Reccommended Calorie Intake

Hi Everyone! I decided to start keeping track of my calories on MFP. However, It recommends I have a net of 1790, but I only eat 3 times a day (as I don't have time to snack), My calorie intake is usually 900-1000. I know your not suppose to eat under you calories but I can't physically eat anymore since I'm not hungry!! I eat lunch just because if I don't I'll be starving in 3 hrs. Any input on it??

My normal day consists of: A nutritional shake for breakfast.
: A nutritional shake for lunch & maybe a Healthy Choice Steam Fresh meal
: I usually eat a normal dinner ( Meat, Potatoes, Steamed Veggies) if my fiancé is home. I'm not normally hungry when dinner time arrives so if he's not home I won't eat.


  • TheCredibleHuIk
    TheCredibleHuIk Posts: 26 Member
    I eat 1,000 calories in one meal.

    This is ridiculous telling me you are 'not' hungry. Wake up.

    Start choosing higher calorie foods, stop talking about "Nutritional shakes" and start eating proper food. If you want success start eating food like you want success.

    Weigh all foods with a digital scale, record everything, profit.

    Eat as many times a day as you want, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - it makes no difference.

    Yours sincerely,

    The Credible Hulk
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    Is that net of 1790 for a weight loss of two pounds/week. If so, it's really not safe to eat less than that. Choose higher-calorie foods that will fill you up less.
  • It's for 1 1/2# loss each week. I don't get how people have time to eat all the time! I work 2 jobs, that's the reason for the shakes, and the microwaveable/healthy lunch. Before I wanted to get in shape & lose weight, I would sit on the couch and just snack cause I was bored. I eat a proper dinner maybe 3 nights a week. You tell me to choose better foods, but I eat a lot of fruit and veggies, always have a bottle of water in my hand.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Put some healthy fats into your diet, have a salad with an olive oil dressing and you will be surprised at how many calories it adds. Nuts and seeds are another low volume high calorie option.

    You need fat in your diet and a reasonable amount of it, you won't be getting much from steamed veggies and as its the most calorie dense food per gram it is great for getting you to your calorie goal
  • iaz4058
    iaz4058 Posts: 4 Member

    You should read this link from the Success Stories section.

    I close my case.
  • TheCredibleHuIk
    TheCredibleHuIk Posts: 26 Member
    I said eat more calorie dense foods, not better foods.

    Peanut Butter
    Cheese, etc.

    There is no such thing as health/unhealthy - all moderation. You don't have to eat _ALL_ the time,, you could eat two large meals a day, and that would be fine.