How do I stop hating the gym?

Hey there,

I have lost 30 pounds through changing my eathing habits, and was walking 5km a day on my lunch break, which I enjoyed. It's now winter and sits between -20 to -40 degrees celcius - so I thought I would buy a membership for the gym close to my work since I'm on limited time (I work 2 jobs, 15 hours Mon, Tues & Wed, 8 hours Thurs, Fri)
I have never liked going to the gym. Never. I have tried many times, hired a trainer, done it on my own, tried classes, didn't like any of it. It's not that I don't like to exercise or I'm lazy, but i'm a bit of an introvert, and don't like exercising in front of other people or watching myself in the mirror. Any ideas to either get over this, or another way to get my exercise and get in shape? I don't have the motivation to do it at home, and my partner works shift work so I can rarely use my elliptical i have at home.
I actually want to like it at the gym. I go during the quietest time of the day to avoid people, but there is always someone pacing around where i am waiting for whatever it is I'm using, and it very intimidating. There is really no other time of day I'm able to go, and there are no women's only gyms in the small town I live in, we literally only have 3 options.
I would love any advice... please keep in mind I'm a bit of an introvert lol. Thanks in advance!


  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    I would say you need a gym buddy, someone who is active and will kick your butt to get you there. that is about all i can say, I have no idea where to find such a person or I would have a gym buddy. LOL. Good luck, You can do it.
  • LishLash79
    LishLash79 Posts: 562 Member
    I was exactly like you. I used to love my walks and that's what I did for exercise. Getting to a gym was TORTURE.. I hated it, I always felt like people were looking at me, I hated the mirrors, I just wanted to get out of there. Now, I LOVE IT. I think it changed for me when I started lifting heavy and saw huge results, I also got to know a lot of the regulars at the gym and it makes it so much better to see people in passing on a reg basis. It took a long time for me to feel comfortable at the gym, but it happened ;) I hope it gets better for you. ;)
  • lyhf1970
    lyhf1970 Posts: 6 Member
    Find some amazing music or a fitness app to listen to while you work out. I find if I do that, it's easier for me to focus on myself and my body than my surroundings. I like Zombies Run, the same company is coming out with a walking app soon. I'm sure there are other good ones out there.
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    Move the elliptical to a different part of the house so you can use it while your partner sleeps.

    When you go to a class, remember nobody is paying attention to you.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You'll eventually get over it. Just realize that everyone is there to do their own thing. No one is really watching you.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Exercise videos! Even if you lack the motivation to do the elliptical at home, there are tons of fun exercise videos that might inspire you.
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    I hate the gym too. But I actually prefer it to jogging/running outside where ANYONE can see me.

    At least in a gym, you know everyone is there for the same reason (self-improvement).

    What worked for me was to buy the New Rules of Lifting For Women book, which someone here recommended. It has a program for you to follow. I've found it really helpful because I'd walk into the gym and not know what I should try. I'd half-assedly use a few machines, feeling like a complete imposter, and leave on the verge of tears. Now I just go there, grab the weights/equipment I need, punch through the workout in 30 mins and I'm out of there.
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    I am like you... I absolutely hate the gym. I got a stationary bike in the living room so that it is there to use while I watch TV for when it rains or when I can't make it out for a walk. My first preference is walking, but I have the bike for a backup and use it when needed. Having it sit in the living room puts it out there in the open and kind of leaves me with no excuse
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'm an extreme introvert. What worked for me was just to find an exercise that I liked well enough. But I still didn't like the gym itself so after 8 months of lifting weights at the gym I bought a bench and barbell for home.

    If you want to workout and you don't want to deal with other people at all, then at home is your best option. Instead of relying on motivation, make a decision to workout at a certain time. Develop a routine, and don't let it depend on your mood. If it's Tuesday or Thursday at 9:30, I know already that I'll be in my spare room lifting. If it's Monday, Wednesday, or Friday at 6:15 am I know I'll be running. Motivation is fickle. What you need is commitment.
  • Jacson53
    Jacson53 Posts: 62 Member
    Find some amazing music or a fitness app to listen to while you work out. I find if I do that, it's easier for me to focus on myself and my body than my surroundings. I like Zombies Run, the same company is coming out with a walking app soon. I'm sure there are other good ones out there.

    Good music, early mornings and focus on the exercise has worked for this introvert. I hope you find a solution. Can't imagine many solutions for outdoor workouts that far north! :)
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I'm also very introverted. Lifting has made me love the gym. Put the headphones in and lift -- you don't have to interact with anyone, and once you go for a while, you'll get used to all the other regulars in the weight room and feel more comfortable.

    Once I became good at lifting, I started loving the gym and looking forward to it.
  • Lol after 2 years of paying gym membership and not going for about 18 months I went for the first time again this Saturday. I KNOW YOUR PAIN! As a fellow introvert I can't stand the thought of Mr Adonis #35 watching me flailing around, attempting to use all those contraptions correctly.

    But after I worked out really hard (using the elliptical and bike at the back of the gym) I went home and felt really proud of myself. The next day I weighed 1kg less- though I'm pretty sure it was more 1kg of water lost than anything else. Still, I faced my fears!!

    One way you could look at it is not just a physical challenge/weight loss challenge, but a mental challenge. You aren't just reaching weight loss goals, but fighting that 'shyness' and embarrassment.
  • CEMH1
    CEMH1 Posts: 33
    It is just a matter of trying different things. I'm not a gym person either. I found an all women's class doing HIIT training that kicks my butt twice a week. I also use at home video's, added kangoo's and weight lifting to the mix. I love my class as I've met great friends and I use the other options for my third workout of the week. Have yet to dawn the doors of a gym. :-)
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I'm an introvert, but I love the gym. I put on my headphones, turn on my favorite music on my iPhone and I'm good to go. You don't have to interact with anyone. No one really does at my gym unless they're friends who came in together to work out. The vast majority of people in the gym are focused on their workouts. They don't want to be bothered. Most aren't even going to notice you. Everyone was a newbie at one point. Even the most seasoned people at your gym. The more you go the more familiar your face will be to them and the less intimidated you'll feel.

    But if you really can't stand the gym, you can do exercise DVDs or body weight workouts at home.
  • ALSO- I used to use the Sparkpeople videos- this is one example of a quick one that gets me sweaty-

    They aren't as good as the gym but because they are so short and easy to do- there are lots of them that are about 10 mins long- I think they're a better option than nothing at all.

    There is a 6 minute butt work out that you can do during ad breaks or while watching tv, minimal motivation required- By the end of that one I am usually calling perky 'Nicole from' all kinds of names.
  • nytrifisoul
    nytrifisoul Posts: 500 Member
    My advice...Um...Dont go? I mean since you clearly dont like the gym, why go, or expect people to change how you feel? Buy a treadmill or some other exercise equipment and do your thing at home at your own pace when you want to.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I haven't read previous posts, so I don't know if its been said.

    If you like walking then why let the weather stop you? Get some therm pants and a cold weather jacket/gloves if its uncomfortable for you.

    I get an amazing rush when I'm done running in extreme cold.

    Don't ever let anyone intimidate you at the gym. Usually most people could care less what you are doing or what you look like, we are too concerned about doing are thing.

    Good luck...
  • FrancineM62
    FrancineM62 Posts: 42 Member
    I don't belong to a gym, but Friday I toured one called Planet Fitness. It's a national chain. They market themselves as "judgment free" and they have signs on the walls that say that. I thought it was a cool concept. Everyone there seemed normal. It might be worth touring a few gyms and seeing if you get a more comfortable vibe at one other than your current one.
  • Set goals and remind yourself often why you are exercising. Weight loss. Heart health. Increased mobility. You name it. Use the gym's tracking system. If it's a log for whenever you exercise - use it. When doing strength training, close your eyes and focus on how that particular exercise is affecting the muscles that machine is working on. Move on to the next. If waiting on another station, look for one that is similar. Most gyms have more than one piece of equipment that has the same effect. Those working at the gym are supposed to help everyone at any time approached to help operate the machine properly. It's their job and they want you to succeed. A good personal coach will touch base with you now and then outside the time you meet one on one when you are sincere and consistent with your workouts. And, as others have mentioned, they are not "watching" you. They are there for the same reason. Good luck! Don't give up.
  • Thank you everyone! I do not think anyone is watching me at all, it's more of a me thing. I also have a problem thinking I'm in the way, or taking too long, or whatever lol.
    I'm going to keep trying, I want to keep trying, I just need a little motivation or encouragement once in a while :)