Newbie needing to loose roughly 50lbs

I joined my fitness pal 2 and a half years ago after having a child, couldn't get motivated so I've just re logged in, on the bright side in that time I haven't done any form of dieting but have lost 16lb 2 of which was over the past week where I've been very bad haha, this was my preparation knowing that I was starting a diet this week so there was lots of chocolate and take aways too.

So I'm 194lbs and want to get down to 146 I'm not in a hurry and really don't have time to add any exercise between being a mum and working so but I'm always on the go, I walk everywhere and I've tried pedometers but I can never set them up right, on average if say I cover at least 5 miles a day when I'm not doing much

I plan to use slimfast or alternative to kick start my weight loss, so for example breakfast this morning was a Tesco ultra slim shake and I'll be having some soup soon, I'm gonna be really strict the first week or two by just having shakes and soup and then I'll change my soup to a meal of chicken and veg or similar, after that once I start to notice the weight loss I will change one shake to a soup and then after a while I will change the other shake to a cereal

I just need to take the choice away for now,

Would love a diet buddy :)


  • I am new as well t9 the site. I need t9 l9se r9ughly 25 l6s, and w9uld enj9y s9me9ne t9 aid me in this endeav9r. It w9uld 6e my pleasure t9 assist y9u.
  • Kara52217
    Kara52217 Posts: 353 Member
    Sending request :-)
    I just had baby #2 in July and would also like to lose 50!
  • Welcome back! glad to have you here!
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    That sounds way too restrictive, my advice is go to

    Work out your numbers using the website, stay within your macros and you will lose weight without being so restrictive. This is about finding a way to live my life, not short term, but long term.

    I eat whatever I want as long as it fits in my macros,

    Hope this helps, Good luck in your Journey!
  • Hey
    I will send you an add!!

    I have just started today as well currently weigh - 186 pounds
    Would like to get down to - 146 pounds
  • WRXymama
    WRXymama Posts: 342 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me.
    I've been on this site since April 2012. I'm 5ft 6.5inches...I started at 219.6, got down to 165. Since MAY I have gained 30lbs at 191.6. All due to getting out of my running habits, then using my mouth has a trash compactor :/ And seasonal my micro-breweries. So over it and time to get back into it again.

    PS: THANK YOU for the site. Ive been wondering what exactly these magical macros are that I hear about. ;) Thanks again...
  • helen195
    helen195 Posts: 90 Member

    Feel free to add me. I also have about 50lb to lose. I have not been very focused over the last few months, but now really need to sort it. Would be good to a have diet buddies to give and receive support!
  • Hi,
    I also have at least 50lb to lose! I have used WW in the past but once they changed the program I had a hard time losing so I quit and joined MFP. I have a had a rough couple of years in my weightloss journey and have put on 30lb after working so hard to lose 60lb. I am starting fresh today and I want control over what I eat!!! It would be nice to have some support/motivation from others that are facing the same challenges that I am.
    I planned all my meals and snacks for the day and I am wearing my pedometer. I also plan on doing some Yoga at home after work today.
    Hoping to make some buddies and that we can all lose weight together.
  • marylang81
    marylang81 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm looking for new buddies as well. I have a 3 year old and a 6 month old. I was once very fit but my body has not been the same since the first pregnancy. I'm trying to lose 70lbs but I'd be happy losing the 50lbs gained in my first pregnancy. I don't have time to go to the gym so I started working out in my garage at 6am which is tough when I've been woken up 4 or 5 times the night before. But I am determined to get in shape! Please add me so we can motivate each other.
  • charliex2202
    charliex2202 Posts: 4,281 Member
    Feel free to add me, I am not doing a diet as such I am making a mental and physical change using MFP....I have tried diets in the past and either they are too expensive to maintain financially or they are too restrictive... for me this is working I have what i want within reason as long as its within my calories amount for the day and if i want anything on top of that i excercise more that day....

    I have set myself 4 goals i am 1lb away from my 1st one of 25lb loss....

    one step at a time one day at a time, and we will succeed!