Some advice needed - not loosing after 6 months.

shimmerfades Posts: 8 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all, I just need some advice. I have been keeping track of my eating for about a month. I have spent the past 6 months going to the gym 5 days a week for an hour and a half. I go over my calorie goal (not including what I burn at the gym) to loose 2 lbs a week sometimes, but not the 1 lb a week goal. However, I have only lost 2 lbs in over 6 months. I am 5' 6" and weigh 210 lbs. I am very active, I waitress, hike, swim, elliptical. I do have 3 kids, but my youngest is 12 so it can not be that! I have gone from a size 9 to a size 16 in just over 2 years. I will no longer even change my clothes in front of my boyfriend, and I can't get dressed without crying. I avoid cameras, skirts, and mirrors like the plague. Please help!!


  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    What is your calorie goal? Sounds like maybe your baseline calories are too high? What kinds of food are you eating? Anything highly processed? That makes it harder to lose weight, and leaves you hungry.
  • tim_fitbuilt4life
    tim_fitbuilt4life Posts: 301 Member
    Did you check with your doctor to see if you weight was thyroid related? Are you eating low calorie foods such as fresh fruits and veggies and lean meats for protein. Are you cutting out sugars, white bread and flour? I guess these are just some variables to look at.
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    With out being able to see your food diary, and knowing just how much you eat per day, there no way to give you any advice.

    Eat the calories of the BMR of your current weight for one week, then eat 200 cals below the BMR of the weight you want to be.
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    It would help if you made your food log open to public so we can see what kind of food you are eating.
    I gave up drinking diet pepsi and mainly drink water all day long now.... that is a huge help for me.
    what are you doing at the gym everyday for 90 minutes?
    I would def make a Dr appt and start there!!
    Good luck!!
  • I agree that you may need a check up to get some blood tests to make sure your thyroid and insulin levels are not the cause of the problem. I am learning that my metabolism is very sensitive to certain foods. If I don't eat enough carbs then I don't loose. But just a few too many and I gain or stand still for weeks. Its frustrating when I see other people loose wt with half the effort. Look for areas to tweek in your diet and food choices and play around with your calories 100-200 at a time to see if your metabolism responds. Watch your sodium. Good luck, and keep working at it.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    With all that activity are you eatting enough? I always thought less was better, but found out the hard way that not eatting enough can lead to weight gain! Review your food diary and make sure you are eatting at least 1200 PLUS at least half of the calories you are burning thru exercise. So if you burn 600 cals you need to eat back at least 300 in ADDITION to the 1200. Even at 1200 I stalled on my weight loss, I have since found that my body likes 1300-1400 plus half my exercise calories to be consistant on the weight loss.
  • lisacherrone
    lisacherrone Posts: 11 Member
    definitely check with your doctor! i had my thyroid removed over 14 years ago, and it really does have a lot to do with weight loss and gain. that said, yes, maybe lower your calorie intake, or even up it, depending on how many you are currently taking in. my dietician told me that bc of how much i work out, i need to add some calories. otherwise, your body will go into starvation mode, and you wont lose weight. plateaus happen, but after 6 months, yeah, i would be looking into everything.
    mix up your workouts too. instead of doing the same things, for the same amount of time, change it up! take a dance class, take a kickboxing class, or something that you havent tried yet. go running. your body will adapt to whatever you are doing, dont give it a chance to!
  • You on any medications?
    Antidepressants made me gain 50 pounds (in 2 years!) and made me completely unable to lose any weight at all.
    I've been off of them for a year, and I've almost lost all that weight.
    Ask your doctor if anything.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If you've only been tracking your food for a month, then you were probably eating too much the previous months.

    Some people lose more slowly than others, no matter what they do. Keep tracking your food and exercising and see what happens.
  • shimmerfades
    shimmerfades Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, How do I make it open to the public? I do not see how to do that?
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    its under settings on your tool bar. then click your diary settings and you should be able to make it viewable there.
  • shimmerfades
    shimmerfades Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, That is a difference of about 800 calories! That could do it. I have been trying to stay under the calories that the app told me but that is almost 2000, 200 under the BMR for the weight I want to be is only about 1,200. Thats a huge difference calorie wise.
  • shimmerfades
    shimmerfades Posts: 8 Member
    Got it thank you! Yes this will absolutely keep me good! I'm already thinking about the halloween candy I should not have eaten!!
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    You are eating lots of processed foods and lots of sweets. Work towards getting that type of stuff out of your diet on a regular basis, and that should help you in your efforts.
  • shimmerfades
    shimmerfades Posts: 8 Member
    I stopped going that long about a month ago.... lost faith I guess. I have been trying to go 3 times a week still for at least 45 min but it is difficult when I was not seeing results with all the work I was doing. It feels like if 6 days a week did not work then 3 days will not.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    Got it thank you! Yes this will absolutely keep me good! I'm already thinking about the halloween candy I should not have eaten!!

    Don't worry about the should haves, just turn over a new leaf now.
  • Alot of people mantain their calories level or go under and don't lose weight why is this because people don't watch their "sodium" levels go back on your diary and check where your sodium level is at? Watching my calories is not that much of an important as watching your sodium! You can always work out and get your caloriers back but not that sodium...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Even if you watch your sodium, the numbers should be going down as you lose fat, even if you're retaining water.
  • shimmerfades
    shimmerfades Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you, everyone! I have received a ton of good advice. Much of I am starting to implement today. I have posted my diet publicly and have lowered my calories to the BMR of the weight I want to be...lord I have been over eating! I am also going to keep better track of Protein vs Fat and Sodium. Upping my water intake is going to be rough I'm a diet rootbeer fanatic!! Please feel free to yell at me anytime you deem appropriate!! (after today please as I have been shown the error of my ways) :)

    Thank you all so much!
  • clohessy
    clohessy Posts: 394 Member
    Word to the wise!
    I too went almost 6months with out loosing.Working out some times 3 hours a day. Eating below my calories ,uping my calories, lowering my calories . Increasing exercise ran 10 miles a day 3 days a week would up exercise decrease to 11/2 hours a day six days a week.,.And maybe loosing a pound only to put back two, loose one. Cycled like this all the time. Have been on synthroid .1 for 20 years.Finally went to Doctor for another reason and asked him to check thyroid convinced I was underactive.Boy did i get a huge surprise when he called me to tell me to come to see him. I was severely HYPERTHYROID! I happen to be in the 15% of people that eat very little and still GAIN weight ,never heard of this. Going for scans next week and more tests off snythroid . Symptoms unbearable. So beware it happens!
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