I'm a newbie! (Again...)

Hello nice people!

I was here a few years ago and liked it a lot, and then my job got worse and worse and the chocolate and wine got better and better and I got lardier and lardier. My job is still rubbish but I'm getting used to the new normal, and I'm ready for getting control of my eating and embracing the dubious joys of exercise.

I had fabulous MFP friends before but when I fell off the wagon in spectacular style I deleted my profile in a fit of fatty rage. I promise to be more dedicated this time! If anyone wants to friend someone who has a LOT of weight to lose, please feel free to friend me! We could have some laughs on the way. ????


  • FrankieBenjamin
    FrankieBenjamin Posts: 61 Member
    Great you are getting back on track! I also put on a lot of weight in 2011 down to some personal problems and a terrible job sitaution, coming off now though 2012-2013 lost around 12kgs, hoping to lose a further 28kgs.You sounds like you have a great attitidue to this and I culd do with a few laughs along with way and to give / receive support - Feel free to send a friend request. Frankie x
  • ShrinkyKiwi
    Thanks Frankie! Invitation sent. ????

    Apparently wine is calorific. That makes me sad. (Sigh.)
  • maostrom
    maostrom Posts: 30 Member
    Same with meee. I also deleted my first account in a fit of rage - I was so on track, had all the great friends and then I dropped off the radar after I messed up and didn't bother for weeks. Work for me has also been poop lately and I feel like my diet and exercise are the only things I have control over now ):
  • ShrinkyKiwi
    Gaaah! We might be exactly the same person!
  • FrankieBenjamin
    FrankieBenjamin Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks Frankie! Invitation sent. ????

    Apparently wine is calorific. That makes me sad. (Sigh.)

    OMG are you serious?! I hope not, wine is a staple part of my diet ;0)
  • parkgirl1
    parkgirl1 Posts: 41 Member
    please feel free to add me. After my dad died i went off the wagon a bit too and yes wine has LOADS of calories due to the sugar someone told me its like drinking a cup of sugar xx
  • ShrinkyKiwi
    I like to think that it's some sort of weird urban myth but I think I'm wrong and parkgil1 is right.

    I've been telling myself that my support of the local wine industry is vital but I'm probably fooling myself. (*Amy stamps feet*)
  • photoloco
    i'm the same also. feel free to add x
  • nicolea1998
    Hey, I'm 15 Female trying to lose 30 pounds of fat and gain 5-10 pounds of muscle. Let's be buddies and motivate each other to lose weight!