Cardio routine suggestion to do in the gym?

Hey guys,
So I stay around 1.5-2.5 hours in the gym spending 1 hour on Cardio (Elliptical machine only) and 40-70 mins with the machines and weights (3 days plan for each body part)
Anyways, I thought of changing my style a bit and adding some better Cardiac exercises like push ups and bicycle crunches or jumping jacks and lunges before the 1 hour on the Elliptical.

I feel like I now need it because my body weight went down to 84 kg from 98kg and when I look at my body I see a huge improvement and I am quite liking how it looks :):)
But it is time to start targeting these specific fats and start to build that perfect body of six abs (I know lol but I want to stat somewhere) and that great body as a helper for weights and weight lifting as well.
I want both muscles and good cardio, not just big muscles but if I run 2 meters I'll start panting XD

So do you guys have any good routine to follow for 3 days/week in the gym for cardio exercises?
Thanks :D


  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Here is 26 different cardio workouts via slideshow

    I prefer HIIT on
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    you work out approx 2 hours in the gym each time you're there? 70 minutes of weight training?

    what are your fitness goals?

    you could save yourself a lot of time by increasing your intensity and doing something like strong lifts 3 days a week and some interval training. instead of 2 hour workouts you could have 45 -60 min workouts and get the same results.

    anyway, for me personally i'm training for some 10k races so the majority of my cardio is running but i also add in weighted complexes, jumping rope, swimming, rowing, biking and the versaclimber to cross-train.
  • 7L551
    7L551 Posts: 82 Member
    Here is 26 different cardio workouts via slideshow

    I prefer HIIT on

    Thanks, it looks great I'll try them on Monday :)
  • 7L551
    7L551 Posts: 82 Member
    you work out approx 2 hours in the gym each time you're there? 70 minutes of weight training?

    what are your fitness goals?

    you could save yourself a lot of time by increasing your intensity and doing something like strong lifts 3 days a week and some interval training. instead of 2 hour workouts you could have 45 -60 min workouts and get the same results.

    anyway, for me personally i'm training for some 10k races so the majority of my cardio is running but i also add in weighted complexes, jumping rope, swimming, rowing, biking and the versaclimber to cross-train.

    well as I explained in my original post, I weight around 84.5 Kg right now and was 98 kg before but honestly I am not so sure if I should keep going with decreasing my weight to something like 75Kg or even 65kg, that is why I use the elliptical for an hour each day.
    My goal is to be both fit and muscular (six abs and big muscles)... right now with my current weight system I don't do any dumbells or weight training without a machine. I am kind of scared to do them without a proper form and I am thinking that it might hurt me if I don't know how to do it properly, that is why i stayed away from them.

    Thanks :)
  • rileyhall00
    The fitness part you can achieve now, I find Sprinting is great, builds your fitness and burns the fat. So jump on the treadmill and do interval training. I play a sport, basketball, that helps me in the cardio area as well. If you can join a team sport. It helps motivate you as well. That link that was recommended looks good. Shows all forms of good cardio. I prefer Sprinting, Rower, basketball or doing suicides on a basketball court.

    To gain 6 packs, its allllll about your body % percentage. I can't recall the secret number but you need <10% body fat. You plan should be get skinny by eating in calories defect, ie your diet. Then from there you need to bulk up and eat more then your recommended calories. So for example. I need to eat 3000 cals to maintain, 2600 cals to lose weight, and 3400 to gain muscle, probably more, with a high amount of protein, say 200g a day, which is a lot. Even with eggs for breaky and tuna, steak for tea, I usually hit around 90g's. Once you gain say 10kg's. half of that will be Lean Body Mass while the other half will be fat. That percentage can vary depending on the person and what you ate over the time. Bulking up is a longer journey too. IT could take you 2-3months to gain 10kgs. Once you have though you then need to loss weight again or "cut" to loose that 5kgs, whilst maintaining that muscle. Best to do it slowly with high protein diet. ie: 2800 cals (from my example).

    All that above will help you get buff.

    My 2cents too, your workout is too long. they should only be 40-60mins. What I do;

    Monday; 20min sprints, 30min Legs Weights
    Tues: 15min Rower, 30min Upper Body
    Wed: Basketball Game 60mins (my cardio)
    Thur: Rest
    Fri: 5min jog warmup, 50min Whole body (mix of legs/upper)
    Sat: Basketball training and Plyometrics 60mins