
Thinking about picking up T25. I was wondering if anyone has tried it and if its worth it. I'm going to Marco island in the fall with my boyfriend and I want to tone up a lot lol... let me know what you guys think!


  • czechwolf52
    czechwolf52 Posts: 194 Member
    Bump. I'm interested in this too, and want to know what others think of it. I like how it has a modifier so that I won't have an excuse not to do a routine. But I need to wait until more used copies come out, I can't afford to buy it directly from them.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I did for a week or so. It's ok if you're into a lot of cardio, but IMO, not worth whatever crazy amount of money they charge for it. What is it like...$125 or something? No thanks.
  • WeoooBeans
    WeoooBeans Posts: 85 Member
    I did it, and I loved it. It is a lot of cardio, though. I have no idea what they charged for it, I got a used copy :)
  • vegas711
    vegas711 Posts: 92 Member
    on my last week T25 . lotta cardio and a good diet. Works and is fast paced. Will go into P90X3 when it hits this month. Good luck to you
  • I enjoy it so far. I didn't spend the money that they charge, so cost wasn't a deterrent for me, but if I would have had to buy it I honestly probably would have never tried it.
  • I love, love T25! Both my Husband and I do it at home. My Husband is wanting to bulk up so he just ordered the Body Beast.
    What are you looking for in the way of results?
    The modifiers in T25 rock. When I start to feel like resting I just switch over to the modified movements until I catch my breath! I also think it is worth every penny because it is so doable with the 25 mins and only 5 days a week, win, win for me because I am working and going to school!
  • B_TEEN
    B_TEEN Posts: 95 Member
    If you are in shape, or reasonably good shape, T25 is a good program. Keep in mind that most of the weight loss testimonials are based on people that did two cycles of the program--180 days. For someone out of shape, there are better/safe programs out there to start