fat/skin roll under my boobs



  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Yup me too.
  • kimalyce01
    kimalyce01 Posts: 3 Member
    I feel so much better to know im not the only one. I have asked people about this forever it can be so embarassing. Stops you from wearing that tight dress because you need a waist cincher to get rid of those lumps to smooth you even when you been working your *kitten* off for your health!!!! More core excercises- got it!!
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    Yes I have it too and I HATE it! I think it's one of them things you have to be in the 'athletic' body fat % category to get rid of :(
  • Lol don't worry about it. I have it too and it is by far the most awkward part of my body. I've always had a big ribcage as I've been involved with competitive swimming most of my life. Now that I've quit, gained some weight, it literally looks like I have two pairs of boobs haha. I have a pretty flat stomach and this is the only thing that bulges out. I'm still not giving up on trying to lose it though!
  • Same issue here. Since I lost my job back in January, I have put back on about 40 pounds and it hit all at once it seems. I have the the under boob fat...and I hate it! I feel like everyone stares at it so I wear loose clothing which does nothing for me. Unattractive. I was quite active on the weekend when I was in my 20s and went dancing often. I wish I had the time to go again...but don't see myself going to a club at my age lol. Anyone tried the sean t dance workouts? I'm seriously thinking of ordering. I need to be more active!
  • ChuckNLab
    ChuckNLab Posts: 1
    =( I have this same issue as well and I feel like the odd one out at the beach with a second pair of boobs! I was wondering if there was maybe another name for our condition to be able to research about it a bit more. When I press on mine I feel my rib straight away but I cannot say that for the rest of my abdomen area. Any assistance would be great! Maybe its a rib issue? It sticks out more than the others ? LOL I don't know just want a solution really!
  • shandi_b
    shandi_b Posts: 153 Member
    Mine showed up there after I had my son. Figured when my organs re-positioned themselves once he was out, they went back in place wrong, lol.

    This! I never had excess weight in that area until after I had my boy 6 years ago and it hasn't shifted since!
  • d9123
    d9123 Posts: 531 Member
    gonna need pics to confirm
  • ginakimoo
    ginakimoo Posts: 1
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
    This is a major problem for me, however, I think that the dancing twisting cardio is what will do it. I also completely agree on the children giving this to me, it is right on top of my bottom rib, and I can't get rid of it yet. But I will keep at it.
  • kawaiifurby
    kawaiifurby Posts: 10 Member
    Aaaagh this!! I have had this ever since I can remember, and i'm only a teenager. I've lost around 25lbs in the past and still this annoying fat roll won't go away :s
    I'm hoping in a couple of years i'll look into plastic surgery for it, because it just seems like the only thing to do. I hate it, I want to be able to wear bikinis
  • Hi girls :) I too have/had this roll under my boobs, I found that throughout the day it got bigger, and it really got me down. So after doing endless crunches and upper ab workouts nothing worked to reduce it.. I then started doing lots of cardio exercise with a Binbag underneath my clothes to make me sweat more (like a sauna suit but cheaper) and started using a twist board, which I got from 'pineapple' but you can get from tesco's etc.. And after doing that for a week and a healthy diet, it's nearly gone :)
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    I used to have it too!
    Heavy Chest exercises as well as strengtheneing your core will help get the muscle underneath tight.

    Lowering overall bf% will eliminate the flab and get those muscles your worked on to shine through.

    Oh, and genetics help as well...
  • missyc206
    missyc206 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all

    Don't know if this is to late in the day to post as can see the last post was 2013..

    But I have never had this problem before!!

    I came off of the pill Yasmin in November 2013, its now end of March 2014 and I have found I have fat bits there or flabby really?
    It seems stretchy?!?

    Anyways.. I wanted to know if any of you had experienced this problem since stopping the pill at all?

    I know on another forum a girl confirmed she had the same problem.

    As I have read here by cutting out fat I should loose it and when I did a low fat diet previously, back in 2011 I lost 21lbs.
  • Omg i have the same thing.. but the left side it bigger then the right... i went to the doctor about 4 years ago. And get this they told me it was MILK. Like breastmilk. They told me that your milk line runs all the way down your ribs and that when it is your time of the month tand your hormornes change that it will get bigger.. for the longest time i thought it was just fat and did everything i could to get it to go away. But it never will. Thought this might help :)
  • The dr. Told me mine was breatmilk. I serously look like i have a extra pair of boobs lol pparenlty your milkline runs doen that far.. does it seem to be bigger when ur get your period?
  • Hey can you help me with tips to lose weight I try many things but I just can't I feel so depressed of been with this over pounds
  • bugosq
    bugosq Posts: 1
    Good to know though that m not the only one...but i seriously need to get rid of it please suggest !!!... i do zumba 1 hour 4 days a week, lost 22lbs but this part remains the same...
  • Same here! Mine used to show through my shirt. I lost a bit weight, 30 pounds and it got small and more flat. Keep working out and do some ab workouts. It helped with me!