also, and its probably the worst type of binge (and #3 also). Before prom, I remember bingeing on a bunch of american cheese sandwiches, 2-3 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, tons of chocolate, and diet coke. This was around 3-4,000 calories, not to mention I'm allergic to gluten -_-. My dress was already too tight (it was a size 7/8 mermaid dress, and I was around 140 pounds that time). The next day, I was so bloated and trying everything to get rid of the water weight around my face. I tried laxatives, tried the face masks, drinking gallons of water. I looked like a sausage in my prom dress, which is why I put those prom photos away and untagged myself on fb photos. I was miserable for majority of the night because almost couldn't breathe and my butt was sticking out and poking everyone/everything during the party.

    3. Once on my way back from school, I picked up a pint of ben and jerry's, a package of dates, and del taco milkshake + 2/3 tacos. I came home (knew noone was home) and spread everything out on the kitchen counter along with some eggs + cheese I made, and some oatmeal with tons of peanut butter and maple syrup. I also took out a package of frozen cookie dough and started warming it up in the microwave for a giant cookie. I started devouring it (was done with the milkshake, tacos, eggs, and oatmeal, heading for the ice cream and cookies, I hear the door open!!! My cousin was in the guest room the ENTIRE time. He walked into the kitchen for some water and I was SO embarassed. I just acted shocked and started pulling more things out of the fridge to make it look like I was cooking, but I wasn't fooling him. I could tell he knew. (He's like 10 years older than me too, so not even like I could just laugh it off and make up a story)

    4. Three years ago I stayed home from trick or treating because I was scared I was going to eat all the candy and ruin my "diet". I was home alone "studying", and ended up eating a whole bag of snickers and 1/2 bag of hershey's special dark that was supposed to be for the trick or treaters. I just eventually stopped answering the door because had run out and was so embarassed. Such an epic fail -_-

    5. I once drove to mcdonalds and had some pumpkin pie, english muffin, and a sausage biscuit for breakfast on top of my oatmeal. I couldn't finish the muffin, but drove to del taco right afterwards and had two burritos and a milkshake (finished them all). Then I came home and had a whole 100gram chocolate bar (the sugary kind) and ate an entire package of greek yogurt with peanut butter and chocolate mixed in (this was the giant 4 serving fage one). That day I finished the entire jar of peanut butter.

    6. I once ate my roommates peanut m and m's (the giant two pound bag), I must have ate 2 cups of them, plus her chocolate chip trail mix, and her cinnamon pita chips. Then I ordered fried chicken w/ ranch and had two cans of soda with it. (I'm estimating atleast 4,000 cals). She ended up texting me that she wasn't going home, but staying the night and leaving the next day instead. I had to RUN to cvs to pick up the food I ate so she wouldn't find out. :(

    7. I once got asked out by a really nice guy (who was actually really cute) and I was getting ready to go out when I binged on chocolate cake and all the desserts I had saved that were supposed to be for him. It was like 2 slices of chocolate cake, 2/3 pumpkin muffins, and a giant 2,000 calories serving of tiramisu. I had to text him that I was feeling "sick" but had to try really hard to not get him to come over and make tea for me. He was so nice, and I was so stupid -_-.

    8. I ate my little sister's red velvet birthday cake the night before her birthday. Thankfully she didn't know about it, but I had to bake another one at like 2am in the morning and had to explain to my family that the other one sitting in the fridge was "gross" and I had forgotten to add the sugar so I had to throw it away.

    9. I once slept over at my cousins house and raided his pantry at like 6am in the morning and ate the entire box of truffles, plus a couple pbj sandwiches, some peanut butter pretzels, and a LOT of biscotti. He thought it was the rest of the family that ate everything, so got saved that day. :O

    Most of these stories are from the beginning of my journey when I was around 150ish pounds. When I cut out the gluten (I was getting sick of it anyway), and eating healthier, my binge foods got a little healthier. I also didn't post any of my bulimic experiences, but if anyone actually finds these ones interesting/relatable, I'll add some more. If anyone ever feels like bingeing or is going through the same thing, please message me and I'd love to talk or help if I can.

    P.s. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Sugaspice <3

    WOW! The most I got from this is "I'm not alone" I honestly feel like im the only person in the world who does this!!! I probably binge around 4000 - 8000 cals almost EVERY weekend (even now, 3 years on!) :/ It's hard, and I always correct myself (By being so hardcore for the rest of the week!! Yes, i know thats not the most healthy way of doing it!!!)

    I'm going to add you :) Hopefully you will accept and can share more experiences with me? It was like therapy reading that then haha, you have a really good way of putting things into words!!! Thanks!! X
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    The one after my car accident where I gained 20lb. in a week.
  • Thanks for your updates!! You have no idea how helpful this is. :)
    My worst binges tend to always end up with empty bags of chocolate chips, m&ms, several chocolate bars, chocolate truffles, cake and pie. In the morning I just look at the garbage can in awe. I cannot believe I could shovel that much stuff into my body! No wonder I feel like crap after!
  • ntftnm
    ntftnm Posts: 55 Member
    Relieved im not alone....so ashamed...its hard to talk about w people im close to, they dont understand....
  • ddesmarais98
    ddesmarais98 Posts: 2 Member
    Went from 132 to 116 by basically starving myself because of lack of information and then thought that I deserved a "week-long" binge..... worst mistake i've ever made...... rose all the way up to 135 within only a couple weeks, but here I am at 115 one year later. i'm so proud of myself to say that i've made my way back down here but this time i achieved it the healthy way. it may have taken longer but i don't feel the need to binge anymore and if i eat one bad thing, my weight doesn't spike right back up. still trying to lose another 10 pounds to reach my big goal of 105, or even my ultimate goal of 100. i'm always looking for motivation! i'm an international fashion model and need this weight off by may, which is when i'll be attending a huge modelling convention. add me and message me, i love to offer and receive motivation xx
  • Hi I also have celiac amongst other food allergies and struggle with finding foods I like/enjoy from my limited choices and binge irreverently on dark chocolate. Even at night when body does not appreciate caffiene!
    Would be happy to join in supporting each other. Other incessant craving for me is plain greek yogurt(only dairy can tolerate) and berries. Yes I can over do.
    Often I just give up on logging and vow to start healthy again next day. Never skip veggie protein meals regardless of appetite cause know important for blood sugar regulation brain over all health

    Am convinced I could be better at this eating thing find more pleasure able meals as of now unknown and unfounded differrent combinations of non allergic foods that satisfy to stave off binging

    But sweet tooth is incessant yes!

    Would be very happy to join in supporting each others health journeys and work towards improved wellness. Feel free to add me as a friend please yes ????
  • RosyBest
    RosyBest Posts: 303 Member
    Mines was in college. A whole frozen pizza, huge bag of chips (party size) and an entire container of dip (party size), cheese cake and alcohol. The next day I couldn't believe I ate all of that.
  • ElectricDragon
    ElectricDragon Posts: 60 Member
    High school, around 2001. Got rejected by a girl and very heart broken. 2 gallons of mint chocolate chip ice cream followed by two 2L bottles of Dr. Pepper. Then shortly after another gallon of mint chocolate chip and another 2L of Dr. Pepper. Probably the most I ever ate at one time and it's the binging incident that sticks out the most in my mind after all these years.
  • 11. Once my parents left for my cousins house for the weekend (they were coming back the next day) but we had an argument before they left. I was also under a lot of stress from schoolwork that weekend, so I just went ALL out. I remember baking an entire box of ghirardelli brownies, burning them, and still eating the entire pan. I would binge for an hour, get mad at myself for bingeing and eating till I can't even move, would throw the rest of the food away, but an hour later start picking out the food from the trash and eating it again and bingeing on whatever else I could find. I feel like binge "days" are horrible and way worse than binge meals.

    12. I was a really dumb vegan. The kind that didn't eat grilled chicken breast but would rather eat a vegan cupcake. During this time period, I was also a binger and going vegan meant I had to cook all my food. I remember once baking vegan snickerdoodles and blueberry muffins for a tea party (my mom's friends were coming over) but I ate half the cookies before the guests even showed up. Not to mention the looks I got when they found out I was a vegan. Apparently fat vegans don't exist.

    13. I'm really used to my parents calling me fat, but it really hurt when I got it from my little brother before leaving for college after break. He was just playing video games and I walked up to him to give him a hug and he didn't hug me back. My mom was like "son, give your sister a hug! She's leaving" He just looked at me and said "but she's fat". I kind of just stood there, shocked, I couldn't even move. I just kept thinking to myself, is this the same brother that I could always relate to and loved so much? I went to two dining halls that day when I got back to college.

    14. In college, I remember going for artichoke pizza and gelato (always caramel pretzel) after finding out a guy I liked "took home" a girl with him for the weekend. That was like 2000 cals right there, but an hour later I left and went to the dining halls and ate the mac and cheese, pasta, etc with some cake and cookies and blondies + ice cream + ice cream cone on way out + diet coke. About two hours later, I went to the cafe with my books and ordered a large pumpkin spice latte and a vegan chocolate cookie (they're 700 calories, HUGE) and guess who I see there??? The roommate :( This was the bad roommate btw, (not the other one I mentioned). Turns out the girl my crush took home was just getting a ride btw (she lived in the same neighborhood).

    15. After homecoming (I didn't have a date, though I did go with my best friends) when I got home (it was like 3am), I ate a ridiculous amount of pbj sandwiches. They were LOADED, seriously. Then ate 6-7 plates of pancakes drowned in maple syrup because I felt so hopeless and rejected.

    16. A lot of you guys mentioned ordering pizza! I drank 6 cans of diet coke and baked an entire frozen pizza (the digornios kind) and ate it within the time span of an hour once when home alone. I've never ordered pizza for delivery though I've always dreamt of it. (I know weird). Like eating a deep dish one with some cold soda. Or the stuffed crust kind, omg.

    Another trigger for me NOW is when people tell me I "could eat anything" "you're so skinny" "but you already have a flat stomach" "one day won't do anything" blah blah blah. Then I'm like, "sure, one day won't do anything! Silly me". Then I go binge and feel bad the next day. I don't let it continue for longer than 3 days, but I just think to myself that I would be my old self again and gain those 47 lbs back if I didn't stop them and didn't push myself to workout. Huge eye opener, not to mention I once got the "If you ate ....., you would weigh 146lbs in x weeks" after logging a binge on here lol. I was probably 120 lbs that time -_-

    I'll be responding soon, have to go atm. Really can relate to all your stories, thank you for posting! Ttys
    Sugaspice :)
  • Thank you for the post! Its great to feel I am not alone.... love this post!
  • shannongoneau
    shannongoneau Posts: 246 Member
    The worst was getting take out chineese food for a fmaily of three, Pizza, plus ice cream, cake, 10 pack of timbits and a 6 pack of cinnabons with extra frosting, twizzlers, and a bag of chips. It started at around lunch time and ended right around 9 or 10 at night. Can't believe I remember that. Its been like 6 years since that happened.
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    since my little boys first birthday on 30th october Iv eaten soo badly. Last night even I had a massive bowl of porridge oats with milky way stars mixed in. A share bag of Snarties, a share bag of milky bar buttons and bbq chicken with noodles. Im so sick over that that its sort of shocked me into saying "enough is enough!" Iv eaten whole pots of ice cream in my time, big share bags of crisps/sweets, bags of chocolate buttons mixed with porridge oats, I also had a 12 inch pizza which I ate all of bar 3 pieces.
    Today iv not even eaten as im so full from a 3 week long on off binge! Scale has gone from 138lbs-149lbs which I doubt is all fat but probably close and I vowed I wouldnt be over 140lbs ever again
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    it's happening right now. nutella, ice cream, snickers bars.
  • Umm... this is embarassing when I think back to it.
    In High school, My best friend and I would eat at least a large pizza each ! Plus sides (soda, wings, etc).

    Too many occassions to count I could eat an entire box of little debbie snacks' especially the cakes that have cream in the middle.

    About a year ago, I made bacon for breakfast. I started it before my daughter woke up, so it would be ready when she got up. I cooked the entire pack and took out a tupper ware bowl to put the left overs. Once the bacon was done, I ate one, two, and kept going until the entire pack was gone.
  • madusm
    madusm Posts: 27 Member
    I am still fighting binge eating. I had a terrible episode of binge eating few days ago. I ate so much that my stomach hurt, I had nausea and horrible diarrhea. I went through a whole bowl of momos, chicken fried rice, chicken gravy and a few biscuits later. But I won't give up. I'll keep fighting.. :)
  • Sugarspice, how do you remember all of those? lol, its a huge comfort to know someone else struggles with the same thing I do, but I honestly can't remember all of the food I ate on my binges. There is so much! Btw, you are very slim, I congragulate you on all of your efforts to lose weight! You are a huge inspiration to me. :)
  • inky16
    inky16 Posts: 113 Member
    I am SO bad about this. Growing up with parents who, themselves, had grown up very poor, we were always trained to clean out plates, no matter what. Guess it stuck a little too deeply. Now that I'm older, the habit's turned monster... especially when no one is looking.

    When I lived by myself (or even with a roommate that was often out of town), it was the worst. I was working 50-60 hour weeks, lived hours away from my boyfriend, had a crappy roommate, and felt like I "deserved" it. I remember one time in particular, I hit up my favorite Italian restaurant and left with a full order of chicken alfredo, side of bread sticks, individual pizza, side salad, and giant cookie with ice cream. I sat on my bed and ate it all while watching my favorite TV show and, I'm ashamed to say, enjoying every flipping bite. Note that all this was after Panera for breakfast and Chick-fil-a for lunch... those are two weaknesses that I still fight, Along with Chipotle, Burger Fi, and my favorite local Chinese place... Once I get a crazing, I can't get it out of my head! And the longer I put it off, the worse the binge when I finally get a hold of whatever it is I've been wanting.

    So, I'm learning, slowly but surely, to compromise. If I'm craving Chick-fil-a, fine. But in stead of going for the large nuggets combo with 3-4 sauce packets and huge sweet tea, I compromise for grilled nuggets, 1 pack of sauce, small fry, and bottled water. I'm not sure if this is the best way to handle this, but it's my way of keeping sane until I can train my body to want what's good for me.
  • Claire_MG
    Claire_MG Posts: 5 Member
    I used to do it every single day... It was dreadful, I'm lucky I didn't end up gaining more weight than I did!

    I'd eat up to 6 bags of crisps (chips if you're from the USA), or more... Chocolate, McDonalds, pizza and pretty much anything unhealthy. Sausage rolls, fried breakfasts and so on. It was all out of boredom, low self-esteem & lack of self-control! I was miserable all the time whilst doing it, but I just couldn't find that part of myself to stop! Thankfully, I'm on the way now :-)